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Did you get into drugs from being a loner or extrovert?


Oct 29, 2018
Interested in how many people found drugs coming from a quiet loner's perspective, ie you live a boring, lonely life and drugs help alleviate boredom (As doug stanhope once said "Life is boring, drugs alleviate boredom") or from going out clubbing with friends. Do tell.

Thanking you :)
I got into drugs when I ended up at a new school in the country where the social groups were really tight and people from the city largely resented.

The stoners were the only group that welcomed me and I just kind of slowly morphed into being one of them until I could leave that town and get back to the city.

In general though i have a lot of trouble understanding and managing group dynamics so I usually only socialise with one person at a time. So I’ve never been in big parties where everybody was pinging and all in the moment together. I’d be uncomfortable.
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A mixture of both really, yet the thing that piqued my interest in drugs was a ton of anti-drug propaganda on E, LSD, Shrooms, Cocaine, Speed and Smack. I was 11 or 12 when I read this stuff and was fascinated by some of the effects described.

By the time I was 13 I'd read Irvine Welch and tons of history of drugs tomes from the library. Then at 14 or 15 had my first spliff with a bunch of mates and carried on from there. Hit 18 in 2001 and discovered Erowid etc and here I am now. . .
That's interesting atelier - you get uncomfortable even if you're on one matey? You don't get like this news reporter from human traffic who starts off hesitant and then waves his arms in the air dancing?

Human Traffic - night news - YouTube
Yep. I have pretty well developed social skills and can interact pleasantly enough with groups if i have to but inside I feel really disconnected from everyone. I only seem to be able to manage one friend at a time. No idea why. With groups MDMA, LSD, and amps only intensify the feeling of disconnectedness from most people and that there is some emotional barrier I cannot breach. However, they all intensify my desire to interact and be with one good friend or at least an interesting person for the evening. I don’t like standing around pinging my head off in a corner all alone either.
In general though i have a lot of trouble understanding and managing group dynamics so I usually only socialise with one person at a time. So I’ve never been in big parties where everybody was pinging and all in the moment together. I’d be uncomfortable.

i'm the same. i'm autistic which probably contributes.

i didn't get into drugs, i am the 'born addict', i actively sought them out. when i learned about these things that make you feel good in primary school i was like 'i want them.' i am lucky it took me so long to find crack and heroin so i'd got my phd before i really came a cropper, otherwise my life would be a lot more difficult.
I got into them since they were around. We started going to raves the summer into freshman year. Was barely 14.

Hard drugs like coke and heroin came around much later. Never liked coke. Heroin I resisted for years. There was no way I was going to touch that drug. I saw the movies with people in heroin withdrawal. Until one day after a rave + rolling there was no weed. Needed something, so took a bump of dope.

Even with all this, was still a loner kinda. At parties would go off on my own and dance / hang with other dancers. I never liked to be bothered when rolling. Liked being in my own world. Would check in with my friends from time to time, maybe smoke a bit of weed, then back off to adventures exploring the party.

Same with heroin. Liked to pull scams alone, even cop alone, since knew others would get me caught up.

The more older I got, the more introverted I got.
Introvert at first. Was always interested in drugs. Tried weed first time at 18 when I had continued drinking (since my first time really drinking I went crazy on the alcohol). Slowly escalated like it tends to.
My elder brother was a 60s hippie. Well, a plastic hippie cos he never did drugs, but it was the trend at the time.

But he bought Oz magazine every month and I read all the stories on acid and weed and thought 'fuck, i want some of that'.

And yes I was a loner and introvert. Drugs seemed appealing and a possible cure to my condition.

They weren't and still aren't, but I fuckin love 'em...
It just kinda happened. My cousin got me high on weed and dxm at 11. At 12 my sister would force me to smoke weed because she thought it was funny. By 13 I started liking it and started buying weed on my own. 14 I met this guy in highschool and started doing hard drugs

Had nothing to do with my personality or temperament. It just happened.
As mentioned in the thread, hearing the horror stories when I was kid from the police talks at school, had me seriously intrigued.

My dad telling me he took LSD and Speed in the 60s further cemented the idea that they couldn't be that bad for you.

Stoners and musicians were the only group I managed to fit in at school with seeing as I wasn't athletic.

I could probably count the number of raves I've been to on one hand. Definitely not a social butterfly / extrovert.

I've always been fascinated by counter-culture and seedy undergrounds whatever they may be...guess I'm just inherently bad.
As mentioned in the thread, hearing the horror stories when I was kid from the police talks at school, had me seriously intrigued.

My dad telling me he took LSD and Speed in the 60s further cemented the idea that they couldn't be that bad for you.

Stoners and musicians were the only group I managed to fit in at school with seeing as I wasn't athletic.

I could probably count the number of raves I've been to on one hand. Definitely not a social butterfly / extrovert.

I've always been fascinated by counter-culture and seedy undergrounds whatever they may be...guess I'm just inherently bad.
That’s interesting. Apart from accidentally falling into daily dope smoking around 14 as described above, my shift into LSD and amphetamines came from reading a lot of now cliched books as on older teen. Hunter. S, of course but also Ken Kesey, Tom Wolfe and others. They made those drugs hip and I wanted to be hipper than the stoners were starting to look to me. This was early 80’s so I was still a decade or two late! Lucky I didn’t read WIlliam Burroughs at that time otherwise I’d now be a miserable junkie instead of a happy tweaker and part-time psychonaut.
As mentioned in the thread, hearing the horror stories when I was kid from the police talks at school, had me seriously intrigued.

My dad telling me he took LSD and Speed in the 60s further cemented the idea that they couldn't be that bad for you.

Stoners and musicians were the only group I managed to fit in at school with seeing as I wasn't athletic.

I could probably count the number of raves I've been to on one hand. Definitely not a social butterfly / extrovert.

I've always been fascinated by counter-culture and seedy undergrounds whatever they may be...guess I'm just inherently bad.

As mentioned in the thread, hearing the horror stories when I was kid from the police talks at school, had me seriously intrigued.

My dad telling me he took LSD and Speed in the 60s further cemented the idea that they couldn't be that bad for you.

Stoners and musicians were the only group I managed to fit in at school with seeing as I wasn't athletic.

I could probably count the number of raves I've been to on one hand. Definitely not a social butterfly / extrovert.

I've always been fascinated by counter-culture and seedy undergrounds whatever they may be...guess I'm just inherently bad.

Stoners were the only group that made me feel accepted. Trouble is, I was even too weird for them...
It depends on what counts as "getting into drugs". I started smoking cigarettes on daily basis at age 12. Alcohol and cannabis on weekends by age 13. But I would consider my true "getting into drugs" period was when I started using amphetamines and LSD. Mostly mdma and amph sulphate, with cocaine thrown in the mix here and there. I am an extrovert so if that is trait/reason by which is measured I got into drugs from being an extrovert that started partying.

So I qualify as extrovert who started going to trance and techno party's at age 14 and used amphetamines 2-3 days (max 4) weekly. What can I say, 90s were great time for partying. Both music and drug quality was top notch. 😁

But if I had to say the real reason it was the depression that was the real reason for starting and not not stopping using amphetamines at that age.
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I was somewhere in the middle but definiitely more leaning to introvert. As I got into my angry fuck you i do all the bad drugz phase I maintained my “friends” but was typically extremely quiet. This was about 14.

i calmed down but was still a quieterkid until my 20s and slowly have come into myself. Especially this year ive come out of my shell. Im still somewhat introverted but I talk to people bours a day and actually mostly love it unless im legitimately down and out withdrawal or whatever some bad day. Im an introvert who resembles an extrovert now haha
It depends on what counts as "getting into drugs". I started smoking cigarettes on daily basis at age 12. Alcohol and cannabis on weekends by age 13. But I would consider my true "getting into drugs" period was when I started using amphetamines and LSD. Mostly mdma and amph sulphate, with cocaine thrown in the mix here and there. I am an extrovert so if that is trait/reason by which is measured I got into drugs from being an extrovert that started partying.

So I qualify as extrovert who started going to trance and techno party's at age 14 and used amphetamines 2-3 days (max 4) weekly. What can I say, 90s were great time for partying. Both music and drug quality was top notch. 😁

But if I had to say the real reason it was the depression that was the real reason for starting and not not stopping using amphetamines at that age.
This thread is great but it’s making me wonder another question: who handles cocaine/stimulants better - introverts or extroverts? Don’t answer here as I’ll think about starting another thread.
All quite young when you started then - I never touched a drug till I was 30. If you can believe that. Never liked alcohol and for some reason assumed the high from other drugs would be similar - obvs not the case with the psychedelics that are my first love.