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Stimulants Dexedrine ER if i take it at 4pm can i sleep at mudnight?


Feb 28, 2024
If I take 10mg dexedrine ER at 4pm, will I be able to sleep at midnight? How long does it keep you up/alert for? Thank you. I'm an average height/weight person.
Man 10mg wouldn’t do anything for me but yeah would make my wife clean the house and stay up all night.

I think you could get to sleep on it by midnight but like Snafu says probably some sleep disturbance if you have no tolerance
In case anyone is curious, I have an update. the answer is: No, I will not be able to sleep at midnight haha. I took it around 4:30pm and was still wide awake at 2am. I got about 2 hours of sleep (had to be up at 6am). I do not recommend for those who haven't taken any stims in a long time to take any after 12pm (unless you need to be awake all night). Even on such a small dose, yeah, I was up all night.
I'm late, but yeah taking my dex at 4pm would ruin my sleep. Latest I can take last dose is noon. When i take, i do 5mg upon waking and 5mg at noon, then I can usually sleep by midnight. Anything with Levo as well, even a morning dose will ruin my sleep.