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December 13, 2016 Marijuana Task Force Recommendations to Canadian Government

Thomas Davie

Moderator: CD
Staff member
Feb 6, 2013
These aren't going to be legally binding, but us hosers won the moon today.

There are many more nuggets buried in the task force report (which I link to), but the biggy in my opinion is that personal cultivation is to be allowed/

-18 years of age and older
-30g possession limit
-physical stores
-not co-sold with booze (yay)
-personal cultivation (4 plants yay, yay, yay, yay)
-no per se limit for drugged driving
-non commercial sharing should be allowed
-recommended for lawful consumption sites

report is at http://healthycanadians.gc.ca/task-force-marijuana-groupe-etude/framework-cadre/index-eng.php

Somewhat oddly, it is recommended that mail order and physical storefronts both be allowed. Edibles? Yup

All I can say is 'Make Canada High Again' :)

The Task Force further recommends that jurisdictions be able to permit dedicated places to consume cannabis such as cannabis lounges and tasting rooms if they wish to do so, with no federal prohibition. Safeguards to prevent the co-consumption with alcohol, prevent underage use, and protect health and safety should be implemented.


Tom is happy.
Allow tourists! I know Canada isn't as much of a tourist haven as some U.S. regions but it would still be cool.
Huzzah! One step closer for us Canadians. The way the government is moving forward I wouldn't be surprised to see implementation by the first half of 2017.
Allow tourists! I know Canada isn't as much of a tourist haven as some U.S. regions but it would still be cool.

Don't know where you're from Felonious, but our laws give you almost the same rights (no voting ir working perhaps?); so yeah, if you can stand the country - pot tourism will be allowed if not encouraged.

Heck, I encourage it. Come to our glorious third world country and spend money :)

This makes me very happy. I was worried that the recommendations would be more partisan...i.e. pandering to the baby boomer sort-of-socially-conservative core of the Liberal voters, and we would wind up with such bullshit as mail order only, consumption limited to private property, age limit of twenty-five, etc.
Don't know where you're from Felonious, but our laws give you almost the same rights (no voting ir working perhaps?); so yeah, if you can stand the country - pot tourism will be allowed if not encouraged.

Heck, I encourage it. Come to our glorious third world country and spend money :)

Haha, I didn't mean it like that, more like I'm pretty sure Los Angeles has more tourists per capita than Canada. I like it, I've actually been to Canada 3 times (I think, maybe more?). I live in California, so I have great access already, I'm just thinking about places like Uruguay or Spain that have easier access for residents than tourists.
The last time I had an experience with Canadian authorities they gave me a big ration of shit about my (cannabis possession related) criminal record.

They called it "dope", too, I got a kick out of that. "When was the last time you smoked dope, son?"

M'well it required no less than over a full long year simply to get some important facts on Trudeau's own peculiar manner to perform this so-called country-wide "consultation":


Practically speaking those provinces with more LPs got over-represented while i'll let the serious readers find out by themselves how the language barrier actually scored... 1 hint though, there was no mention of the word "racist" when i search both the English and French versions of this long awaited report. Perhaps we'll find out someday, when this communications excercise is objectionally scrutinized, long after it's too late for voters to get properly educated instead of just brain-washed.


Good day, have fun!! =D

Bill C-37 - An Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and to make related amendments to other Acts

« (b) prohibit the importation of designated devices — unless the importation is registered with the Minister of Health — as well as prescribed activities in relation to designated devices; »

Hummm... Translation: get your vapo while it's still time. So much for user-friendly "Harm Reduction" on planet Itnoc i guess!


Also, wasn't it somehow convenient there was more "hot news" to talk about (read "distract" from reality) on traditional media just the next day?...

Lets not dump previous related discussion just yet, that would be premature IMO:

Allow tourists! I know Canada isn't as much of a tourist haven as some U.S. regions but it would still be cool.
If you like natural beauty Alberta and BC are amazing for tourism in Canada. Awesome mountains, lakes, forests, and trails. Banff, Canmore, Jasper, Whistler, Kelowna, Squamish are all great places to love the great outdoors.

Well, if it's that better outside of Québec then what's attracting the Emery couple in Montréal to such point they recently opened 8 stores in defiance of the bigot anti-cannabic prohibitionist law of Trudeau, after he silently revised the CDSA 4 times this year alone?!...
If you like natural beauty Alberta and BC are amazing for tourism in Canada. Awesome mountains, lakes, forests, and trails. Banff, Canmore, Jasper, Whistler, Kelowna, Squamish are all great places to love the great outdoors.

British Columbia is probably the most beautiful place I've ever personally been to, perhaps even moreso than my homestate of Alaska. Driving through there is just one awe-inspiring majestic mountain vista after another, it's crazy
If you like natural beauty Alberta and BC are amazing for tourism in Canada. Awesome mountains, lakes, forests, and trails. Banff, Canmore, Jasper, Whistler, Kelowna, Squamish are all great places to love the great outdoors.

I'm totally with you, I've actually been to Canada a few times---mostly cities though: Vancouver, Quebec, and a couple others I can't remember off-hand. Beautiful spaces in between.