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Different ways of taking MDMA and how they differ

If meth felt like pure love and happiness wrapping itself around your heart and soul like real MDMA does, I would for sure be a meth addict right now lol Or maybe it does? I might be missing out :unsure:

I always just eat it. Only tried snorting once and the burn was probably the worst out of ANYTHING I've ever put up my nose. I wasn't even able to take enough to feel any decent effects. I quit after the tiniest bump lol And I've never smoked it, so I can't really speak on that.

So basically.... I have no other experiences to compare to be able to contribute to the discussion. But I already typed all of this, so I'm posting it ??‍♂️

Snortings only good to keep an existing roll going or if you don't have enough to have an affect if you were gonna eat it, then you'd snort it.

Eating's the best.

don't do meth
Well, you don't actually need to chew on it. You can just crush it previously and then just put it in your mouth.

In Brazil, the most common way to consume MDMA is to crush it into a powder and leave it in a bag, like a zip-lock. Then, every once in a while, people will wet their finger, put it in the MD bag, and then put it in their mouths.

Another popular way is to take a bottle of water and dissolve the crystals in it. This method is easier to dose and share, I believe.