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Diagnoses? PLEASE HELP ME :(


Jan 16, 2010
I know y'all are not doctors but I've got no insurance and have paid close to $600 in doctors visits at cheap clinics over the last couple months trying to find one who will listen to me and I can hardly afford it anymore. Anyone recognize these symptoms or have a reccomendation?

I'll give history first:
Normally health kid. 18, 140lb, 5'4".
Drugs: LSD x10, Mescaline x6, 4-aco-dmt x2, 2c-i x15 (in about two weeks; every day), Mephedrone (7 grams split between my fiance and I until it was gone, another 3 gram binge on a seperate occasion), Methylone x3, Butylone x1, Once combining Methylone, mephedrone and butylone, MDMA x2, Mushrooms x2, Random opiates and benzos.
Food: Unhealthy
Activities: none but sit around until recently, now riding bikes every day.

Diarrhea very often.
As I am falling asleep, my limbs will sometimes jerk.
Sometimes as I am falling asleep I will shake lightly all over my arms etc until I fall asleep.
A tiny dose of amphetamine makes my blood pressure go up to 165/110. And my heart reach tachycardia, and my temperature go very low ~93.5F
My vision is weird, not sure if its HPPD, but I see afterimages, a static on everything, trails, things morphing and moving. random afterimages that weren't there and I didn't look at anything.
My feet are VERY cold at night.
My pupils will randomly dilate and constrict.
I'm getting really bad random pains throughout my body that last for a couple seconds and then go away or move to another part of my body. Sometimes it hurts alot, sometimes its not even a pain, it'll feel like very light electricity on my scalp.
Don't know if this is placebo but it seems like my hair is much easier to pull out now.
Yellow toungue (but i've had this long before the drugs, ever since I took doxycycline an antibiotic, the doctor said it was a side effect, it hasn't gone away).
I pee very very very frequently.
My feet are very cold at night no matter what I do to them.
I'm always in a good mood, but in the morning I'm a fucking asshole to my fiance.

The symtoms effect me at night and early morning, I hardly ever get it during the day.

Could this be serotonin depletion from the meph binges? Could this be some thyroid disorder from 2c-i? Is this some new type of serotonin syndrome? Parkinsons Development? I'm driving myself FUCKING NUTS. Is it all in my head? The things will happen when I am completely not thinking about it.
Also my eyes are nearly always red. I've tried laying off the drugs, ~3 month break, not one improvement.
haha i sat for like 20 minutes trying to figure out what the other symptom was, and i was like "fucking shit i hate my memory". It is my memory SUCKS. i can't remember what I did two hours ago without thinking really hard.
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Its because you're 18 and engaged... just kidding (although in my experience, that's too early to be engaged).

But seriously, people can't diagnose you over the internet, they can give suggestions though.

The following are my suggestions:
As for your diarrhea, and unhealthiness, start eating some natural pro-biotic yogurt (helps replenish your good bacteria in your gut, and also supplies you with protein you need to heal), and make sure to start to supplement with daiy vitamins or eat healthier (fruits and veggies!).

Your red eyes and yellow tongue suggest your liver might have taken a beating, look into taking milk thistle, and be careful with the meds/drugs (did you perchance take a bunch of vicodin with APAP in it? the APAP can be very bad for your liver).

Hope you get better.
With the peeing all the time I'd want a Doctor to rule out diabetes or diabetes insipdus. But before treating it as a symptom, could it be you are drinking water or coffee all day and your peeing is about commensurate with your drinking?

Frequent diarrhea can often be that there is somethings in your diet you are not tolerating very well. Keeping a journal about what you eat and how you are effected by different foods might help you figure out foods you need to avoid. If you had diarrhea constantly I'd saw to try to see a Doctor to make sure you don't have an intestinal parasite like girardia. Chronic but intermittent diarrhea can be a part of irritable bowel syndrome.

Most of the other symptoms could be some sort of PAWS, if that is the case continued abstinence, getting enough sleep, and exercise, is about all I can think of to recommend. Limb and body jerks when falling asleep are normal. A whole body or jerk while falling asleep is not unusual or a sign of any problem. People are more bothered by hypnic jerks when the have been awake a long time or have an irregular sleep schedule.
With the peeing all the time I'd want a Doctor to rule out diabetes or diabetes insipdus.

I was going to say this, plus the cold hands and feet could be related to poor circulation, which is another symptom of diabetes I believe.

good luck dude, I hope you get better!
I was thinking the liver thing, though I've never gone over 1500mg of APAP. A worry I've had is from the meph. binges, that ammount couldn't have been easy on my liver. Another thing is my blood pressure ranges from really high to really low without much movement in between. And I've always had back aches and the peeing thing, its actually been getting better. I've been taking bike rides daily and its been helping me alot.
What is PAWS?
I think this all might just be anxiety from the roll binges, because for 1-2 months I was worrying constantly I was developing schizophrenia, then that I had lost my intellect, then that I had serotonin syndrome (I was convinced) before I found out it was an acute kinda thing. Now its been physical things. I took a diphenhydramine (25mg) today right after I posted and in an hour I felt instantly better. Is it unsafe to take diphenhydramine regulary to help anxiety? I've found it helps more than benzos for me.

The only other thing that is on my mind now is the constant high kinda feeling. It's like a cross between psychedelia/entactogenic/intoxicated with a mind and body high. Is this a concern? As it stays even with long periods of absinence. Is it mental? Even when I don't think about it or worry (like now) its present.

EDIT: Just found out what PAWS is-- I didn't really use any substances besides psychedelics excepting the mephedrone/methylone/mdma Binges, and its been a pretty long while since them.
Another thing, my stool has changed. It is lighter in color, more flaky, and often comes in stringy lumps that float. This is when it is not diarrhea
I think you should see a Doctor when you can and get a physical with the usual blood work etc.

In the meantime I'd give some consideration to neurasthenia, which usually gets better with time, rest and can be helped by antidepressants. Also if you had anything like flu or mono lately viral infections can leave one feeling generally unwell for quite a while after acute symptoms have passed.
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You could have some condition brought on by the combo of RC's, but you get tested for diabetes as soon as possible. Poor circulation, frequent urination/excessive thirst, and mood swings are all symptoms of diabetes.
Have you ever been tested for anemia?? Cold feet is a classic symptom of iron deficiency and that can mess you up in alot of diff ways. Easy fix though if it is that.
you need to see a doc and ask for a chemistry profile and cbc (complete blood count) blood tests. the chem profile will measure blood glucose, liver enzymes, kidney function and a few other chem values. a cbc will show whether or not you're anemic or if you have an infection or problems w/ your white blood cells. any chance you could have been exposed to hepatitis B or C?
dude, you're only 18 and having some significant symptoms. imho, you should really do some serious thinking about what you're choosing to put in your body.
best of luck to you.
hmmmm. i use to take paxil (serotonin) and it made my pupils huge when i first woke up in the mornings. it always made me see trails, i could wave my hand in front of my face and i would see a few shadows of my hand that would follow my hand movements. im not too sure about your other symptoms but it kinda sounds like you have been taking serotonin containing medicine's, its weird that your not though.
I had a cbc not too long ago and everything came out fine. No chance of the hep B or C. I'm actually thinking that its all anxiety induced, as when thats gone they disappear.