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Opioids Defeating the new OC time release

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KSA, they're not that expensive really; especially if you did it often it could be a good investment.

amazon has one called a Mini Microcentrifuge, Low Speed, Quick Spin for $119

and you might be able to find a used one somewhere...
KSA, they're not that expensive really; especially if you did it often it could be a good investment.

amazon has one called a Mini Microcentrifuge, Low Speed, Quick Spin for $119

and you might be able to find a used one somewhere...

Ya I guess a basic one would be affordable.
I literally had a nightmare about this lastnight. All of this just makes me wanna say fuck pills, I'm goin back to smack. Good job, smartypants of the Govt.

And honestly, while the microcentrifuge could be a good idea, what junkie do you know that says, "Hey I have an extra $120 today, shall I get my drugs or a microcentrifuge and go through wd for a couple days?" Nah, we'll find our homemade methods.
Yeah, what are they trying to do here, get people off of the accurately measured doses and back to the unknown quality/ quantity of street drugs? Serious reform is in order in this country... Drug abuse is going to happen, and harm reduction is proving to be an effective way to control the problem. With shit like this, it makes harm reduction nearly impossible to apply for people that are going to abuse the drug. They must know this, and the obvious reason that they created these new pills was so that they could have a new patent with which they can make lots of money, all under the guise of "preventing abuse". Obviously, all they are doing is making abuse more difficult and dangerous while they rake in the money on their breadwinning new formulaition OC...
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The difference is that it's harder to crush up--the same amount of force still crushes the pill, but leaves lots of "chunks" where previously you'd have a powder. The answer inevitably will be more force/some clever way to crush it.

This won't stop the desire to take these pills via non-oral routes so all I can imagine this will do is cause more health complications.
No matter how finely you'll crush it, it'll still gel up. The OP said as much...

It can be defeated, even according to Purdue. It's just a question of how.


If anyone's interested, check out this thread: http://www.bluelight.ru/vb/showthread.php?t=463924

Screenshot is from first pdf link in post #8.
what is a microplane shaver ??? lol... sounds like a hoseclamp to me.. either way these are no good! i love my eighdeeezzzz

these microplane shavers work a million times better then a hose clamp..

also updated side by side pic:
ok, now i'm getting scared.

To get the high of a chewed pill for 4 hours, now you need to take like 3 pills without chewing to feel the same high for like 12 hours, not sure of the numbers but you get the point, increasing the dosage solves the problem of oral administration.

Apparently the main problem these people have is that they can't snort it anymore, as in, 0% workie.
well that's shit. how long will the old ones still be around, and will they still be made in other countries?

Black: No time release oxy
Green: Time release oxy 1x dose
Red: Time release oxy 3x dose

Kind of self explanatory. The black dose = green dose = 1/3 red dose. Integral is a good approximation, that's how we calculate this. Would be a good idea to find the real numbers for the new formulation because I don't know if it will last 12 hours.

well that's shit. how long will the old ones still be around, and will they still be made in other countries?

I don't know.
Hmmm... at first we have to know what ingredients are contained in the new oxycontin formula. I read something about capsaicine, which is very dangerous and can lead to heart attack etc... People with heart problems, like me, must not inject capsaicine.

Now let's say there is no capsaicine in the new oxy. The oxycontin (the new one) contains oxycodone in form of the salt, the oxycodone-hydrochloride.
I'd crush the pills as fine as possible. Then soak it in water for 24 hours. Basify with ammonia (stir well, so that the ammonia reaches all the oxy in the gel), extract with non-polar solvent (chloroform, dichlorethane, naphta, kerosene, xylene, toluene...). Wash with water 1-3 times. Re-extract the oxycodone with a equimolar amount of hydrochloric acid. Evaporate the water.

With a acid/base extraction with polar and non-polar solvents, I think it's no big deal. I think the whole procedure can be performed at room-temperature in less than two days.

I hope that some guys on on w3t dr3am5 know how to do it. It is possible. I know that it is possible, we all know it. It's only a matter of knowledge. I'm sure that with several solvents and an a/b extraction, all the oxy can be recovered in nearly pure form.

Maybe someone with more knowledge than me could re-think my post and say if it could be possible. But we MUST know what ingredients are in the new oxycontin, otherwise we can't do anything.

Please, could someone who got the new reformulated oxycontin post all the ingredients of the new formula? That would help us a lot. When I know what is in the new shit, I'll ask some very smart guy what would have to be done to get the pure oxy out from the new asshole-pills.
Hmmm... at first we have to know what ingredients are contained in the new oxycontin formula. I read something about capsaicine, which is very dangerous and can lead to heart attack etc... People with heart problems, like me, must not inject capsaicine.

Now let's say there is no capsaicine in the new oxy. The oxycontin (the new one) contains oxycodone in form of the salt, the oxycodone-hydrochloride.
I'd crush the pills as fine as possible. Then soak it in water for 24 hours. Basify with ammonia (stir well, so that the ammonia reaches all the oxy in the gel), extract with non-polar solvent (chloroform, dichlorethane, naphta, kerosene, xylene, toluene...). Wash with water 1-3 times. Re-extract the oxycodone with a equimolar amount of hydrochloric acid. Evaporate the water.

With a acid/base extraction with polar and non-polar solvents, I think it's no big deal. I think the whole procedure can be performed at room-temperature in less than two days.

I hope that some guys on on w3t dr3am5 know how to do it. It is possible. I know that it is possible, we all know it. It's only a matter of knowledge. I'm sure that with several solvents and an a/b extraction, all the oxy can be recovered in nearly pure form.

Maybe someone with more knowledge than me could re-think my post and say if it could be possible. But we MUST know what ingredients are in the new oxycontin, otherwise we can't do anything.

Please, could someone who got the new reformulated oxycontin post all the ingredients of the new formula? That would help us a lot. When I know what is in the new shit, I'll ask some very smart guy what would have to be done to get the pure oxy out from the new asshole-pills.

That's a lot of lab work for a bunch of powder...and even if it works, you'll be the only one able to do it.

When you say words like ''equimolar''...that's Chinese to anyone but you, me and a few moderators. Nobody can do that man and people who can probably got access to pure oxy in their lab or can order as much as they want...but nice method nonetheless.
The new oxy hit Oakland this week. This is no good. Some smart person really needs to find a way to defeat this pill... and soon pls.
^In the meantime, I think taking a finely crushed oral dose with boosters is probably going to be the way to go... White grapefruit eaten 20 min or so before the crushed pill is taken should help things considerably in terms of speed of absorption, as could many other things. I think white grapefruit and maybe a small, fatty meal will be the best bets from my personal experience, though.
OP/80 ?? Wtf I've never heard of such a thing! When did these come out??

PS - theres always ROXI's which will always be "abusable"
^read the whole thread. phrozen has posted an article from DiTM and i've posted a link that was started in BDD.
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