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Difference between Ecstasy and MDMA.


Aug 10, 2010
Ecstasy is a noun to describe how you're feeling.

What is the difference between MDMA powder and a pill? Why buy pills? Why is powder more expensive?
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mdma is the active ingredient in ecstacy (in good pills atleast)
Per dose, molly (aka ecstasy powder) is cheaper in my area and is usually more pure. I personally prefer a more relaxed roll so I try to avoid pills unless I know they are pure or I know they are good enough and I have no other alternative. In my experience, if molly isn't pure, it is usually mixed with an inactive powder rather than speed or some other drug that isn't MDMA. I'd rather get weak molly than a pill that is half speed and half MDMA. Since I try to space my rolls at least a month apart, the cost of the experience isn't as important as the quality of the roll I have. I'd rather pay $40 and have a great roll that lets me fall asleep after than a $20 speed filled, kinda cracked out roll.
Ecstasy is a slang term for MDMA.. There is no difference.. if there is no MDMA in a pill then it's not an ecstasy pill.. if there is some MDMA but other active ingredients then it is an adulterated ecstasy pill.
Ecstasy is a slang term for MDMA.. There is no difference.. if there is no MDMA in a pill then it's not an ecstasy pill.. if there is some MDMA but other active ingredients then it is an adulterated ecstasy pill.

Totally. In general, ecstasy is an MDMA based pill. There are likely other fillers to enhance the effects of the mdma in the pill, because mdma has an illegal precursor, they typically "spread out" the mdma as much as they can when making a batch to maximize profits. Pure mdma pressed tabs do happen, but its more typical to find additional stimulants in a pressed pill.

Powder is easier to fake and cut than a pill for obvious reasons, so neither is necessarily "pure". I personally prefer pills with additional stimulants over Molly.
The above two posters know what's up :)

Mdma is mdma, it doesn't matter if its sold pressed in a pill or sold as crystals/powder. When you compare milligram for milligram its exactly the same.
One of my friends was trying to argue that there was a difference between MDMA and Ecstasy. I think the difference people are trying to ask is what's the difference between a pill and powder.

This might have been the same guy that said color tells you EXACTLY what is in a pill...
Ecstasy is a slang term for MDMA.. There is no difference.. if there is no MDMA in a pill then it's not an ecstasy pill.. if there is some MDMA but other active ingredients then it is an adulterated ecstasy pill.

This is quite correct.
Loads of people will only buy MDMA, as it is supposedly cleaner and less easy to adulterate.
Depending on the price pills may be cheaper or MDMA may be cheaper.
A good pill should contain 100mgs of MDMA.
Personally I prefer littleuns over the madman.
One of my friends was trying to argue that there was a difference between MDMA and Ecstasy. I think the difference people are trying to ask is what's the difference between a pill and powder.

This might have been the same guy that said color tells you EXACTLY what is in a pill...

Your friend talks shit mate.
Your friend talks shit mate.

Indeed. I tried to set him straight because there is nothing I hate more than wrongful information spread, but I had to just walk away. I was saying color meant nothing and his response was "dude I KNOW what I'm talking about, I've done that shit like 40 times".

Ecstasy is the slang term adopted when MDMA first started to get big as the term to call the pressed pill forms of MDMA. It was called Ecstasy because that was how people described the drug and how it made you feel.

As MDMA in pill form became more and more popular and no longer an "under ground" drug, people started to add adulterants to make a larger profit, due to the fact that many drugs are easier/cheaper to synthesize, obtain or purchase. Such drugs generally mimic some of the effects of MDMA, and the adulterants used may include, but aren't limited to 2-Cx chems, PMA, ephedrine, amphetamine, methamphetamine, DXM, BZP, TFMPP and other various Piperazines.

Now, I don't really use the term E pills or Ecstasy on this site, as that's not the drug I use or talk about - I use tested MDMA. Commonly, people use the word Ecstasy to describe the pressed pill form of MDMA, while people use the term Molly for powder (I have actually never heard this before joining BL - everyone where I live just calls MDMA straight out what it's called. No clue how the term Molly was created).

So, if we are going to talk about the differences between Ecstasy and MDMA, I'd say it is fairly obvious - Ecstasy in a stimulant/empathogenic/sometimes psychedelic drug cocktail while MDMA is 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, a drug that is refered to in pop culture as "Ecstasy". In reality though, most Ecstasy pills contain little or no MDMA in them.

I think the title of this thread may need to be changed to "Difference between Ecstasy and Molly" rather than MDMA, because MDMA is a chemical, though the OP suggests we're talking about "MDMA powder". Also, MDMA powder is not at all more expensive than Pills, it all depends on how much you're buying and where you are located.
Ecstasy is an adjective to describe how you're feeling.
Actually, it's a noun.

I personally prefer pills with additional stimulants over Molly.
I know a lot of people who hold a similar view, and I just don't get it. Speed is cheap, MDMA is expensive. If you like combining the two, would you not be better off buying some of each and mixing it yourself?
Actually, it's a noun.

Yeah, Ecstasy is generally described as a sort of euphoric state or "place", so it would be a noun, which makes it possible to be "in Ecstasy". Or at least this is my understanding of the word.
Indeed. You can't say "I'm feeling so ecstasy right now". "Ecstatic" is the adjective. Compare "pedant" and "pedantic".
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In reality though, most Ecstasy pills contain little or no MDMA in them.

depends on where you are...for instance, although we get occasional methbombs round here, i havent seen any pipes in a while (although i usually just buy powder, cause its a smaller market, and the dealers generally arent looking to make money so much as spread the love...again, thats just around here, cant apply that everywhere.)

in other news, isnt this like the 50 billionth thread asking this question?

To answer the above question, though I enjoy stimulants added to mdma pills, I don't self mix because I don't have access, nor do I want access, to pure speed. I'd rather just do mephedrone if I want an upbeat roll.
Now a day any pressed pill with a logo on it is generally referee to as ecstasy, it's supposed to contain MDMA, but it often times contains methamphetamine, piperazines, or obscure research chemicals in an attempt to mimick the effects of MDMA. Ecstacy can also be a combination of MDMA and another active ingredient. It's not unheard of for pills to contain only MDMA as an active ingredient, but it's less common than you think, at the very least it probably has caffiene or ephedra in it. Ironically ecstasy pills that are pure are often called "heroin based" because the user is not used to the feeling of MDMA without a stimulant also in the pill.

MDMA is methyldioxymethamphetamine, it releases seratonin, dopamine, and norepinepherin in your brain... Basically it makes you feel real good. MDMA powder, or Molly, is often sold in capsules or by the gram in powder form. The risk of buying Molly is that anyone whos hands it goes through can cut it, although it's most of the time an inactive cut. Buying Molly at an event is not recomended, it can easily be any white research chemical or completely bunk, buying Molly from a dealer you know is a little safer, but he's probably cutting it, just not enough to lose clientelle.
The reason all pills are sold as ecstasy pills is because the dealer is trying to trick you into thinking they ARE ecstasy (MDMA) pills.. It doesn't mean all pills are ecstasy pills. MDMA is ecstasy is MDMA.
^yea, that's like a dictionary definition though. If a pill is illicitly pressed, has a logo, a color, makes you feel good and stimulated, and dialates your eyes then it's generally (and often unknowingly) accepted as, sold as, and consumed as MDMA and called ecstasy.

Ecstasy doesn't really mean the same thing as it used to, when it was first around it was most likely MDMA, then people figured put they could put all sorts of cuts in the pill to make thier MDMA go farther and to make more money. There are still good pills out there, but the term ecstasy can be talking about pure pills, cut pills, or bunk pills. The media, it's users, and law enforcement all use the term ecstasy to describe both good and bad pills. So if you hear someone talking about ecstacy they can be talking about good or bad pills, sorry but the real world definition has kinda changed a little since 1990.
^yea, that's like a dictionary definition though. If a pill is illicitly pressed, has a logo, a color, makes you feel good and stimulated, and dialates your eyes then it's generally (and often unknowingly) accepted as, sold as, and consumed as MDMA and called ecstasy.

Ecstasy doesn't really mean the same thing as it used to, when it was first around it was most likely MDMA, then people figured put they could put all sorts of cuts in the pill to make thier MDMA go farther and to make more money. There are still good pills out there, but the term ecstasy can be talking about pure pills, cut pills, or bunk pills. The media, it's users, and law enforcement all use the term ecstasy to describe both good and bad pills. So if you hear someone talking about ecstacy they can be talking about good or bad pills, sorry but the real world definition has kinda changed a little since 1990.

If we simply accept the improper definition, aren't we contributing to the problem? We have a role as a community in establishing and maintaining the proper definitions of these things. I think, for the purposes of communication on this board, "Ecstasy" should refer exclusively to MDMA, regardless of the ignorance of the mainstream.

This whole "if it's a pill and it makes me feel good I'm going to treat it just like MDMA" attitude is not only patently untrue, but extremely dangerous. It'd hardly be in the interests of harm minimization or education to spread such notions around. :\