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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Detroit Megathread

Yeah, it has gotten a lot better like I said I've been clean for a while, spent some time in MCJ. The stuff I got was all powder and white, I used to get all rock the stuff I just got was awesome.
The last stuff I scored was white and powdery... crap... wierd too cause it seems like the white stuff is either garbage or fire... Last week's snowstorm trip SUCKED ASS!!!!
I remember going down last winter when it was really snowy and getting stuck all the time because they don't plow! I refuse to go down there now its just to risky being on probation. I got caught up in that sting operation smackdown last year. Suburbs cops busting everyone in the city it was bullshit!
I have been going to Detroit from the burbs for the last 3 years and when I first started obviously it was good because I never had anything else. I slowly got worse and as of right now its hit or miss for me. I have about 8-10 different people to goto and about 2 of them have something that I would even nod off of.... Right before i left for MO about a week ago I did come across some REALLY good stuff. It had me nodding off one pack. I go all over the east side to cop. I would watch out for the NARCOS if you plan on driving up to a dope house. Have had 2 cars taken with nothing found in my car just for being in a drug area. $900 + storage fees = $1200 to get the car back. Just be careful and watch out for that black impala and chargers lol.
marble, so you're in the Detroit car seizure club? LOL. Actually, its not funny when it happens. Bullshit that they can do that... anything to get your money. Was it the same NARCO cars as the first time? Did they see you go in and come out?

Pavel- were you on the eastside at a well known dope spot where a lot of the macomb kids used to frequent?? I heard about that... about 1.5-2 yrs ago I believe. That sucks but congrats on being clean- quite an accomplishment!
suburbangirl - Yeah I'm in it the first time I got out of the car in front of the house and then when i came out of the house and got into the car i made it all the way to gratiot and they flicked me with the black impala. Then the next time I actually got away I was backing out of the drive way and the black charger sheriff was waiting for me to back out. Thankfully I just ate the packs and me and my friend have this story where our friend is a fiend we are trying to bring him home and they seperated us our story was fine and they LET US GO!.. I could not even believe it honestly the big black guy that drives the charger all the time is cool and his partner is deaf those two guys let us go. Thank the Lord.
suburbangirl - this actually happened last june they call it "operation smackdown" and it happens a couple times a year supposedly they watch the hot dope houses all the macomb people go to and bust them in detroit but charge them in macomb its messed up.
suburbangirl - this actually happened last june they call it "operation smackdown" and it happens a couple times a year supposedly they watch the hot dope houses all the macomb people go to and bust them in detroit but charge them in macomb its messed up.

Really? I haven't heard of that I have heard of them following you down in the city and pulling you over after you cross back into macomb knowing that you have some sort of drugs/paraphernalia
just copped some folds on the westside yesterday. the dope was an almost grayish color and was fire. my guy also has some very light almost white dope that is even better than the gray. strong onset/rush and good legs.
just copped some folds on the westside yesterday. the dope was an almost grayish color and was fire. my guy also has some very light almost white dope that is even better than the gray. strong onset/rush and good legs.

Yeah I got some stuff that was grayish before I left for KC about 2 weeks ago and It was pretty decent was on the East but that don't really matter.
Marble- yeah... I know exactly what you're referring to. (smackdown) I think that this was triggered by the high number of recent overdoses in Macomb county- especially amongst young people. Unfortunately, I knew one of the boys who sparked the whole "movement." They find it beneficial to bust us "suburbanites" once we leave Wayne County, specifically because the offense then becomes a felony. Possession is typically just a misdemeanor in Wayne County.

Because of this, I try to stay away from "known" dope spots in the city. Of course, sometimes I still venture out against my better jugement. It seems "safer" to deal with phone connects.

Awesome that you got away the second time... very, very lucky. Smart to talk with your friend beforehand to make sure that you both had the same story. Its always a good idea to prepare youself with a SOLID, believable alibi that checks out if need be. It's never %100, but its better than not being prepared at all and getting busted leaving a dope spot. Yikes.

Anyways, Im rambling. Feeling all warm, itchy, and slightly noddy. Niiiccee =D Im hoping that this good stuff hangs around for a minute. Anyone else getting light brown chunks in little green baggies??
Bkstarrouge, Do you know if they are doing it again or something? I finally got the balls to drive down today and was extrmely pranoid. It's not even the bad neighborhoods that make me nervous, it's the cops!
Well I think they are starting it up again...that's what I hear. I went down the other day and it was hot, it's usually not at all bad either. But just be careful. Work on a connection that may meet you fore 5 extra bucks or something,thats what i do now. I aint sure if the information is correct but i know that heroin seizure is up and police are going to do something soon.
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whatever you do, do NOT get flicked in Livonia or Farmington... the cops are absolutely insane and will not hesitate to impound your shit.
Yeah I got some stuff that was grayish before I left for KC about 2 weeks ago and It was pretty decent was on the East but that don't really matter.

Only time I got some powder with a grayish tinge, it had some garbage in it that wouldn't dissolve. Last time I ever paid extra for "bomb shit" from that girl.
Got dat dog food, shit's fire yo...

Excellent thread guys, suburbangirl and those of you who've been posting here are to be commended for your diligence! I've never scored outside of the city so I really have no idea firsthand what it's like elsewhere, but it seems like we have a pretty nice and unique scene in Detroit.

I do kinda wish that we had those nicely identifiable stamp bags like out east, but there are definitely a few different types/grades going around at all times. One guy always has white-slightly grey easily crushable stones, another's is almost like dried peanut butter, and sometimes a few guys have pure tan in really brittle chunks. It's rare that I score less that 1/2 g, but when I do buy packs (aka 'blows', careful with that nomenclature everyone) it is normally light tan powder no matter where it's from.

I've never been burned seriously, but people will try and short you a point or two quite often if you don't weigh it out. It seems like nothing personal, but I always remember my scale and 'weigh before I pay' (sorry about that...). Just a part of the game all around, maybe. And I fully agree with you guys on being super careful on the who/what/where/when's of it all; keeping and eye on the News or Free Press, or even your suburb's daily is a decent way to learn of hotspots and up and comings. Does anybody locally remember the 'Heroin Express' from a few months ago, that bus route down Gratiot that was basically a junkie mobile. In a city over 90% black, racial profiling is a sad reality, so don't travel in large groups of dopesick white people on public mass transit. The open air markets still seem to thrive in a lot of classic places - it seems like every suburb has their 'street' or 'hood'.

The cops are DEFINITELY the scariest part about scoring in the city. Socially, the same rules apply as anywhere; show respect, don't try to cheat, and generally know how to take care of yourself. In my twelve years of doing business on the wrong side of 8 Mile, I was once given a ticket for loitering in a place of illegal occupation at a rave, and that was about a decade ago. But I have been hassled, followed, profiled, and generally abused especially when I worked and lived near downtown (in a great apartment complex near Belle Isle *hope that's okay to say*). It's hard not to look suspicious, but even if you are clean, draw ZERO attention to yourself. The DPD will find some excuse to fuck you off; they're broke, crooked, hated, and a million other bastardizations. Also watch out for the Border Patrol and Homeland Security cars, I have heard of two people being busted driving - one was smoking a blunt and had two plainclothes in an unmarked come up and haul him off no questions asked; the other was 'playing his music at a disturbing level' so was searched and detained for a couple of hours. They were each right by the bridge though.

Haha I just want to type about this all night, it's not like you can have a casual discussion about the scene with just anyone! I'd like to join the little crew here if I may, and hopefully I can chime in here and there with the worthwhile things that have already been posted. It's obviously not a new idea but we can help each other stay safe (and out of trouble). There aren't stamps to identify but we can tell about consistencies and maybe even get away with an east/west/downriver reference if something is dangerous, a la the fentanyl wave a few years back that took a beautiful girl I'll never forget. My knowledge is still limited after two years of (unfortunately escalating) chipping by snorting and occasional smoking, but I know I'm subscribing to this thread and will drop a line when it's appropriate. Future posts will be shorter, promise :).

How about the weather here the last few days and this coming weekend, huh Detroiters! Support your local ghetto; get high and go lay in the grass of your favorite abandoned lot! You guys are doing a fine job of mixing in some humorous tales so here's my shot at addinga shade of levity to two rather solemn words - 'Detroit' and 'Heroin'.


P.S. Junior stated above that Huntington, WV is a particular hotspot in a state already linked with Detroit. It really caught my eye as an associate of a vague acquaintance recently got busted there with a supposed large amount of oxys. See ya in a few decades, brutha-man!

Originally Posted by koRnbRed
Go to West Virginia, they've been moving stuff down there from the D for a couple of years now. bigger profit I guess

Originally Posted by Juniortha3rd
I think alot of this mess was nothing more than media hype done by the West Virginia TV and newspapers.

but you are correct...... for some strange reason, alot of people from detroit are getting arrested in a small city called huntington. And they're all holding alot of cocaine.

I'd be curious to know if this is something that people all over the city are doing, or is it a particular neighborhood that is setting up in WV........
Thanks, for the info eazy, we should all look out for eachother for sure if something is going on, I spent my whole summer last year in jail and don't want that to happen again, I probably won't be going down anytime soon myself, what I do is get a it and do it right in the city and get rid of the evidence, I don't like to bring anything back across 8 mile. dpd isn't what you have to worry about it's a simple misdemeanor if you get caught by dpd, but the suburb citys are coming into detroit and busting all the users, that's what you got to be careful of.