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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Detroit Megathread

Ive had some lately with a solid algae green tint to it. Never seen anything like that before but its not bad. It looks tan until you cook it up, then once in the rig its green. Lota of residue and needs a lot of water. Kinda scary putting that in a vein but its been all good. Never seen anything blue though.
from experience, if you really want to find dope down in the city, ive been all over the east side of the US and finding drugs there is nowhere easier than detroit. All you have to do is look the part, go to a shitty gas station, don't be afraid, and walk by a group of dudes standing outside, theyre all over the place and they will hound you telling you they got boy(heroin) and girl (crack). trust me, they will ask you, i am confronted almost 99% of the time i go into a gas station. and if you ask, theres no doubt the most random person you ask will know someone, and they want your business, so unless youre an idiot, theyre gonna hook you up cause they want you to come back with more money.
I live in Flint and it's horrible here so Detroit always seems a lot better... but I notice a big fluctuation between quality too with Detroit.

LOL no its not. I got some awesome shit, met a few people and Ive only lived here three weeks
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from experience, if you really want to find dope down in the city, ive been all over the east side of the US and finding drugs there is nowhere easier than detroit. All you have to do is look the part, go to a shitty gas station, don't be afraid, and walk by a group of dudes standing outside, theyre all over the place and they will hound you telling you they got boy(heroin) and girl (crack). trust me, they will ask you, i am confronted almost 99% of the time i go into a gas station. and if you ask, theres no doubt the most random person you ask will know someone, and they want your business, so unless youre an idiot, theyre gonna hook you up cause they want you to come back with more money.

and its almost always nicks right? if they tell you a sawbuck them they are trying to scam youz
Blue magic was just a brand name for his dope, dont think it was blue.

Ive had grey dope thats kinda had a slight blueness to it, but it drew up dark yellow. Is it blue specks? Or is it rocks and powder that actually look blue? Id like to see a pic of that if you can manage.
ive never had blue dope before but my dope today was a diifernt color then what i was sued to too

i generally get "raw" and the raw i go ttoday was weird that it when it hit water it turned like a bronze/copperish color..it was pretty good i wish i got more then half a gram of it..i guess you could call it a tea color but just more on the burnt orangy side like "texas longhorn orange" with a little but of brown in it

any one get dope/raw like that?
When I used to cop in the D I rarely would see any cops never mattered the time if day either. Is there a police presence now a days with the 12 hr shifts that they implemented?
^Sounds fucked man. I wouldn't want that shit in my veins

I hear ya but if your sick and you've been dealing with the same guy for almost a decade I took my chances and put it in my vein. Lets be honest, most of us serious addicts will put aside better judgment if we are sick and have something in our hand that is supposed to be dope. I trust my guy and its not bad, its not GREAT but I got a nod. As of the past few weeks its not been green but obviously has some sleeping agent in it. I slept for about 16 hours in the past 24, but this stuff hasn't been green. Dealers have no use for dead customers, the real ones want their shit to work and theyre trying to find the best dope possible just as we are so they have a steady supply of users to keep them in their Lexus.

Damn, every time I get on here I want to go cop some more.

On another note, I heard a few weeks ago that the gang squad, drug squad, and special ops were being disbanded in Detroit to put more feet on streets. I have not seen any busts of dope houses lately but haven't seen any decrease in presence. I just want to see cops doing good busts of thieves, rapists and killers. Has anyone noticed any drug house busts in the past few weeks? I for one respect our police and don't want to make their job any harder. I don't do crimes to get my fix so I may not fit everyones liking but I live here in the city, I have girlfriends here and friends who I want to be safe walking my cities streets. I have a strong feeling that seasoned cops know that the addicts are not the real problem. I know theres a lot out there doing illegal shit for their dope and I wish they would find a better way. If theyre pulling a crime on some old lady or even a newly come transplant to try and make it in Detroit I want them to be as safe as possible and the thieves should do their time.

Im done rambling for the moment.
i used to get these tan chunks from the west side and it would draw up green, stuff is so-so. but right now i been copping in ypsi as im homeless there . but il tell u what i could imagine going to 10 random spots through out Detroit (say 5 from the west side 5 from the east) and then 10 random spots in ypsi and im a believer that the ypsi would come up overall a bit stronger. games expensive there but if u know the right people you get taken care of as with anywhere,. but havent been to the D since mid december,, and as with that light blue shit, maybe its cut with like a tiny bit of roxi or somthing stupid. u never know, ive heard of some easy side shit where they break the florecent lights and throw the dust in for cut, and ive also heard that rat poison is very popular in small amounts
^ Why would a drug dealer cut something that would kill their customers? Most businesses don't want to eliminate their clientele.

Shouldn't be a big surprise that injecting rat poison is a quick way to die. Fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury, which is incredibly toxic as well.

Please don't post such ridiculous shit like that.
Rat poison and light bulb innards are a long standing theory I believe its refered to as mixed jive but I could be wrong. Ive heard it so many times I could almost believe it. That kind of shit took place back in the 70s during the penny cap era.

Im not a big fan of tar but a friend got a few grams of some very good tar from Cali today and a enjoying the best nod Ive had in a while. Im havin a hell of a time finding a good vein though.
I have heard lightbulb dust as cut for drugs ever since I was a youngster. That is probably just government propaganda. Were my purple doubledome skleeners really made from rat poison?
Ive spent many years in Ypsi, my family grew up there, I went to EMU, I learned how to shoot my first dope there but have never bought a dime that was worth even a nickel. It took me years to cultivate what few good connections I have here in Detroit and I believe we have some of the best dope in the country besides NYC or possibly LA.

I spent a lot of time in Ypsi, went to EMU there, learned how to shoot my dope there but Ive never bought a dime in Ypsi that was worth a nickle. We always drove out to inkster for anything decent. Its taken me years to find decent reliable contacts here in Detroit.
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Ive spent many years in Ypsi, my family grew up there, I went to EMU, I learned how to shoot my first dope there but have never bought a dime that was worth even a nickel. It took me years to cultivate what few good connections I have here in Detroit and I believe we have some of the best dope in the country besides NYC or possibly LA.
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i laughed just cuz i felt like i could feel the intensity of your nod just readin that
^ Yeah, my forhead hit the keyboard for a few, lo. I didn't even realize I posted that first one. Ill leave it up just cause its funny. Like I said, we have some of the best shit here in Detroit.;)
lol i scrolled down like half way thru pigpens post and was like "yeah that motherfucker was nodding HARD"

if you get into my PC at work and look at my write ups on accounts from like '06-'10 you will find like legit notes sprinkled in with kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk said would calllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll back in 2 weeks forrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr arangeeeeeeeeemennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnts"

because i was constantly nodding out with my fingers on the keys.