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⭐️ Social ⭐️ Detroit Megathread

What's going on? I hope I'm not the only one that's left here from the detroit area. If anyone is still around, I saw several cars of white people stopped on one of the main drags in the east side today. Saw 3 on the way in and the cops had everyone pulled out and all the doors open searching the cars. They were heading out of a dope area and within probably a mile of eachother. I took a chance and went the other way when I lrft and took a differant freeway around to get back home. Be super careful on the east side everyone!
ya bro shits a ghost town on here .... i rarely see cops at my eastside spot unless they raiding a spot idk i been fucking wit em since janurary and havent had any law problems there thank god knock on wood. the west side has been hot as fuck for me tho. for me west always has better deals but better stuff on the east. where i go does seem quiet tho man so i dont know its weird since the east spot
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i've been havin good luck on the eastside. i've been messing with the same guy for the longest time, probably for like 6 months now. never heard of him gettin busted but his place got burned down by people in the neighborhood. the dope is usually consistently good. never had anything shitty, sometimes it's stronger than normal and that's always welcome. lately its been pretty standard.
Just picked up a bundle of some really strong d on the southwest side. Seems like a lot of the detroit BLers have disappeared. Be safe!
im going to pick up later on today on the eastside! been some fire in the past couple weeks but i haven't picked up in about a week. hopefully its some good dope.
I agree that the eastside d was fire a couple weeks ago, but it has been average at best the last week and a half or so. That's why I went back to southwest side today. Was pleased with the quality. Try it out before you pick up a bunch. Be safe!
thx gibby - i cant reply as of yet - guess im too "green" - anyone know how many posts it takes to reach the revered status of bluelight?
yeah anyway i was able to do about s worth in two days which was nice because the second day i had s for my veins to soak up. it was good dope but i wish i had picked up more from the past couple of weeks. lord knows i would have just loaded it up and nodded off into wonderland though. here's to the weekend! stay safe kids.
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Im still here... been away for a while. I've been "on break" for a good month or so... feeling okay but startin to get the "itch" again. Being on sub helps a bit... anyways, Im wondering how the quality has been nowadays. Sounds like its pretty good on the east side still.... Im half tempted to call my dealer and get the scoop.

Hopefully he's still conducting business as usual... as it sounds like there has been a spike in police activity. Of course, the "east side" is SO vast, there could be cops swarming in one area while another is perfectly fine.
Im still here... been away for a while. I've been "on break" for a good month or so... feeling okay but startin to get the "itch" again. Being on sub helps a bit... anyways, Im wondering how the quality has been nowadays. Sounds like its pretty good on the east side still.... Im half tempted to call my dealer and get the scoop.

Hopefully he's still conducting business as usual... as it sounds like there has been a spike in police activity. Of course, the "east side" is SO vast, there could be cops swarming in one area while another is perfectly fine.

I'd say pick up some product and see how you like it. it's pretty good, it hasn't changed much in the past month..
Waddup Been away but now I'm back...

Havent copped in the D in ages. Took quite a lengthy break all together as a matter of fact. Copped in Lansing a couple times. Not great dope but cheap. But I have been spending alot of time in GR for work. Real hit or miss over there. From what I can tell most of the boy there is coming from chi town. First few times was "decent" mid grade type shit. But I finally found a connect with some flame. Sells fat packs too. One does me decent. two will blow you away. But I look forward to getting back down to the D after another break. Hope everyone is well! Be safe.
got some nice, fat lotto packs today on the eastside. light, tan in color. good stuff. long legs.
got some nice, fat lotto packs today on the eastside. light, tan in color. good stuff. long legs.

I picked up 6 packs of some real similar stuff. I feel that mine could damn near the same stuff you got headcase666. long legs i definitely agree. kept me high for a while, im still buzzin hard as hell right now. :)
How is the d in the east side been, been on a break the past couple of weeks and getting ready to jump back in. Anyone seen any areas that seemed real hot?
east side is hot. few days back saw a state trooper pull over, then 6 cars stopped behind it, all the guys got out, they had a pow wow, then got back into their cars and followed each other into the hood. be careful. all the cars were unmarked, varios makes and models. scary shit.