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Delayed onset of THC when Vaping


Jul 24, 2011
Does anyone know why this happens?

It's happened to me before, but last night i was trying out my Puffit x for the first time and holy shit! the delay was at least 15 minutes, which of course allowed me to take about 10 rips before the onset. I thought it wasn't working because the vapor was so light you really couldn't see much (or anything at times) but about 20 minutes after my first rip i went full retard.
i dont have answers, but im writing this so i can read the responses also, as this has been something of my curiousness also,

ive theorized, that its taking longer to pass the blood brain barrier for whatever reason with a delayed onset. ive even expiriment with phenalenaline and trypothpan (dopamine and seritonine modifiers) with inconsistant results (study was 6 weeks exact with consistant intake of everything, dont feel like posting more aobut it right now) but im curious also
I've found this sometimes with joints even. Some weed is a real creeper.
i find vaporizing always does the creepy high in the beginning, it can change due to the strain of your bud as well.
don't know with vaped weed, but I've noticed that vaping synth noids takes way more time to kick in than smoked noids
^ Good one.

Hard to explain but I totally know what you're talking about...that delayed onset of getting high always turned me off of vaporizers, honestly. I like the immediacy of smoking, either from a pipe or a joint/blunt. The same reasoning explains why I almost never touch edibles, although that's more of a delay than the vaporizer high. I'd imagine the answer simply lies in the final product that you're inhaling - something about the relative purity of the vaporized smoke and how it proceeds to affect the cannabinoid receptors in your brain. Despite my liking of smoking's immediate hit on the system, if I'm still smoking in ten-15 years, I'm planning to make the switch to vaporizer for health reasons...