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Opioids Defeating the new OC time release

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This is OT here, but I just want to briefly address your assertions: first of all, I assume that most people posting here are tech-savvy enough to know how to protect themselves online. Second of all, just because someone goes onto an internet forum and SAYS they tried method XYZ and yay, it worked! or dang, ir failed! is in no way proof that ANYONE did ANYTHING illegal. People lie all the time, online and off. For all we know, the guy who posted the microwave method is actually a bored expat housewife posting out of Prague, who has never so much as seen an Oxycontin pill in her life.

Now, surely there is a more appropriate thread around here, wherein we can discuss the ins-and-outs of legality re: posting online about washing one's oxy down with gummi candy (scandalous!) and what protections we are afforded re: anonymity by the owners of this site. I'd love to be pointed in the right direction.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think there is anything illegal about trying to get speedier pain relief out of these plastic pieces of crap, instead of waiting close to 3 hrs for the med to start working. As long as you obtained your OC's or OP's legally through a doctor, you should have nothing to worry about. As far as obtaining them without a doctors script...WELL, that's a diff story and you should post at your own risk and just watch what ya say and how you say it.
what's next?

Half of a 40 (un-crushed) was thrown into 30mL of root beer soda (after bubbles subdued) that was heated to 100(F). One could see white streams slowly dissolving into the water for a few hours.

7 hours later, it is just a piece of gel -- transluscent with an outside layer and a center, somewhat bigger than the dry piece. Has all the goodness been released or does this need to dissolve/be crushed?


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best way for me has been to let them dissolve in water for 12 hours

If I don't feel like waiting sucking on them works fine it just tastes like shit

the cooking method doesn't work as good for me, lose too much oxy.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think there is anything illegal about trying to get speedier pain relief out of these plastic pieces of crap, instead of waiting close to 3 hrs for the med to start working. As long as you obtained your OC's or OP's legally through a doctor, you should have nothing to worry about. As far as obtaining them without a doctors script...WELL, that's a diff story and you should post at your own risk and just watch what ya say and how you say it.

We all know how our medication is supposed to be taken and if your doctor or pharmacists knew you were crushing them up to snort, shoot or what have you, I garauntee you wouldn't be getting a refill the following month. If you have a legal prescription the DEA already has your name, number, address, doctors name and more. Do you honestly think it's that hard to come up with a program that tracks IP addresses and matches them with names and addresses, which in turn can match them to your name, doctor and what you're prescribed. There are over a dozen sites (that I've been too so far this week) that talk about defeating these new meds....so whoever the person was that said, "people lie and how do they know it's not just somebody lying or trying to get information for somebody else"....are you seriously that naive? That's a helluva lot of people lying about trying to find a way around this new med. It's actually kind of amusing that you're that naive. (no offense) All I'm saying is don't think that you're "anonymous" because you don't use your real name on a forum. It's real simple to track you, trust me. I worked in the IT field for 9 years before getting laid off 6 months ago. Programs that I mentioned above take all of 15 minutes to write. And we all know (or should know by now) that each state now has a database that prevents people from Doctor shopping, it's the same exact principle/process. Just dont be surprised when you get a knock on your door or your doctor one day decides he doesn't want to write you scripts anymore.
Do yourself a favor and hide your IP address if you want to discuss illegal stuff and if you want to post on forums like this. Otherwise post from a library, Starbucks or any other free wi-fi connection.
Not trying to piss anybody off, just trying to help save someone a lot of headache later down the road. And I'm not trying to be holier than thou because i'm just like you and am visiting this site for a reason myself. Just trying to spread the word to be a little more careful.
Take care folks and best of luck!
Yes, I realize if they want to find you they can...too bad I am behind multiple firewalls. Anyway, I have nothing to hide, my scripts are legal and I have the real OC's, so I am not toying with my meds. What the fuck does the FBI or DEA give a rats ass whether I take my pill whole, or bite it in half first? You think they are really going to waste resources by knocking on my door to let me know that I am not taking my medicine correctly...gimme a fucking break.

If someone is Doctor shopping or getting OC's illegally, well, then those people shouldn't be giving too much information. As a matter of fact, my doctor just upped me to 40mg OC's and said if I want, I can just take half, if I feel I don't need to take the whole thing. So there goes your theory about my doc not prescribing anymore. Not only that, once you are on these kinds of meds for a long time, they cannot just CUT you off without doing so the right way. They either switch you to Suboxone or taper down your dose. It would be highly unprofessional for a doctor to write OC's and Roxi's for well over a year and then decide one day to just not give them to ya anymore.

Also, the paper work that the OC's and Roxi's comes with, advises not to crush, chew or snort the medicine because there is a risk of overdose...it doesn't say anyting about it being illegal (the FBI will knock on your door) to do any of that.
My take on the coka-cola method

EDIT: re-writing how to.
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@Joze, you've misunderstood me, and although I certainly have no obligation to correct your misapprehension of my post, it pleases me to do so, so I shall: my point, son, was not that EVERYONE online who is trying to defeat the new time release mechanism on the OPs is or could be lying, but rather that it would be difficult if not impossible for your murky, jack-booted "medication enforcement agents" to prove that ONE SINGLE INDIVIDUAL who asserted that he or she did XYZ to his or her pills, was, in fact, telling the truth. Let me make it a little more simple for you: there's this little concept in US prosecutorial law called "evidence." Joe Blow writing on an internet forum that he soaked his legally prescribed OPs in a bottle of baby seal blood and then ate them off the thumb of a miniature pachyderm does not PROVE that Joe Blow did any such thing, LEGALLY. Meaning, Not Admissible in a Court of Law. I'm delighted to have amused you, but even more delighted to have been mistaken for naive for the first time in my life. It's not often that a girl like me, who started smoking at age 6 (100% true) and had my head shaved (straight edge) by age 14 gets to be called naive, so cheers!

And lastly, from someone with over 15 years of experience in the IT field, a single command, taking less than a minute can list all the unique IPs accessing a site...but the critical caveat you fail to point out is that access to the web site logs is an absolute pre-requisite and in the US that requires a subpoena...you're also making a huge assumption that a) users aren't using tor or anonymizer b) you also have access to the ISP DHCP logs...oh are you saying you have access to CARNIVORE? Or maybe a core router at a NAP? Cracking and illegal wiretapping is something else entirely, and if you are talking about that, then I'm more concerned about YOU than anything else. But don't pay this little gal any mind -- I'm just the quintessence of naivete, remember? :)
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And lastly, from someone with over 15 years of experience in the IT field, a single command, taking less than a minute can list all the unique IPs accessing a site...but the critical caveat you fail to point out is that access to the web site logs is an absolute pre-requisite and in the US that requires a subpoena...you're also making a huge assumption that a) users aren't using tor or anonymizer b) you also have access to the ISP DHCP logs...oh are you saying you have access to CARNIVORE? Or maybe a core router at a NAP? Cracking and illegal wiretapping is something else entirely, and if you are talking about that, then I'm more concerned about YOU than anything else. But don't pay this little gal any mind -- I'm just the quintessence of naivete, remember? :)

ALL truth.

Did you know that "THE" original Anonymizer was funded by the CIA? :)

TOR is the best bet these days if you're concerned, which you shouldn't be.

Nobody cares about you and a few OP's.

Bluelight is hosted on a dedicated server in Netherlands even though the hostname implies Russian Federation. This adds a small layer of red tape (maybe) that the authorities would have to go through to get the logs.


However, email for BL is handled by a company called DREAMHOST.COM out of California.

This info took me about two minutes of digging.

As Clem's Ghost said, to find you, the Apache (web server) logs would have to be given up (or taken from) the owners of BL. Then whomever was in possession of the logs could easily tie your username to a post which will contain your semi-unique IP address.

Once they have that they will know ALMOST exactly where you are at. If you are in the USA they would then have to subpoena your ISP to give up their DHCP logs which would then be used to pull up your EXACT home address.

It would be nice if the owners of BL turned off IP logging though. Then the logs would be basically useless. Another thing that would be nice to know is how often BL rotates its logs.


Do you really think that you are THAT important? If you are, it's because of other reasons. Not because of posts on BL.
What about the same thing that was done for the Opana ER? where soaking it in rubbing alcohol and then filtering with alcohol swab? That worked for the opana ER for iv. and they gelled up really bad.
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Maybe this will work with the NEW OP OC. Someone try. SWIM is maybe getting a OP OC 40 later and will try.

Sorry but every time I read SWIM, it makes me think FAG and everything that I have just read is erased and replaced with annoyance
well im sorry u feel that way, just using that instead of I. so if u see that just read it as I man.
I just obtained my first new OP's. They are yellow and say 40 OP. After everything I have read on here I voted against soaking them in gasoline and lighting them on fire with a flame thrower and instead decided to just suck on them and see what happened.

After a few minutes I could taste the faintest hint of opiate bitter.

I removed the pill from my mouth and it was no longer yellow, but white inside with a clear coating outside of it. Just seems like all of the saliva and moisture from my mouth bonds with the substance the oxy is mixed with.

I finally bit it in half to have the same results every few minutes when I took it out of my mouth.

In the end I swallowed it and took 2 more. 2 hours later I am feeling pretty. I believe this is going to cause a bunch of us to save money and not feel near as shitty with post oxy hangovers. We may not be getting near as high, but this is much more cost effective and a better/longer bang for your buck. All in all, it is a good thing for me not being able to crush all of them up and do them within a two hour span.

Sorry for being so harsh. Just stating reality. Please read forum guidelines. SWIM is not going to save you in a court of law and will only piss everyone off around here. We, they, your dog and everyone else know its you, so let SWIM stay in the pool and drown. THanks!
Since when is it illegal to do what you want with you're own prescriptions?

EDIT : Its not.
SWIM is an acronym for ( Some one who isn't me). I find it to be an annoyance as well, manly because people posting in a drug forum about hard drug topics use that nonsense trying to hide the fact that they are the user/abuser, as if we all don't already know who someone is or is not.
My method for beating OP

This is what I have found to be most effective for rapid oxycodone onset with a strong nod. What I do is take a piece of 80 grit automotive sand paper that I have cut into a 2 inch by 2inch square I then place the sandpaper square into a small cereal bowl. Then I sand the entire pill into a fine light powder, I sand it with the coating and all. Then I take the powder and mix it in with high grade orange juice about half a cup. Mix vigorously and wait about 30 mins. Drinking the solution is tasty when I use the simply orange brand that one seems to work best well. If any thing is left in the glass like specs or clear gel pour a bit more oj into glass and swish to clean it out. About thirty mins later I feel very sedated and nodding out. This is with an op sixty lol my tolerance is low and good. Happy travels.
Here's a link to the FDA's site where consumers can report side effects. You can call, report online or print out a form to mail in. Choose whichever one your most comfortable with but PLEASE choose one and file a report if your having any side effects related to the new OP's that you didn't have with the OC's. Hopefully going right to the FDA will get them to make Purdue Pharma return to the old version of OxyContin sooner!

I'll post this on the other related threads too-if that's not OK please let me know.

if it used 2 take an 80 to get you 2 feel gooood then just take 120 mg of new ones. crush let sit in soda overnite. same thing basicly.
I hope all of you realize that you can be tracked by your IP address and while you may think you're posting anonymously, the DEA, FBI and other govt agencies regularlly monitor sites like this. And since Obama recently passed a bill making it even easier to track you goings on while your online, I'd be real careful about what you post online. If anything, only post from a free wi-fi connection (ie: Starbucks, library, etc.) or use somebody elses connection, preferably not a friend or family member. I've been online all night reading all the posts from at least a dozen different sites, of people and their ways of defeating their medication. This is a class II drug meaning it's tracked by the FBI and the DEA. STOP BEING SO NAIVE PEOPLE!! It's idiot postings like this one which made the original oxys now obsolete.
Please be careful and know that what you say online is extremely easy for law enforcement to track.
Now....think LEMONADE and have a happy day! %)

commieproxy GOOGLE----) post away
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