Describe the perfect Christmas, what you're doing, and what would make it better

Christmas is not a big deal to me. I am a grown woman with no kids and I am agnostic.

Still, it would be nice to spend it with my family and friends. That however is not the plan. I will be working as my line of work does not pause for holidays!

Still, I will get to spend the afternoon with my lovely BF, before we both go to do our shifts.
I hope you 2 have a nice few hours before work.

I will be speaking to my ill dude on Skype while he opens some of his gifts, the rest are here for our own little Xmas when he gets back from Spain. Then I might be having my uncle over, he is alone and an alcoholic and I don't want him doing anything stupid.

Prolly just chill and watch Xmas films and try and force some food down me.

Christmas is not a big deal to me. I am a grown woman with no kids and I am agnostic.

Still, it would be nice to spend it with my family and friends. That however is not the plan. I will be working as my line of work does not pause for holidays!

Still, I will get to spend the afternoon with my lovely BF, before we both go to do our shifts.
Christmas would be a lot better for me and would have been a lot better over the past few years if my anxiety hadn't always held me back from going to visit relatives who are a couple of hours away, along with the rest of the family. I've always felt like the black sheep in this area. But I guess at the same time I like to not make a big deal over Christmas and sorta don't mind keeping to myself. The main thing is probably my grandparents who are getting sicker every year, but I don't go see them. :(

Anyways, off to my other grandparents this afternoon, right after I have something like 10-30mg diazepam to relax about it :)

Happy Christmas to all fellow Bluelighters!
Christmas would be better if it was forever 1989. Five years old, just getting home late from auntie's house, jump out of the car and run into the house to sit under the tree, my refuge. Dad reminds me that I need to put out cookies for Santa. Don't forget the milk. I put the cookies out and Dad lets me have one, even though I am sure I ate a king's ransom of candy at my aunt's. I put on my favourite jammies and hop into bed and try not to sleep, because I want to get one glimpse of Santa. I can see from my bed through the hallway, the lights on the tree, the crooked angel hanging off the top because the ceiling is too low, and the glorious mountain of presents that was waiting for me to tear open the next morning. I promise myself not to fall asleep....
I wake up, alas - IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!! I sit straight up and bed and put on my penguin slippers and cannonball my parents' waterbed. "GET UP!!!!!!! SANTA CAME!!!" Then, ran like a bat out of hell downstairs to wake my brother up and notify him of Santa's presence as well. I wrap myself up in a cocoon with my blankie and sit cross-legged half under the tree and cover myself with presents. Literally bury myself in them. I piled Mom's presents in her favourite chair, Dad's presents on the couch, and I left my brother's to get himself, because that's how siblings are. We spent what seemed like an eternity tearing open hundreds of fabulous gifts, and then once the unwrapping was done, I would do the backstroke in the sea of wrapping paper. I spent all day under the tree, singing carols, occasionally getting up to play the piano, playing my new Game Boy, and talking to my new teddy bear hamster who I suitably named "cat."

Oh, what's this Christmas you ask? Let's fast forward about 15 years...

Gotta go to work, because I gotta get money to buy some more drugs. Gotta make some money because, fuck, I actually have to act like I give a fuck and buy people gifts. I hate Christmas. It's a fucking rat race, commercialized, pseudo-religious crock of fucktacular bullshit. Gotta race out of work to attempt to get to my aunt's on time. Of course, I'll be late, because I'll be sitting in my room getting spun as fuck, 'just one last're not gonna get any for a few hours....' Plaster on a shit ton of makeup and try and cover the fact that I can't keep my hands away from my face, or the rest of my body for that matter. Smoke 4 cigarettes on the way, which is oh, 11 minutes away (I have hideous social anxiety which is extremely exacerbated at family events which I now avoid at any possible cost, however, Christmas Eve at auntie's is unavoidable.) I'm sweating balls even though it's about 10 or so degrees out (fahrenheit, for those of you who are not in the good ol' US of A), I plaster on a smile and try and stop shaking for a moment. The only thing that is on my mind at this point is a bee-line to the mini bar. I need a fucking cocktail. Uncle never makes it stiff enough. But I'm only going to have one, just to take the edge off - I don't want to fuck up my euphoria. I retreat to smoke outside as often as I can so I don't get stuck too long in some sort of "Ohhhhh how are youuuuuuuuuuuu? And where is school? Are you getting good grades? Are you still working at ______? You've lost weight since Thanksgiving...." and I know that's gonna be talked about behind my back: "is she okay? anorexia again?" Everybody's a fucking gossip. Mind your own god damn business.
I pretend to eat my food, a delicious homemade lasagna that I used to look forward to, and now I am constructing a lasagna condo on my plate, trying to make it look like I considered eating something. Fuck, I can not wait to go home and smoke a bowl...

I wish it was 1989. Forever.

You are a god.
I spent the last few days, stoned, sleeping, in pain and missing my little, really depressed
Christmas for me was with my family - parents, sister, nan, granny. We have a lot of traditions, everyone has their role, a lot of food is eaten, presents opened, we have stockings, the house looked gorgeous. But I didn't want to be here, so I stayed in my room, and now I feel guilty. Everyone understood and tried to help but that made the guilt worse! It just seemed to me that everyone got stressed, or felt low, and it wasn't worth it at all. I am so glad it is over...

Ideal Christmas - am torn; the family Christmases from a few years ago were pretty idealistic, when I was young enough to get ridiculously over-excited. But Dave and I planned to spend Christmas Day together this year. We had a "pretend one" last year - veggie Christmas dinner expertly cooked by Dave, crackers, silly hats, board games, getting drunk and it was one of the best weekends of my life So, we decided to do it for reals this year. That would be my ideal.

Actually - just to have Dave back, whether he is at his parents, or at mine, whether we are in the same house or not, or in our flat, or whatever. Just to have him back would make it perfect.

In the future - I'm with you herbavore. It doesn't mean anything to me anymore and I feel fake and wrong spending Christmas in our culture - like I should be super-happy and getting into the Christmas spirit, and I am letting people down by not being able to. I'd like to go travelling somewhere and escape it all and have wonderful experiences not connected with this holiday at all. One day ey, maybe we'll go together herb :)
i'd love to travel if i was well, i can't travel, but one day i am going to risk it and take liam all the way to disney land for xmas so who knows i could meet some new friends off here to, wink wink. he needs an extra special one for us missing ours this year. i'd love christmas in thai land, my aunt is thai, it is such a beautiful country
I highly doubt that. Are you being sarcastic?

Haha, no it wasnt sarcastic. It was just that I was feeling particularly misanthropic about christmas that evening, and after reading your thread I was like 'yes! that would be the perfect christmas to be eternally five years old and not having to deal with the issues of my extended family in the way that i do now'... Our particulars are different but still it made me feel better. Deifying you was probably a bit overboard though. Sorry.
Batman, I think deifying littlepenguin on the writing alone is in order!:)
I had to look up the meaning of "deify," I was hoping it was a dirty sexual act but alas, it was not.

I am flattered by the compliment though <3

I admit, I enjoy being defied by two people at the same time.....heh
My christmas has just been made, got to see my step kids for the first time in a year and we had fun playing trivial pursuit, who wants to bea millionaire and drawing on my graphics tablet <3

best day i have had in a long time, I love those kids like my own