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Denying rehab: does that mean you care more for drugs than your family?

Tony Williams

Jan 27, 2009
I will not go into a detox or rehab, it's downtime. I will rather go on holiday (I am soon I HOPE) and just maintain on bupe/diaz. Once I get back my first inscint is to use. I wont go into a rehab because of this and its $$$ down, I am not ready, personally. My DDU keep requesting I should go into one but anyway after I told my family they thought I cared more about drugs than my family.

What do you think?
I was in that situation before my parents kicked me out and went homeless for a while. They said I could go into rehab or gtfo. I got the fuck out. Its my life and they can't force their mindset onto mine. Its got nothin to do with caring more about drugs than family. I still love them even though I don't talk to em anynore.

But I don't put drugs above my family. Rehab was just unecessary and they didn't understand that.
Similar to a situation I was in at some point. I hate it when your family tries to guilt you into going. It's not gonna work unless you want it yourself. Going for their sake is as useful as going on a vacation where you can't score.
Detox/rehab never worked for me because I had the same plan. As soon as I got out, I used or got drunk.
It will only work if you really want it to. It took me years to quit using, now I'm working on the alcohol. :(
Of course iT doesnt mean you care more about drugs. It's very unfortunate when a family places this ultimatum on an addict. For many rehab will be a waste of time ad money. You have to be at the right place in your head for rehab to be effective
I agree that it is nonsense to say that refusing to go to rehab means you care more for your drugs than your family, though I understand your struggle as I've been in the position multiple times and given in to going multiple times out of guilt-notecauseI wanted to get clean.

The fact of the matter is that going to rehab isn't going to do shit in all likeliness unless you want to go yourself and stay flea for YOU. Of course some people have a Change of heart once they're there, but if you look at the statistics of even the most 'respected' addiction treatment programs, they're pretty shitty. The reason for this;I believe is not so much that addiction is basically just impossible to treat, but rather that many are forced/guilted into going. I know for myself now that I will MEVER again waste my time at any sort of addiction treatment program unless its something I want. Otherwise I'm just wasting my family's money and giving them false hope...I think that's worse.
Both my older sister and I are, uh, drug-hobbyists... but my mother approached each one of us quite differently upon finding out.

With my sister, who discovered her interest in drugs before my own and was sort of our family's first real case of substance-abuse, my mother kicked her out of the house, demanded that she get clean, go to rehab, etc.

But with me, my mother is taking a somewhat different approach; she knows that I use, but she hasn't demanded that I check myself into rehab, hasn't threatened to kick me out of the house or anything like that.

I'm seeing a therapist, and I'm working on the whole substance-abuse thing slowly but surely; my mother knows that much, and I think that, at this point, she's OK with seeing how this all goes before taking more extreme measures. I think we all know that this is unsustainable, and I'll need to clean it up sooner or later. I've got greater dreams and aspirations in life greater than and beyond merely getting high all of the time, and in order to pursue these things, well, the drugs will need to go... (shrugs) and so we'll see what happens.

EDIT: If I were told to shape up or ship out right now, at this very moment, well, I'm not sure how I'd respond... I think that I'd probably pack up and strike out on my own for a bit before committing to rehab or anything like that. I just haven't yet reached that level of commitment...
drug rehabs IMO are an industry that exploit addicts with no other option and also appeal to poor desperate families who just have to save their loved ones. Sure they may work in some cases (where you pay 25k to stay at one) but once you're out then what? may as well pack yourself a bunch of supplies and live in the woods for 2 weeks. I bet the relapse rate would be far lower and much less costly.

if i were told to leave my home (i dont live with parents anymore but still) or go to rehab, i'd get the fuck out of there and not talk to anyone, detox myself, get clean and stay clean and rub that shit in their faces. I guess i'm a bit of a bitter person. There was a meth addict on intervention (one of my fav. episodes) who did this very thing. Refused to go to rehab, cut off contact with his horrible mother and got clean (supposedly).
I would never go to rehab. I like drugs more than I like most of my family, but that isn't why I would never go to rehab. I don't think the love you have for your family is necessarily in competition against the love you have for drugs; that's an incorrect way to look at it.
I would never go to rehab. I like drugs more than I like most of my family, but that isn't why I would never go to rehab. I don't think the love you have for your family is necessarily in competition against the love you have for drugs; that's an incorrect way to look at it.

True that, it isn't the same kind of "love". Although if I needed to go to rehab ever, I'd probably just comply, don't need any of that family hate bullshit. And really I probably wouldn't get much pressure, since the only people I consider family are my parents and grandparents. Everyone else is just "those people I see once a year and need to be friendly with".