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Stimulants Did I Smoke Bad Ice


Nov 9, 2020
Hey all just wondering if this is bad dope. I stayed up smoking Ice all night with my friends and now I just feel really ill. I’m exhausted for one but that’s not the issue. I didn’t smoke all that much but I’ve had bad indigestion and sick to my stomach all day now. Did I possibly smoke some bad ice? My hearts been racing so I did a shot of heroin to try and help my body come down. I’ll be crashing out soon hopefully.
Hey all just wondering if this is bad dope. I stayed up smoking Ice all night with my friends and now I just feel really ill. I’m exhausted for one but that’s not the issue. I didn’t smoke all that much but I’ve had bad indigestion and sick to my stomach all day now. Did I possibly smoke some bad ice? My hearts been racing so I did a shot of heroin to try and help my body come down. I’ll be crashing out soon hopefully.
I mean, at this point I don't think anybody here has any idea what is happening to you, or have accurate advice to give. You show up with posts like "abcess in arm" and we tell you to go to the doctor, and then you post "abcess is healing" and then show up later with more posts about you having more/other issues.
I mean, at this point I don't think anybody here has any idea what is happening to you, or have accurate advice to give. You show up with posts like "abcess in arm" and we tell you to go to the doctor, and then you post "abcess is healing" and then show up later with more posts about you having more/other issues.
So? Isn’t that the point of these forums to ask advice? So if you don’t have anything other than snarky comments then you can keep them to yourself.
Exhaustion and indigestion/stomach pain is normal for me after heavy or high dose binges.

These things happen even with pure product.