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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Desoxypipradrol/10 mgs) First experience: Which way is Poland?!

I didn't mean it as a challange. More like 'has anyone else done this' because I know someone who has & I'm worried.
Two trials:

3 mg at 12:30 gave very mild effects. Fell asleep without trouble at 23.

10 mg at 9 gave decent effects with some euphoria and good alertness for a few hours. As the day passed on, the effects turned slightly lethargic and dizzy, but still stimulated - hard to describe. Went to a party, drank some beer. Pretty tired at midnight and could probably sleep without trouble. Drank more beer and got drunk as a pig. Went home and fell asleep at once after making food that tasted great at the moment. The next day, the food looked more or less like someone threw up in the frying pan.

Perhaps next trial will be 15 mg.
Is it that everyone has either found their happy dose or that everyone has given up on desoxy? It does seem that poeople are firmly in one camp or the other (it's great vs it's a disaster)
I can't say it's really my cup of tea. at doses around 8-10mg it promotes a feeling of doom and gloom that lasts around 10hours.

It doesn't do much for physical fatigue either, I can this limbo feeling where the body is tired and lethargic but my mind is restless and anxious.

After the 25mg first time disaster, at doses between 5 to 10mg I still haven't found my sweet dose, but I won't dare take anything over 10mg.
I'm just waiting for the right moment. :)
24 hours without sleep requires some careful planning.
But I still found 2 and 3 mg very enjoyable, but not any magic "rush". Just good stimulation with a nice mood lift. Next time will be probably 6 mg, but as I work monday to friday it may take some time until I'll try it again. This is probably also a drug not very many people have access to at the current moment. I'm actually surprised at the level of testers.
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haribo1 said:
Anybody beat 60mg in one 24 hour period?

My sister had 500mg along with clear presise wrote down dosage instuctions.
being a bit of a coke pig, She completely ignored the instructions and done the lot in one night between herself and 5 friends a couple of who, Only had one or 2 lines. On top of this they were on pills and a few grams of coke. I dont think they know what they were doing. Most experienced chest paid lasting a week or so. My sister had a nervious breakdown thinking it was cokaine withdrawl, tried to get admited into rehab. When I visited her about three days after the session, She was in a right state, sevior agiation, jumpy, agressive, thinking her boyfriend was out to get her sectioned and stuff. I saw she needed time out from her stress. I took her for a few short walks over the next few days to the countryside, I explianed to her it was psychosis brought on mostly be the desoxy and was not her cracking up. It worked wonders. after about a week she was back in the land of the almost same. 2 weeks on she is taking a u-turn on her decision to stop taking all drugs. She wont be getting a repeat prescripion. I think one of the more greedy friends had about 170 mg. (and was very ill)
Weird one isn't isn't it ... I've found zero propensity to "Doom & Gloom" scenarios actually the exact opposite it elevates my mood to a mild state of joyous abandon.

12mg had zero negative effects except mild anxiety for a very short period as previously stated.
5mg was ideal but I did feel slight coke like negative emotions towards the end of the experience.
5mg second time had no discernable negative effects.

I've just had 7mg 11mg due to my rather poor diet of sleep. 3 hrs last night so decided a dose of desoxy the order of the day to motivate me in my duties.

Edit: Strike
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I'd say it kicks MDPV's ass though. With MDPV you wonder why the hell it makes you want to take more all the time (since euphoria is mostly absent), with desoxypipradrol in a decent dose the effect is at least very evident. Haven't tried it enough to comment on any fiending yet.
I'm starting to like this stuff more and more each time I use it. I also think it beats the living shit out of MDPV, although certainly it's not as nice as some other, more illegal stimulants. This stuff takes a while to begin being euphoric, but it definitely gets there. I find that the first few hours, even 5 or 6, are mostly speedy with a motivation to work. After that, it begins to get more physical, and starts to give me pleasurable rushes through my extremities and pelvic regions like amphetamine does. It feels pretty sexual at times and it begins to get euphoric. Each day that I've taken it, it's made me want to talk a lot, especially to my fiance who probably has a sore ear after today. I've found that adding a (small!) amount of caffeine, very gradually, can really bring on the more physical qualities and the euphoria, although it also brings on the armpit, palm, and foot sweating and can easily become uncomfortable stimulation. Kratom mixes pretty well, although for some reason it's easier to get that dizzy, slightly-too-much kratom effect, as desoxypipradrol seems to have some faint element of this as well. I do not have an urge to redose constantly at ALL with this stuff... in fact, I've used it 5 times now in total and I haven't redosed in the same day once. Although the next day I do think about how it was pleasant the day before. But I do that with any drug.

Lastly, I'd like to report some very serious sexual enhancement effects, in the same way as MDPV except less fiendy and more confidence. MDPV makes me want to have sex for hours, but it can periodically limit performance. Not so with desoxy. Let me tell you, on my honeymoon I should bring some of this stuff and dose it daily, because... DAMN! 8o ;) Let's just say I probably could have kept going for 24 hours if I had wanted to. My fiance has been most appreciative! But likewise, it's possible for me to actually finish at some point, unlike with some things, like AMT, and sometimes amphetamine and MDPV, which sometimes just make it literally impossible due to numbness. Also, desoxy doesn't turn me into a crazed sex fiend at all. In fact I've not been horny at all for even a moment three of a times I've taken it. But when presented with sexual situations and the desire is there, it really has a great and positive effect in that respect.

The first few times I used this, I wasn't sure what to think. But it seems like I'm starting to figure out how to make better use of the effects or something.

I didn't know you were engaged Xor. Congrats my friend. Can't believe you didn't tell me.

Penis. Penis. Vagina. Wet Penis from Wet Vagina.l
. I also think it beats the living shit out of MDPV

Yeah I get what you're driving at BUT set 'n; setting are perhaps even as important with stims as well as psychs.

Or you disagree?

Personally I have found desoxy to be inferior to MDPV and superior at different times!:\

Set 'n' setting to my mind.
How long after dosing on an empty stomach are you guys able to sleep (with or without sedatives)? I'm talking about reasonable doses, for being alert through a day and getting a lot of stuff done (mostly monotous, dry reading, cleaning the house, wandering around town taking in the sights and smells and such)... not for marathon sleep deprivation sessions.

Is there much of an energetic "push" like from amphetamine or methamphetime (OMG DIRTY HOUSE... MUST CLEAN.. NEW BOOK... MUST READ... TWICE! ...TALKTALKTALKTALK)?

What about anxiety?
I'm fine on amphetamines. MDPV made me feel all sketched out and just right below panic attack level if I took more than 5mg or so. It would take prob over 80mg amphetamine to do that to me.
10 mg's got me cleaning pretty good. Just a short while because we had to leave, but when I started to clean I just wanted to clean more. :D That's the only taste in that range though, so it doesn't really say much.
Never tried having sex on it. It never gave any hint on that kind of effect. I guess I'm an odd one on that. Personally, I feel that drug-induced compulsiveness isn't very positive most of the time.

Desoxy at high dose is incredibly pushy re: relentless talking (posting on the net8( ) etc.

In my opinion.:)
zophen said:
Desoxy at high dose is incredibly pushy re: relentless talking (posting on the net8( ) etc.

In my opinion.:)

LOL, didn't I get some kind of 'postwhore' award off Felix for some silly number of threads over a non-stop 3 day period due to 25mg smoked? :\
zophen said:
Desoxy at high dose is incredibly pushy re: relentless talking (posting on the net8( ) etc.
In my opinion.:)
I have a trip report for this. I hope I will have the time to finish it by the weekend.
But I wasnt a post whore:\
morninggloryseed said:
I didn't know you were engaged Xor. Congrats my friend. Can't believe you didn't tell me.

Oh, really? I mention it somewhat often in my posts and have done so in probably all of my recent trip reports. But thanks! :)

So I'll be writing a summary pretty soon. I've been using desoxy a good bit this past week or so, because I've been working very long hours in mentally stressful situations (which is also why I've not been posting or moderating either). I find that the effects evolve throughout the duration. It begins pretty quickly for me, and can make me sweat pretty profusely. It makes me feel compelled to move my body a lot, mostly by tapping my feet and legs rapidly. It provides a small amount of euphoria and a good amount of energy for me. On at least half of the occasions I have used it on, the small euphoria has slowly built throughout the day until about 12 hours in, when it becomes a strong mental and physical euphoria in which I feel really damn good, in a decidedly sexual way (energy in the pelvic region), and can't stop talking, babbling on about damn near anything at great length. On these occasions, I have ended up engaging in various sexual activities, which have lasted for at least 3 hours each time. In this way it reminds me of MDPV, except that performance and self-control are much better (MDPV tends to reduce actual performance and the mental state during sex is a bit disconcerting sometimes). Extremely satisfying.... probably the best sexual enhancement of anything I've tried. But this is not reliable. It seems to happen more if I use a higher dose, or redose some later on.

Desoxy definitely makes it harder to sleep, but I have not yet had it prevent me from sleeping for some length of time during a single night, much less this 2-3 days of no sleep that some report.

My preferred single dose has been 12-15mg (overall, although the first few hours can be pretty energetic and sweaty), and my favorite dose pattern has been 10mg in the morning, and 6-8mg 6-8 hours later. Redosing seems to cause it to become more euphoric mentally and physically, in my experiments.

This stuff is a strange combination of in-your-face stimulation and background buzz. Maybe I will be able to describe it better in the future.

Eh, I've got more to say about it, but I'll just save it for my report.