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Misc Dextromethorphan + passion flower


Aug 23, 2007
Okay a little background: I've done a lot of DXM in my day, so this dose is nothing.
I've also done a lot of DXM whilst under SSRI therapy, with no adverse effects.
Also have been prescribed 2 SSRIs simultaneously (from same doctor) (pharmacist asked about it first time i picked up both meds).
Long story short, I don't think I have enough neurotransmitters to cause serotonin or any similar syndrome.
Anyway I took 300mg of DXM a little bit ago (a low dose for me, I take twice the amount usually) and I kinda just remembered that last night I tried some homeopathic bullshit to help me sleep. It didn't work and I ended up taking a large amount of valerian and melatonin to do the trick.
But the homeopathic bullshit I speak of contained "Passiflora HPUS 1X Triple Strength."
I don't know what 1X of anything is, itself I suppose, but how much passion flower was in that? It said to take three so I did, but that was like 20 hours ago.
I read somewhere harmalines wear off within 24 hours? I don't want a terrible reaction from a weakass MAOI coupled with a weakass dose of dex...
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^ In homeopathy, 1X means 1/10 the original strength. It's a measure of how diluted it is. That is a heroic dose in homeopathy, laugh out fucking loud.

It's probably not enough to harm you, however coupled with the SSRI therapy you are undergoing you are playing with fire. It's only a matter of time until you face serotonin syndrome. Be careful, serotonin syndrome is real and it can really fuck you up.
Oh no don't worry I'm not on any SSRIs currently. My medical insurance was cut off so now I'm just slowly going insane without a shrink to help. It's alright now.
I'm just saying when I was on an SSRI I still took dex. It's been many months since I've had any antidepressants.
So far the only things in my system are the dxm & some weed. I'm hoping any trace of maoi is gone by now. I'm sure it is since I feel fine.
Don't think I took enough dxm though. lol...
I'm sure once I smoke I'll feel nice.
Dont worrie much im on ssrr,s and have mixed, mathched, combined all doses, types forms of drugs and alcohol to no bad effects so i would not start wasting to many needed brain cells on this subject all though i know many others will pipe up an say we are all different you may be one of the small percent who could react badly plus the tollarance question always comes up an yes they are right in what they say so best always to be safe where you can, but the human body is such a amazing thing with all the drink drugs and alcohol we can throw down are neck day after day year after year an get up every morning ready to rumble. God bless the human race the chemical mashed up soldiers ! ha ah
Dont worrie much im on ssrr,s and have mixed, mathched, combined all doses, types forms of drugs and alcohol to no bad effects so i would not start wasting to many needed brain cells on this subject all though i know many others will pipe up an say we are all different you may be one of the small percent who could react badly plus the tollarance question always comes up an yes they are right in what they say so best always to be safe where you can, but the human body is such a amazing thing with all the drink drugs and alcohol we can throw down are neck day after day year after year an get up every morning ready to rumble. God bless the human race the chemical mashed up soldiers ! ha ah

Please, PLEASE research Seretonin Syndrome. It's really something you need to be wary about, considering recreational drug doses can be on an order of magnitude higher than medical doses of the same thing...

Seriously, just saying "Don't worry about it, I was fine!" is silly and dangerous considering all the research that surrounds this topic.
It's true, serotonin syndrome is a well documented danger of serotonergic drugs. But like benzico said, the human race is a chemical mashed up soldier of sorts.
At any rate, volp was correct in his assumption that homeopathic means too diluted to do anything. I wouldn't worry about a 1/10 dilution of passiflora. It's bullshit water. Look up "water memory."
That's the basic principle of homeopathy and it's a ridiculous assumption to make.

So, passion flower tea may be a stronger MAOI (and therefore dangerous to mix with DXM), but if you take "Hyland's Calm Forte" you're taking a big batch of placebo. Useless crap... My dex worked fine without any complications, though I wish I'd taken more.
Don't listen to benzico, this is a harm reduction site. We are here to raise awareness of the dangers that can present themselves when using substances, I do not consider it 'wasting brain cells'.