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Dealer refunds?

ilikeacid said:
=D Lol! Great topic! 8) If someone asked me for a "refund" I'd stright away know they had no idea how the drugs business works and piss myself laughing at them!

Or maybe your being laughed at for thinking you know how it all works. ;)

zaineaol.nu made a good point about how the game works. At the end of the day, it's about who you surround yourself with and your relationships with these people. If you surround yourself with the shit, your experiences are going to be shit.

One thing I hate about the game is when you move states or countries you have to make good, reliable contacts all over again. I imagine it would be similar to losing all your log in details for Bluelight, but not quite as bad. :D
Just FYI the dealer in question is a girl who's reasonably good friends of a friend. I guess I'll just have to talk to her and my friend and see what she says. And I appreciate the honesty from those posting replies in this thread but I'm not some naive idiot who doesn't understand how the real world works. I know that chances are I won't be getting a refund or exchange.

I'm aware it's all a question of profit as I couldn't see why a dealer would be anything other than profit motivated.
If I were you ask for an exchange rather then refund until you get to know her better
My old dealer used to quite happily take back coke when I said it was not up to his usual standard. He'd give us back our money even after nailing an eighth or so.

I think he kind of respected us as no-one else had the balls to say anytihng like that to him as he was scary fucker.

In fact he even rang me once to see if I had heard of a particular brand of pill and to suggest whether he should buy them or not!

No credible dealer worth his salt wants to be known to have a shit product.

I think you just have to find a dealer who will actually be bothered to source out the best quality at the best price rather just sell what is given to him.

Treat your dealer well, pay upfront, give polite honest feedback and I'm sure most dealers will appreciate it - there are exceptions obviously who would just batter you. So why you buying drugs from him anyway?
Dealer Refund

If you are a regular you should be able to negotiate something for dodgey pills. I got some last week that I tested when I got home that didnt react at all. My dealer straight away offered to swap them over for some different ones.

If you get something in a club, I wouldnt expect much of a response
My dealer will only refund if i've got proof of purchase, its unused and still in it's original packaging.

I wonder though (seriously) if the Trade Practices Act would afford protection to the consumer of illegal drugs?

It stands to reason if illegal drug revenues can be taxed then you could easily imagine that the TPA would afford protection (although you would open yourself up to prosecution under the Crimes Act)

Nevertheless if your drug dealer was misleading or deceptive, or promised speed only for you find out when you got there that he didn't have any was offered the more expensive coke then could you raise a complaint with the ACCC?
It's all too true - buddy u stated the whole poiint "good friends of a friend" which means - you don't mean jack to 'him/her'.

You win some you lose some. We've all been burnt - it's only fair you get your fiar share too - it's the way the cookie crumbled.

I've lost alot of money in the past - but you gotta think to yourself 'shit happens.. im gunna build a bridge'. Never calling her again loses her business, in tun - you also get the ability to suggest to others not to go to her. SWIM sold pills for a time - and one time SWIM got a batch of shit pills... SWIM had to sell them anyway to make back the cash and SWIMs business went downhill from there.

This is the way of the world.
Once after complaing about all the stem, a friend was told if it was that bad to bring it back and it would be refunded for bud. This was done and the transaction completed.

The bud was all finely manicured off the stem after this.

This was tried at another dealers with less than favourable results.
It boils down to your relationship with your dealer. If you are mates or on quite good terms then asking for a refund or more likely an exchange for better product may well work. Otherwise I dn't like your chances, if he's consistently crap better just to find a new dealer.
LOL. if your dealer sells u shit once, more then likely he'll do it again.Keep trying different people till you find someone reliable, it's hard but there are good dealers out there if you get along and you bring him business, chances are he'll keep giving you quality. But the money can change them, and get too greedy. SWIM knew this guy who got lucky and he got connected with a source who always quality meth, he only goes thru that connection and hasnt copped crap and the one time he was upfront with him and said it wasnt as good as the stuff he got off him before and did it cheaper, and if it wasnt as good it wasnt by much, better then alot of the cut to hell shit he got off little rats trying to just make a quick buck! When there is nothing good around he doesnt pick up,unlike most dealer who will just pickup shit and sell it to make the money!
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