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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Detroit Megathread

Just grabbed 4 nickel packs from my open air spot downtown. Off white powder much better than what they were serving last week. I really want to find a good phone connect tho
Going to a tigers game tonight and being high will make it much more enjoyable.

Sounds like fun Logan <3. Sorry I overslept :(
Tommyboy said:
Who runs the dope scene in Detroit, blacks? If they do then that may explain the shitty quality. Hispanics are a lot more professional and thing long-term when selling, whereas blacks seem to just try to hustle day to day.
Hey, some of the best weed and cocaine I've done hypothetically may have came from black people. Though Latinos do got it on lock, usually. Although they're cheap with the packaging, and sometimes the dope's a little too high on the MSM/shoe polish/coffee content.
Thanks patricknyc, Im tryin to get motivated to write some more. Ive got an old story almost ready.
cant wait pigpen! Yeah my cousin in AZ told me all the black dealers buy wholesale off of mexicans. Sounds like they have it on lock in AZ!
I'm on methadone now and so I am not using heroin, well at least not much anymore (maybe once or twice a month) - but I remember grey stuff from years back. It pops up here and there once in a while. I recall it being average dope and nothing special. I used to get my heroin mostly from the southwest side of Detroit and all Detroiters know that's where Mexican town is and I dealt with all kinds of people - hispanics, african-americans, white, and even yemeni/arabs. The Southwest side of Detroit was my spot man. I love it!
I've only been back In Detroit for a couPle months but between the two dope houses, 1 delivery guy and open air spot I go to I've been getting so so dope since I got back. Today I got this really fine white powder that was FIRE from two spots in different parts of the city. Did my first shot in the bathroom at school and was blown away, finally a strong rush off only shooting one Nickle bag. Hopefully this stays around a min. Anyone else have a similar experience?
Seems like no one reads the stickies so here are the new rules regarding stamps...

The rules regarding any sort of discussing or even bringing up the names of various stamps has been a very vague, mostly because there was no rule set in stone. With that being said, we have decided to allow the mentioning of stamps in the general heroin thread, but no discussion. However, the names of any stamps in regional/city heroin threads is not allowed. Do not even mention the name of a stamp in the regional heroin threads.
That also goes for bags that aren't your conventional stamps like saying "the blue tape foils" or something along those lines. Nothing about it that identifies it as a certain product
I just got sOme straight FIRE. Finally. Wow. Way better than the stuff I thought was fire last week and that stuff only lasted a couple days
I love being back in the d, it's flooded with drugs.
Got off work late, the house I go to was out til morning so I went to the liquor store literally 100 feet from my house, asked the dozen people hanging out for blows, they only had rocks and "Molly" which I don't trust but one lady pointed me to a house on the next block, had dime blows, e, soft/hard and bars. Got a bar for later and a blow. Best rush I've had in years, immediately went back for another. Dude had a big bag of works which he gives out for free too. I'll be going back before work tomorrow. If this quality lasts this will be so good/bad
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After a few months hiatus from dope, I've been getting good to fire dope everytime I've copped for the last three weeks. East side is the area I hit.
I have been getting a great batch of stuff that is light/gray in color. i have been hitting right off of no specifics at my spot that has been around for years now. even though the area isnt great the people i deal woth are very nice/professional and protect me when i go down there. no specifics anyone else been getting this colored stuff or cop near there?
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detroit has good dope and bad dope if you want good dope you are gonna need to get a phone number pretty much, and it can be hard too, get into a well established circle because a lot of those guys don't need new clients and have been dealing with them for years.My boy was a tar boy , until we found a guy with a number who had fire..anyway i stay away from that shit nowadays
about time you never here anything good coming from detroit anymore where are all the good e pills or mints they need to make there way to michigan havent looked for anything in so long
Ive been dealing with the same guy for 15 years took me forever to get him to sell to me. He was the same way didnt want new clients he always has good dope if not he gos on vacation. The last 2 weeks hes had some of the best stuff ive done in years trying to wean down cause i have to quit soon and im not looking forward to the withdraws
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Ive been dealing with the same guy for 15 years took me forever to get him to sell to me. He was the same way didnt want new clients he always has good dope if not he gos one vacation. The last 2 weeks hes had some of the best stuff ive done in years trying to wean down cause i have to quit soon and im not looking forward the the withdraws
I agree it was hard to get on my guys client list but sure glad I did. It makes things so so much easier. Tops I have to wait from the time I call him and say I want x ammount is like ten twenty mins. I like giving him the biz too cause his customer service is top notch and looks out for me when going down to the city. Not to mention his product is always top also and never off. Last couple weeks been getting light tan/ light grey stuff that is 8/10 on the east side of the D where they have a "dream cruise" every year. Been seeing more of a police presense lately with cops riding two deep in cars just patroling the hoods obviously looking for selling. Just keep a heads up and eyes open for those guys.
I've been tryin to get back in the dope game recently, though, its been a failure so far. I took a trip down to the city today to no avail. After a little bit of driving around i just gave up and went home. TBH its probably a bad idea for me to start up again, but this time, I'm not going to pick up the needle again. Strictly snorting it, with a once a week limit. I can't afford to drive down to the city everyday anyway. Planning on making another trip tommarow and trying again, hopefully i'll be successful this time.

The thing is, when i did H before i had someone who introduced me to people, so i had a couple solid hooks right away. This was 2 years ago though, i don't have numbers anymore and i know they aren't at the same spots anymore. There was really good shit around back then though, it was really rare for me to get bunk shit, but at the same time i was always with experienced users who had quality dealers. Pretty much everyone i used to get high with is clean now, so im pretty much on my own for finding a new hook. Aw well, wish me luck.
The Detroit Police Officers Association is warning citizens and out-of-towners that they enter Detroit at their own risk, saying that the "grossly understaffed" and overworked police force cannot adequately protect the public in the increasingly violent city.

Detroit is America’s most violent city, its homicide rate is the highest in the country and yet the Detroit Police Department is grossly understaffed,” DPOA Attorney Donato Iorio told WWJ over the weekend. “The DPOA believes that there is a war in Detroit, but there should be a war on crime, not a war on its officers.”[/quote]

Wanna take a chance on the wheel of death

So how is out in the hood?