TDS Did I have a mild seizure?


Sr. Moderator: NSADD, DC, & TDS
Staff member
Mar 7, 2011
So early this morning, I was up still from the night before. Shortly after trying to go to bed, I started to get this shiver through my whole body. My teeth started chattering and clenching hard af, and all my muscles started tensing up and spasming uncontrollably. It would be 30 seconds of really intense shakes and then it'd chill for a second. But it lasted like 30-45 mins. I seriously considered waking one of my roommates up to drive me to the hospital. There was just this weird energy coursing through my body. Never felt this way in my life.

Ultimately I took 40mg Baclofen and 2.4g gabapentin, and it started to subside and I got a couple hours of sleep. Does this sound like something I should worry about? Have you ever had weird shivering and teeth clenching uncontrollable phases like this? And if you have any experience with epilepsy, does this sound like it was a mild seizure of some sort?
As well I skipped my Wellbutrin this morning, as now I'm really worried that the lowering of the seizure threshold is going to end up giving me serious problems. Apparently once you have one seizure it's a lot easier to get another.
As well I skipped my Wellbutrin this morning, as now I'm really worried that the lowering of the seizure threshold is going to end up giving me serious problems. Apparently once you have one seizure it's a lot easier to get another.
It's nothing to mess around with. What your describing sounds seizure like.

I had my first from a tramadol overdose. Since then I've had them from Wellbutrin, certain tricyclic antidepressants, benzo withdrawal, synthetic cannabinoids, and 3-meo-pcp (was an overdose).

Seizures fucking suck.

I usually blackout from lack of breathing due to muscle contraction, but not every time. Scary shit.

I've also puked, pissed, and bitten my tongue while seizing.

If you think you had one you should watch your caffeine and nicotine intake following.
As well I skipped my Wellbutrin this morning, as now I'm really worried that the lowering of the seizure threshold is going to end up giving me serious problems. Apparently once you have one seizure it's a lot easier to get another.
Mate deeeeffffffinitely talk to your doctor about this ASAP. So glad you're okay <3