• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand



Apr 18, 2015
A compound found in some cheeses that contain a particular mould fungus, dihydroergosterol has been shown to be responsible for the memory enhancementsand protection from memory loss and Alzheimer's disease in people who regularly eat such types of cheese. Sorry I can't post links to studies but you can just Google dihydroergosterol and several interesting results should appear.
The compound is believed to act by reducing our blocking microglial activation, thus blocking release of pro inflammatory cytokineswhich can be highly neurotoxic.
This compound is probably a result of the fungus metabolicly converting ergosterol, to dihydroergosterol by reduction/hydrogenation.
Do you think it would be possible to synthetically produce this substance, and if so would it be of significant health benefits as a supplement.
Given the abundance of its precursor, ergosterol, hopefully it's synthesis should be easy and cheap.
I would love to see such a supplement on the market
What are your opinions?
The compound to which you refer is dehydroergosterol. It can indeed be synthesized, as can any sterol. However, the evidence that it has benefits for dementia-type illnesses is far from conclusive. The data is certainly interesting, but there are many interesting findings that turn out to be erroneous when studied in greater detail. So it is probably too soon to start taking it as a supplement. BTW, it is a cholesterol derivative, so I'm not sure that it is something you would want to take in huge amounts.
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blocking microglial activation substances are widely available already might as well start there instead of crossing fingers in 20 years someone sells a supplement of highly obscure still understudied substance. but im wondering, if its found in a mold on specific cheese, why not just consume the cheese with this? we get penicilin from a mold on cheese too in sometimes significant amounts, im sure this might work too. and im curious, what type of cheeses are those you speak of?
blocking microglial activation substances are widely available already might as well start there instead of crossing fingers in 20 years someone sells a supplement of highly obscure still understudied substance. but im wondering, if its found in a mold on specific cheese, why not just consume the cheese with this? we get penicilin from a mold on cheese too in sometimes significant amounts, im sure this might work too. and im curious, what type of cheeses are those you speak of?

Interesting, do you know of any substances that block microglyol activation other than ibudilast and minocycline.
I can't remember which cheeses contains the substance, but I think it may be some of the blue types, sorry I can't find the name
ok here is this;

" P. candidum for camembert cheese produces DHE, but P. Roqueforti for blue cheese and Aspergillus do not."

so not the blue cheeses, just one type of soft cheese originally from france. now to think about it, few slices of that + french wine with the resveratrol is good cognitive decline prevention stack yes?

neuroprotection i remember thread about the microglia stating quite few things being interesting stuff most were experimental and new but some were available but i never saved it. one i can remember is nicergoline and i checked this on wiki; both lovastatin and sodium phenylacetate were found to inhibit TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6 in rat microglia. when i said there were widely available i meant natural stuff with lots of articles on this like curcumin, cannabinoids, glucosamine, genipin, resveratrol, fucoidan, genistein and several others.
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oh wow i was checking your mention on minocycline amazing stuff. it seems to be one of the only antibiotics that is neuroprotective and generative. but seeing this; By October 2015, a "bottle of 30 of Solodyn tablets can cost up to $1,040.41, according to Truven Health Analytics, which publishes average wholesale prices" whoa
HU-210, alongside other synthetic cannabinoids like WIN 55,212-2 and JWH-133, is implicated in preventing the inflammation caused by amyloid beta proteins involved in Alzheimer's disease, in addition to preventing cognitive impairment and loss of neuronal markers. This anti-inflammatory action is induced through the activation of cannabinoid receptors, which prevents microglial activation that elicits the inflammation. In addition, cannabinoids completely abolish neurotoxicity related to microglia activation in rat models
Cheese molds may indeed produce bioactive compounds (no may about it, they are used in cheesemaking, end of story. P.roquefortii, P.camemberti for example), and whilst they produce (P.camemberti at least) traces of mycotoxins like cyclopiazonic acid, roquefortine and others, although strains of C.camemberti at least are chosen for low levels of production of cyclopiazonic acid, at least.

they don't produce penicillins though. I'd have gotten in pretty big trouble if they did, because I ADORE blue stilton, and on occasion have been known to piss people off by whipping out half a huge round of cheese I've just gone and bought whilst out shopping for victuals, whilst sat on the tram home; pull my knife out and start carving off hunks of stilton and popping them in my mouth, until there's nothing left but a bag of rinds and a few crumbs left, while a bunch of chavs or similar have to endure the spreading miasma of stilton-fumes (I say chavs, etc. because if I'm going to go and start eating quite so large a slab of stinky cheese, I pick my targets, so I'm not actually sat near any people, but only near pikeys if its possible to do so=D)

Whilst thats the sort of meal *I* find quite delightful, preferably with a few bottles of good quality, and cold, beer to wash it all down with, THEY for some inexplicable reason, seem to start gagging, and often as not, appear to be suffering considerably. I say 'considerably' because it is indeed, capable of being considered. I consider it fucking funny, for example. If they don't like the smell of huge slabs of stilton being munched, then they should have brought their gas mask with them when leaving home in case of exposure.
If they don't like the smell of huge slabs of stilton being munched, then they should have brought their gas mask with them when leaving home in case of exposure.

My thoughts exactly.

I was in a mate/acquantince's house recently with 3 other people smoking h, our main bit of "opioid" for the day, so we had a bag each on three seperate trays when another dealer dropped by ( he is about 6 years younger than me, in am in my mid to late twenties. the rest of the people were in there late thirthys to early 50s.)

he preceeds into the house with another frankenstein's monster of a yolk in tow, his "cousin" apparently. No real acknowledgement of walking into a house full of people you dont know.
as the chap concludes a deal the humanoid in question starts to roll a joint and then notices everyone in the room is smoking gear he starts speaking in a kind of primitive english called blanch spoken in a ghetto in the suborbs of west dubin ;). "Im from blanch... ye's are all smoking that shite?... don't blow that in my face".

Started squaring up when i told him he'd test positive on a urine cos he was breathing in the fumes, as i pointed to fog of tobacco smoke around the room. He then must have realised he was wasting time arguing and made his escape wit into the fresh air, outside the front door.
sometimes you get lucky and one of these arseholes is as thick as concrete blocks.

its kinda sad though. these kind of people that act all though are like the tin man's sheet metal cock... hard on the surface but so thin you can almost see through them completely!

but on second thought fuck him. he can be an arsehole sumewhere else!
Bwahahahahahahahaha. That tickled me, Lol, you utter cunt. You utter, irredeemable cunting cuntly cunt-faced cuntspawn from deepest, darkest, most twatlike incarnate bipedal minge-mongering pudenda gobbling muff-featured vulva-monkey from cuntington,cuntsville.

I just came within an angstrom or two of dousing my laptop (and everything from neck down to waist up, too) in a burst of sour berry schnapps!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you mind my borrowing that one-liner for when I next have a good occasion ?because we sure as fuck ain't in kansas anymore, unless they have a specialist hospital for lung trauma there. Caused by growling said beverage, in reverse. You got lucky this time yeh cuntoid cuntmeister ;) if I'd been drinking ether instead of crappy cheap schnapps, then all I'd need is a match and I'd fry you extra crispy, all I'd wait for is the next suitable prevailing wind, and *belch* *spark* hades and handcart. Ehehehehe=D

Really could use that one, its hilarious. What the very deviltry by the way, is a yolk. Other than the inside of an egg. I know that one, but it doesn't suitably describe a possible personal trait. Well eggy might, I've met a few in my time that made H2S positively delightful. Just try getting a tram or train when there are football fans infesting it, post match when they are all slobbering munted and gibbering shite. Hell after that you might as well train for the olympic swimming team in a vat full of some isocyanide or other.

And really, that kind of people, they don't act like fucking cretinous, inbred cryptorchid knobmongrels. How could you? how could you ever say such a thing about them?

Because they aren't acting.
you guys had to take this to facebook seriously not sure what was really contributed here