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December Getting/Staying Sober Thread v. Reflections.

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Yeah I know the score, I used to be a mod here ffs ;),

I have no choice though. No more benzos until Saturday, tomorrow will be me at a doctors begging for mercy and a days benzos.

Just vomited up 30mg of my last 60mg, can feel the rattle coming on hard now even though I got the other 30mg down.

Your withdrawal from diazepam starts that quickly? With it's long half life I usually don't really start to feel bad until until about day 3.

Good luck getting your emergency script.

As for myself, I made it through the day. It wasn't a great day but I'm here.
Happy Holidays Sober/struggling Bluelighters! Stay strong everybody. My first holiday season totally sober in... geez... 5, 6? years. Been a while. Feel good about the fact that I'm sober right now but I'm also really depressed, and especially being at my dads house right now i feel like somethings missing. I haven't been here sober in really long.

to top it off some shit started via text with my girlfriend literally as i was starting to write this post.. i guess I'll see how it turns out this time. I don't know how hard I'm gonna fight for her if this turns into her freaking out about shit i don't understand again. I fuckin love her so much, i really do, but it's hard dealing with someone whose bipolar and doesn't realize that i don't understand her feelings nor how to make them better, If thats even possible :? I don't know. I just don't know.

But I do know that I'm not letting it effect my recovery. Anyway, Hope everyone here is doing well. Probably going to hit a meeting here in New Jersey tomorrow, haven't been to one yet since I've been back for the holidays just been spending time with my parents (though we are out of shit to talk about and its getting awkward).

oh yeah, like, 7 and a half months for me right now! :)
^great to hear from you case and your 7 and half months sober so proud of ya! Keep it up and I hope it turns out well with your girl. <3
Yup, the 20mg they put in me at the hospital to ward off a seizure 6 hours ago is basically gone, can feel the ct's well on their way again,.
Woke up half a dozen times last night in cold sweat. Very vivid using dreams. Im glad I managed to get some rest at all, the nights of zero sleep are surely coming soon. Right now I am feeling anxious and generally uncomfortable, but sober. Reading a book about mindfulness and addiiction.

Congrats on the cleantime case. Very impressive.
Fuck. I'm so tired of this shit.

My family are heavy drinkers and don't know my situation. They know I've stopped drinking but don't know why. They wouldn't get it. I'm home for the holidays and I'm tired of being offered drinks ("C'mon just have one") and being ragged on and peer pressured and called 'lame' by my own family about it. I'm leaving shortly.. thank god. I received alcohol as a gift even. They know I don't drink anymore.

I also work in an industry where drinking is extremely common. I've had coworkers tell me to 'just loosen up and have a beer'. They just don't get it.

Honestly the social stigma of not drinking is ridiculous. People judge me heavily based on that.

But fuck it that's not gonna make me drink.
Fuck. I'm so tired of this shit.

My family are heavy drinkers and don't know my situation. They know I've stopped drinking but don't know why. They wouldn't get it. I'm home for the holidays and I'm tired of being offered drinks ("C'mon just have one") and being ragged on and peer pressured and called 'lame' by my own family about it. I'm leaving shortly.. thank god. I received alcohol as a gift even. They know I don't drink anymore.

I also work in an industry where drinking is extremely common. I've had coworkers tell me to 'just loosen up and have a beer'. They just don't get it.

Honestly the social stigma of not drinking is ridiculous. People judge me heavily based on that.

But fuck it that's not gonna make me drink.


More power to you my friend.
Took the family to an old friend of mine who lives a couple of hours away. It was great to hang out and catch up. This happens to be a guy who keeps a pretty stocked medicine cabinet, with ample benzos, stimulants, and even opiates, and in the past he's always been happy to share his supply.

He's backed my decision to quit, way back in August/September when I made the decision, but while driving down there, I was thinking about how much clean up there is to do around the house. About how much stuff I need to catch up on, and about how hard it is for me to get it in gear during these cold gray days.

Somehow, and I guess it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, he never brought anything like that up, and I, while thinking about it, never even hinted at it. And I'm glad, having slept on it since then. One conflict at a time. Ended up being a great day. And my house is still trashed. ;) Off to Mass. Peace, brothers & sisters!

How did the first few days of your ct withdrawal go?

It didn't....

It kicked in like a train after I vomited a few times and I went to the hospital because I was worried about seizures. They gave me 20mg diaz and some anti-emetics, then I got some anti-convulsant medicine from the doctor the next day. I've been drinking about 50 units of alcohol a day since.8(
1 week completly sober. getting off subs and on the vivotrol shot soon.

i was honest with myself and my parents that subs are not working cuz i can switch off when i want but i cant do that with the shot cuz its all blocker, no overall mood life like what happens occasionally with subs. i had to be honest with myself about that. i also gave my mom my phone for 2 or 3 weeks so i dont get any calls from this dude, although i did block him now but i dont trust myself yet.

it funny cuz i turned it on to check something 3 days after i gave it to my mom and i had 5 voicemails from that kid wanting me to get dope. lol all o xmas eve to. fuck that asshole mofo. im done supporting his habit.

im gonna give it a real shot this time.
Today is day 4 no benzos. Didn't relapse on opiates exactly but I did take some tramadol yesterday and today to take the edge off. If you don't count that today is day 5 of no "real" opiates.
Fuck. I'm so tired of this shit.

My family are heavy drinkers and don't know my situation. They know I've stopped drinking but don't know why. They wouldn't get it. I'm home for the holidays and I'm tired of being offered drinks ("C'mon just have one") and being ragged on and peer pressured and called 'lame' by my own family about it. I'm leaving shortly.. thank god. I received alcohol as a gift even. They know I don't drink anymore.

I also work in an industry where drinking is extremely common. I've had coworkers tell me to 'just loosen up and have a beer'. They just don't get it.

Honestly the social stigma of not drinking is ridiculous. People judge me heavily based on that.

But fuck it that's not gonna make me drink.

Fuck your coworkers and honestly, if they bring you down and try to get you to relapse, then fuck your family too. This isn't a joke it's quite literally LIFE and DEATH and if your family can't realize that because they are sick themselves then don't spend as much time with them as you normally would.

229 Days for me.
I'm still pretty depressed. I was up until like 5:30 this morning thinking and writing, about a lot of things. Mainly, getting more specific for what i want to say during different amends i'm making soon, as well as just plain getting honest with myself for the first time in a while. The problem with my girlfriend this time isn't her emotional stuff, this time it's my lack there of. I haven't really done anything over the last few months, and I've allowed myself to become a shell of who I am without actually relapsing on drugs. I complain about not being able to talk a lot and hold and blame it on not being a good conversationalist, but the truth is that Nobody would have shit to talk about when they don't ever do shit and have no life. So where as in the past I could talk her down and fix things, this time it's on me and I can't just "talk my way" out of this one. I mean, I guess ironically talking my way out of it is exactly what i need to do, but not in the same way. I need to get a fucking life so that i have things to "converse" about. I'm starting school in 3 weeks, and i know that will be a huge help if we make it until then. In the mean time I know what i need to do. I need to stop spending all day everyday on the computer, i need to get out and get back into hobbies, start working out/doing yoga, pre studying for school, get a job, etc. There's a ton of things I could do that i have been avoiding. Above all else i need to get back to going to meetings regularly and make some fucking friends. Basically my only friend right now is my girlfriend, which is a very dangerous place to be in recovery.

Making friends is something i think i have some fear around. Aside from my usual social anxiety, its different this time. When i first got sober, i did make some friends - at rehab. My two roommates and this other guy who i got along with. I got pretty close to all 3 of them. However, in the first month after rehab, One of my roommates relapsed and died, one of them relapsed and tried to commit suicide twice and I had to talk him down both times and convince him to go to the long term rehab program, and the third relapsed for a few weeks, lied about it, then went to the long term rehab program and just recently bailed and disappeared. I guess maybe i got discouraged from getting close to people in recovery after this - but fear based behavior is what ran my life for years and what ran it into the ground. I can't allow myself to act on these feelings anymore, or in the case not act because of them.

The only way my life is going to get better is if i stop doing nothing with it. I can't fucking wait for school to start because of this, but in the mean time i need to make some serious changes if I want to have a chance at maintaining a healthy relationship with my girlfriend as well as cultivate new relationships with regular friends, which i so desperately need.

Thanks for reading, whoever reads this post.
I haven't really done anything over the last few months, and I've allowed myself to become a shell of who I am without actually relapsing on drugs. I complain about not being able to talk a lot and hold and blame it on not being a good conversationalist, but the truth is that Nobody would have shit to talk about when they don't ever do shit and have no life. So where as in the past I could talk her down and fix things, this time it's on me and I can't just "talk my way" out of this one. I mean, I guess ironically talking my way out of it is exactly what i need to do, but not in the same way. I need to get a fucking life so that i have things to "converse" about.

While I don't have any advice for you, I can completely relate. I started isolating myself a lot this year and pretty much lost all my friends in the process. The only person I'm even some what close to at this point is my ex and I have the same problem as you, conversation is a problem when you have nothing to talk about because you don't do anything. Anxiety keeps me from going out ever since I lowered and recently jumped off my benzo habit. I'm also in my 30s which isn't prime age for meeting new people.

School is definitely a good thing and I thing, gives you something to do and talk about and hopefully you can meet some good people in the process.

Hope it works out for both of us.
Thanks, I hope so too ^^.

I did two of my 9th step amends today. Met up with two of my old best friends from New Jersey and talked for a while. Of course my anxiety lead me to wait until the last minute and make my amends right before saying good bye for the night - but it was good. It was really good actually. I'm really glad I got my first two amends done because hopefully it will give me the momentum i needed to get a bunch done while I'm in New Jersey and have the opportunity to do it.
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