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Death at Happy Valley Full Moon Festival & Bad XTC?

Just to clarify, I'm not saying that acting the way I DID (note: DID, not DO) is clever or advisable - but it is common. And it's unfair to label the people who do go a bit too far as "stupid". In most cases, they're just inexperienced. We all have to learn somehow, and in the case of drugs it's a sad fact that almost the only way to do that is by trial and error.
pillcat -
I have just read this whole topic and would just like to say how absolutely right you are on everything you post.
Allthough i am new to this board i have been around drugs a long time.
I'm just glad to see that atleast someone here has active brain cells and a sensible and positive approach to their words.
It appears to me that people here should respect your opinion a lot more and think before they post.
Sorry to upset anyone but you must realise that not only experience is the key to safety within our chosen lifestyle but knowledge comes in too.Pillcat obviously is one of the most knowledgable people here beacause she has been around this board aswell as drugs long enough to obtain "moderator" status (hang around here and you will learn a lot)
I'm impressed Pillcat didn't rip the shit out of sChLiNkE !
So ... what is the final word on this guy's death ... was it the green and gold caps .. or something else ?
I think Faust said it was the 7 pills.
You could probably pop 7 aspirin, stay up for 3 days drinking and it'd kill you.
What's more is that we haven't heard anything about the toxicology report. If it had been a bad batch, the media would have tripped on it. And where's the story now?
Just watch out and be careful this W/E ppl. Let's not give them another story.
Although i had fun at Happy Valley i think the death is a timely reminder (well it is to me) that people who take drugs are not invincable. After many years of popping, snorting , whatever, we build somewhat of an immunity to pills and think that we can take as many as we want witout it doing too much damage. Perhaps this is what this guy thought.It just shows that no matter how many years you've been pilling you still have to be aware that there are limits and listen to your body (and mind) when it's telling you you're pushing those limits.
This death was a wake up call for me. For too long i have been taking speed without thinking of the repercushions. I think that i need to have a few months (or weeks) straight to try and clear my head!!!
Just thought I'd add my two bits worth. I agree totally with Pillcat it is way to easy to get complacent. I started out with the one a night, no mixing of drugs, drinking water at appropriate times etc etc....eventually everyone becomes desensitized to the whole drug taking process and that is when complacency sets in. Luckily most of us just get the odd scare.
On the guy who died, without knowing the whole situation it is hard to really judge what happened. Obviously he went way too hard, but we have all made stupid decisions in our lives and this poor guy has paid the ultimate price. I think we should stop judging him and pass on some positive energy to his friends and family.
I totally agree with pillcat on this as well.
I was having a chat with a doctor friend of mine today (older - not involved in the scene at all) and we both agreed that the media - mainly the daily telegraph - has had its usual "rave" field day with this one.
Its amazing - if you compare the number of deaths related to party drugs such as e, speed compared to the number of deaths related to alcohol or heroin in the past few years. I'm positive that the figures would be nothing alike.
Okay - its not inconceivable that you might lose control on these drugs, but I think the majority of people who choose to use them are informed of the dangers- and know what to do if something goes wrong, as do their friends.
If there's one thing the Anna Wood debacle taught us it is education is the key.
With the other "overdoses" that happened at Happy Valley its good that the person/s involved sought help and that there were no other fatalities.
Anyway - SAFE PARTYING - doug
Hey sChLiNkE - get over yourself!!!
I'm sure having "been around the scary bits for 10 years" you will have stuffed up once or twice. If you haven't, U deserve a medal.
Yet I remember when I started back in July last year, in IBIZA, we knew very little about what we were doing. We knew nothing about comedowns, tolerance, losing weight, sleep, anything.
We did 10 days straight, taking 27 pills each, then spent three days in a Spanish hospital, being let out 5 hours before our flight back to the UK. Looking back I think I'm lucky to still be here.
And I've gone way too far on 3 other occasions. It happens. Last night I was with a mate who was doing halves, whilst I do wholes. He kept saying give me more. He did 2 by the end of the night. No biggy. I did 3, and he kept saying do more. Well I knew it wouldn't add to the experience, and was not sensible either. I declined. Last year I would have just kept popping.
Now that I have learnt the hard way, I will only ever do one night per weekend (at the most), until I get down to once per month. And I simply will not attend a 3 day rave due to the simple temptation it provides.
It is most likely the lad who died at Happy Valley did not know about this board. If he did he would not carry on the way he did. I for one have calmed down 10 fold since having access to many first hand reports on how people get way too fucked up.
I know on NYE everyone had this huge build up as to how mashed they were all gunna get. Personally, it scared me. I set myself a limit of 3 beans, and didn't exceed it. And I was still going strong by 11am, when the party was well over. Some people in my group decided to double-drop. Why I'll never know. The night I tripple dropped Green CU's was enough for me to realise the benefit of correct timing. I reckon I have dropped 90 pills in all and only got the timing right twice.
I think the message to come out of all this, is to know your limits. If one pill doesn't work wait enough time before gorging another. Set limits for a night, and look out for your friends. You never know what that person has been going thru before getting to the party. If you see them overdoing it, help them. I know I wouldn't knock back someone giving me advice if I've gone too far.
I'm flattered you guys, thank you. Thank you to Cruise e, although I don't think I'm infallible. I still have inaccurate ideas and prejudices like everyone else. And I still make mistakes. It's great to have a board like this where we can absorb every possible argument, point of view, opinion, fact, and then combine them with our personal experiences to come to our own conclusions.
Good work guys. If only this was the sort of informative, rational and most importantly EXPERIENCED advice they handed out to kids in schools. I swear we should set up a mobile Bluelight education centre! We all have a lot to teach.
yeah pillcat, i've been thinking the same thing, specially after reading about the stuff that Harm reduction Network does in the U.S.
i just get so pissed of at disinformation, toay i was reading MSO (melbourne star observer, local gay rag) and in its news column it printed some shit about the happy valley death verbatim from tabloid reports about "bad batches" and talked about strichnin tablets from holland coming into the country, both just not true. and this from a so called "scene" mag...
mmmmmm maybe a booth at 2 tribes? *THINKING*
.... he who makes a beast of himself, rids himself of the pain of being a man...
Sorry but I disagree with Pillcat. Heaps of people act VERY responsibly from day one of drug taking.
Most of my friends started on quarters and worked their way up to one a month. No one I know ever acted like Pillcat relays. She sounds pretty silly to me.
We're not all the same and some are just more responsible than others.
I think at 26 the dead guy SHOULD have known better!!! End of story!
being responsible and making a mistake are two totally different things.
you can be careful about taking drugs, you can read 100 websites, talk to dozens of people, drop halves, and still make a mistake.
My point is, you can never be too careful when it comes to drugs.
I thought i was responsible, then i dropped a pill which had trips in it, woah! that was a crazy night!
I cant say ive gone as far as Pillcat did, but then again i havent been pilling for that long either. Pillcat may have been silly in the past, but it looks to me that shes learnt from it(or maybe not
You can learn alot from books, internet, friends etc, but the sad fact is, you only really learn from mistakes.
Point 2: Its stupid to think that you're so responsible that you'll never make a mistake. Its that kind of mentality that gets people into trouble.
none of this probably makes any sense, im just bored off my arse...
thats my 2mg worth...
Once you pop, you can't stop...
Totally agree that being responsible and making a mistake are 2 very diffent things.
We wouldn't be called humans if we don't make mistakes at all.
A mistake wouldn't be called a "mistake" if one was certain they wouldn't make a mistake!
Mistakes does not = to being responsible ok?
Dragon you may be bored off your arse, but you've bloody got a point there. Good on ya mate!
It's mistakes and non-mistakes that we learn from, improve our knowledge and so forth!
Cheers to Pillcat as well!
hey i do my research, do halves, wait a long time if something doesnt work before doing more, i am very careful because i know i'm sensitive.
somehow i still managed to drop a whole beige heart not long after another pill which took longer than usual to kick in. i was very nearly unconcious and yarfed twice. not really serious, but it gave me a scare. everyone can make a mistake no matter how careful you try to be.
at madasss on sat. my brother spoke to a guy who was in kinda bad shape in the corner somewhere. i told my brother "he's prolly just really smacked out" and he said no, the guy was up for 3 days straight on stuff. later that night there was an ambulance taking someone away.. i wondered if it was that same guy. so soon after happy valley you have to wonder if some ppl will ever learn? i really hope he's okay.
peace and smilez to you all. stay safe