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Gabapentinoids Differences between Pregabalin and Gabapentin


Jun 14, 2016
Hey all.

I'd just like to know the main differences in effects between Pregabalin and Gabapentin. Which one has the strongest effect and how do they differ in how they feel?

I'm prescribed Pregabalin and when I take a generous dose it has like a drunken effect on me with complete anxiolysis, does Gabapentin have a similar effect?

Input greatly appreciated!
If you're on pregabs it isn't worth even thinking about going onto Gabapentin, it won't even touch the sides.

when I take a generous dose it has like a drunken effect on me with complete anxiolysis

Yep that will be what they do.
I like them with a can of cider & they are also amazing for coming off strong opiates.
Gabapentin is weaker then lyrica. Gabapentin does nothing for me but lyrica makes me manic . I have never heard of anyone get the reaction i do

I think it can induce mania in a lot of people, i know it did for me.

Gabapentin makes sense if you're trying to get off of pregabalin. If you switch from pregabalin to gabapentin, you will not have any withdrawal symptoms, but gabapentin doesn't feel like lyrica.
Atm I'm prescribed 120mg Oxycodone IR daily and 300mg Pregabalin daily for my Neuropathy and when I take a generous dose of each at the same time I feel pretty out of it lol. My doc never mentioned whether it's safe to co-administer Oxy & Preg so I'm assuming it's safe??
Atm I'm prescribed 120mg Oxycodone IR daily and 300mg Pregabalin daily for my Neuropathy and when I take a generous dose of each at the same time I feel pretty out of it lol. My doc never mentioned whether it's safe to co-administer Oxy & Preg so I'm assuming it's safe??

Should be fine assuming you are tolerant to the oxycodone
Yeah I agree Lyrica (pregablin) is like 10× normal gabas. Stay with your Lyrica. I love the stuff. My old mate who used to keep me stocked went and got himself in jail! Mother Fucker!!! ?
Gabapentin is weaker then lyrica. Gabapentin does nothing for me but lyrica makes me manic . I have never heard of anyone get the reaction i do
woah, i get manic as fuck too! i was trying to research if this is a common side effect for the longest time and apparently it's not common at all.
i have bipolar though so i'm already predisposed so i think that may be why, but i've still never heard of it doing that to someone - bipolar or not.
Pregabalin has a much higher potency than gabapentin aswell as having an extraordinarily higher bioavailability, Gabapentin also has some different effects, i've taken both with very high doses which i should probably not state for the safety of others, but i do consider these two drugs epic taken together, aswell as having both syngergistic effects with opiates aswell as stimulants alike.
woah, i get manic as fuck too! i was trying to research if this is a common side effect for the longest time and apparently it's not common at all.
i have bipolar though so i'm already predisposed so i think that may be why, but i've still never heard of it doing that to someone - bipolar or not.

I have PTSD and high anxiety but not bi polar. Nice to see im not the only one with that reaction
I have PTSD and high anxiety but not bi polar. Nice to see im not the only one with that reaction
becoming manic after experiencing relief of anxiety/disinhibition is completely natural and to be expected and isn't an odd reaction for one to experience after experiencing relief from an and forgive me if i word this incorrectly as the levels of foreign substances in my blood are relatively high but, relief from an 'ailing mindstate' typically = feeling ontop of shit or as one would say manic, which can have different manifestations and effects depending on the day, hell even diet can contribute to how we responde some days
becoming manic after experiencing relief of anxiety/disinhibition is completely natural and to be expected and isn't an odd reaction for one to experience after experiencing relief from an and forgive me if i word this incorrectly as the levels of foreign substances in my blood are relatively high but, relief from an 'ailing mindstate' typically = feeling ontop of shit or as one would say manic, which can have different manifestations and effects depending on the day, hell even diet can contribute to how we responde some days

idk about the person you quoted but it triggers real, long term mania for me. not just while i’m on it, it causes weeks long episodes for me after doing one or two good doses. it’s the weirdest fucking thing ever.
idk about the person you quoted but it triggers real, long term mania for me. not just while i’m on it, it causes weeks long episodes for me after doing one or two good doses. it’s the weirdest fucking thing ever.
yeah very interesting indeed, well we all react differently afterall, but i've always noticed that benzos and i consider gabapentinoids very similar to them in some aspects can bring about mania through relief and euphoria from said relief so i suppose it just goes along with the drug, give and take ya know what i mean
Does anyone know what the bioavailability of pregablin would be nasallay, orally or sublingual ? . I keep trying to search everywhere but can’t find an answer .