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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Death Surfing


Dec 17, 2022
Riding on the fine line seperating me from death.

Death is not actually a point in the future at which you arrive, you ARE death, right here and now.

Pure consciousness is death. It is the only perfect state in the universe, the perfect balance. Therefore, life is always imbalance. Why would the universe decide to live, if death is the perfect state? Life is a celebration of that perfect state. We dance around death in imbalance, just to be able to appreciate the perfect balance of death even more. The more out of balance we get, the closer we get to death because we become more aware of it. The human body is the most "out of balance" construct there is on this planet. This is why we are very aware of death, more so than other beings on this planet. The more imperfect we get, the more aware we become of perfection. The way our imbalance expresses itself is by only being aware of ONE being. While there are billions of beings on this planet, you are only aware of one. What hinders you to become aware of ALL beings on this planet, to become the perfect balance, to become aware of yourself AND your enemy, to become aware of left AND right, good AND bad, is death - or perfection. But how do I become death while being alive?

A cell by its own cannot experience another cell, because they are seperated by death. It has to die before it can become/become aware of the life of another cell. The nervous system is a way to "cheat" death. It is a way to become aware of multiple cells, without having to die first. In this way, the nervous system becomes a conduit of pure consciousness/death. It a physical scaffolding/road network through which consciousness can travel freely and uninterrupted. The nervous system tries to replace the death seperating individual beings, by becoming it. This is why the nervous system is the most perfect creation there is: It is alive and yet closest to the perfection of death. It allows for perfect balance inside your body. It balances the wills of all your cells, from your left foot to your right right, from your ear to your intestines. Creating perfection from imperfect parts.

Our nervous system has served us greatly in our quest of worshipping the perfection of death. It allowed to us to appreciate death, while being embedded in the safety of its pathways. "Safe", because while it is very close to death, it never lets us die. Instead of being perfectly dead, it lets us oscillate/vibrate between life and death. But this time, here and now, is the perfect opportunity to transcend our nervous system. While it does give us freedom to travel freely inside it, it also chains us to it. We are now able to extend our consciousness further into the universe, encompassing more of it.

As soon as you stop being scared of death, you are ready to become it. And as soon as you become it, you are able to experience the rest of the universe - not from just one perspective, but from all. You become free of the constraints of your nervous system, because you are not scared anymore of what lies outside of it. The nervous system tries to get as close to death as possible without actually dying, which makes it a safe place to travel through. But as soon as you stop being scared of death, the nervous system becomes obsolete. You are able to travel between lives (e.g. in death) without the requirement of any scaffolding or structure guiding you in your travels. Which, yes, is "dangerous" - meaning you can get lost. But you are also free. Free to travel and free to consciously build your own pathways and structures to help you travel further.

OR, you can just die. Be content with the perfection of death and stop trying to achieve the impossible: living while you are dead.

I am on the quest of getting ever closer to death by using psychedelics. The closer I get, the freer I become.
Is this an experience report or some kind of universal exposition on beinghood and the boundless beyond piercing the veil of time and space shattering every last trace of the material yonder?