Mental Health dealing with alzheimers


Bluelight Crew
Feb 14, 2010
I can't say for certain but I've been pretty broken up over it and in tears over the last few days. There are a running number of health concerns that are beginning to lead me to believe that my dad may be falling into alzheimers. His memory and reasoning skills are becoming increasingly poor, he is becoming more and more depressed, doesn't want to work or even do the things he used to love to do, and increasing mood swings that seem to come out of no where- or are triggered by something seemingly insignificant or unrelated. He also frequently complains about poor circulation/cramping of the legs and arms, just recently started saying everything sounds muffled like he has water in his ear as well...and a number of other things. He just recently turned 69. I understand that some of this is a part of aging, but lately it has been very bothersome at the rate that it seems to be happening. Also, it seems like he is increasingly telling stories to cover up his mistakes.

I know this is a drug forum and mostly for people suffering from mental problems caused by drugs but if anyone has any advice/experience in dealing with someone like this and in getting him to possibly seek medical help. I feel like I or someone else will need to go with him to the doctor to explain his symptoms, and there isn't really anyone else that can do it or that knows. He has isolated himself from nearly everyone but me, and I know he will not like me telling him he needs to see a doctor because he might have alzheimers. I'm not asking for medical advice on how to treat or deal with him, just on how to emotionally deal with and help him seek the help that he needs.

sorry again if this is out of place..