Depression from quitting weed?


Nov 8, 2005
Its getting about that time where I really want to try quitting weed again.

Ive been doing for the past 12 months and I feel like a zombie, that and I cant get any at the moment so thats another factor.

Its the first day without it and I feel so down and depressed.
Ive allways had mild depression but nothing too bad, but lately its hit me like a ton of bricks.

I would usually smoke just to kill the time and cure my boredom and without it everything just seems so shitty.

I cant even enjoy video games or TV anymore. I tried playing call of duty before but just gave up and turned the xbox off mid round.

I just feel like I've got nothing without it because I dont have many friends and dont get out that much which is why it seemed like a perfect fit for a loner like myself.

I dont feel like doing anything but just staring at my PC screen, and this is only the first day without it! Soon I will have to go through the sleeping problems, sweating etc... Which will make it so much harder.

This really sucks. :( :(
sweating problems and sleep issues sound like an underlying problem that a psychedelic could be both covering and enhancing at the same time. Even marijuana can mess with ya absolutely - how old are you and how long have you smoked for ?
It sounds like you have an awful lot of free time on your hands bro , what are you doing for work / school ?
for the 1st couple weeks I would stay busy from about 8am-6pm daily. start working out. try to stay so busy you are tired come 5pm. then you will feel 0 symptoms, because mj is not physically addictive it is mentally, so keep your mind busy.
It sounds like you have an awful lot of free time on your hands bro , what are you doing for work / school ?


i bet your smashin some billies right now lol

do ya spin your chop? if you do and you dont smoke ciggs, this can be a be problem...
try running. that's what i always do when i begin a weed break; it really eases the depression.
The shit really fucks with ya head bro. Fucks with the dopaminergic reward pathway in a big way. It also fucks with GABA and glutamate systems. Google them if you are unsure about what I mean, as it's 2:17am here in Australia and I can't be fucked explaining it this late.

Combine the effects with the lipid solubility factor, it's a really slow withdrawal, that is surprisingly powerful.

I suggest the following:

-100mg thiamine tablets, 3 times per day (works best on empty stomach)
-B complex vitamin tablet, 2 times per day (for the other B vitamins)(remember not to exceed vitamin B6 50mg per day)
-lots of water
-avoid caffeine, alcohol and other drugs

Just have to wait it out bro. Been there. Shit really fucks with ya head, big time.