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Stimulants Dexderine XR block euphoria and regular help from opiates/suboxone?


Feb 28, 2024
Does dexedrine block the tingles/euphoric feelings from opiates? What about from suboxone? My suboxone hasn't been working at all again and I wonder if it's from the dexedrine I'm on or if it's from my tinapetine relapse over a month ago. I had a many month tinapetine bender after which my suboxone didn't work for a month, but then it did work again. Then I had a tinapetine relapse that lasted about a week or less. That was over a month ago (like 5 weeks ago?). Since then I have been put on dexedrine. My suboxone is still not working. I barely feel it and I'm on 16mg a day. It's not helping with cravings or doing anything at all. Just wondering if the dexedrine is somehow blocking it? I did go three days without suboxone before it started working again last time, so I am going to try that, but I dunno. I've gone two days in a row several times and nada.
Just look up the word "Speed Ball".
I know people do speed and opiates in general all of the time, but I was wondering if there was anything specific to determine ER that might block some aspects. I seem to be especially sensitive to one drug blocking affects of another. Like Kratom flat out doesn't work for me anymore, no matter the strength of the extract or how many I take. Kratom not working anymore happened to me before I got addicted to tinapetine (I know that's a common cause as well), but because of suboxone. Even when I stopped taking suboxone because I was on tinapetine, Kratom no longer worked. I'm wondering if dexedrine ER, not IR, might be contributing to the fact that I can't feel shit or if it's something else, like the tinapetine relapse.