Deadmau5 - What Do YOU Think of Him/His Music?

Listening to Deadmau5 - Vanishing Point right now hehe

I like his remixes too like Morgan Page ft Lissie. - The Longest Road (Deadmau5 Remix)

But its true that some of his tracks have the same sound
The only time I've actually heard him,
It was his Fruity Loops demo Song,

Other then that its only flyers that I've seen him on.
Isn't he playing UMF?
I liked his stuff at first but slowly realized everything he puts out is the exact same. Most overrated name in EDM id say. on top of that he seems like a serious dick, especially to be dissing DJs like that, after all, THEYRE the ones who are really buying the producers' records.

Yeah it is all kinda samey, which is why I generally only like a few tracks as opposed to his work as a whole. He's actually quite a cool guy though, pretty sure he was misquoted deliberately in that online article.
i don't think he was misquoted at all. it might have been taken slightly out of context, but even with context those are some harsh words. if he was misquoted, i figure he would have said so instead of backpedaling in his myspace blog:

I could only have imagined people wouldn’t read into it so much (let alone the interview wouldn’t pick out all the stupid bits) and miss the point completely. I’m not a total fucking idiot, and I recognize talent when I see it.... and there are many talented DJs out there for sure. In my eyes, those would be the individuals who utilize technology to deliver the music in ways that are both skillful and innovate, more so than my vision of the "play/stop/pitch" DJ. To me, the club is about "the party"... the people make the night... the DJ obviously needs to use that to his advantage, it's give and take.

Okay, to say "all DJs are...." etc. etc., to be taken literally as this article did, was just painfully stupid and wrong on their behalf. So I’m not the world’s most eloquent person... any idiot can tell you that. But the meaning behind the statement was ‘the concept that I recognize as being a "disc jockey"...

See it as a failed attempt at correcting a wrong, or backtracking, or just being plain hypocritical, I really don’t give a fuck either way... This statement isn't for you fucking elitist fuckheads who have nothing better to do with your internets. This is for the the people who appreciate what I’m doing, people who enjoy music, and is meant to assure those people that my intent was not to insult or belittle anyone or any group of people in particular.

his full response was posted in november of last year if you care enough to read it.

so okay, fair enough point about the concept of DJ worship, but even a not-so-eloquent person could have come up with a better way of making that point if their massive ego wasn't in the way. i noticed his 'explanation' mostly blames the magazine and still doesn't do much to acknowledge the role of the DJ in the scene/his career. even if DJs are in fact overrated, why bite the hand that feeds so viciously?
Maybe taken out of context would be a better way for me to put it. I tend to agree with his points on the 'pause, cue, play' DJ's and the way most of them seem to take themselves so seriously these days. Seriously, an 8 yr old can learn to mix.

Anyway, I don't think he's a cunt at all.
i like his tracks. i am less enthused about statements like this:

(DJs are Fucking Cunts) "It puts me to fucking sleep to be quite honest, I don’t really see the technical merit in playing two songs at the same speed together and it bores me to fucking tears and hopefully - with all due respect to the DJ type - that will fucking go the way of the dinosaur. I'd like them to dis-a-fucking-pear. Itss so middle man, they’re like fucking lawyers. You need them, but they’re fucking cunts. God bless them they’re my number one customer right so I’m not gonna go diss every fucking DJ. But to say you become this massive up on a podium performer by playing other peoples productions at the same speed as someone else’s productions and fading between the two of them, I don’t get it.”

for that reason, I do not respect him as a person.

as a producer, he has skills.
as a dj, he's pretty wack, no skill, just pressing buttons - but atleast he did produce the stuff he plays.
I really dig Deadmau5.
I'm stoked to see him tomorrow in Salt Lake City
I really like his stuff, though I'll agree with everyone here- it all sounds pretty damn similar.
I'm seeing him on the 21st here in Dallas, and to be honest.. I'm about as stoked to see him as I was Armin van Buuren.. Which is a lot =D
my buddy is signed to a major lable (soma). he did a show w/ audion and deadmau5... based on his interactions with deadmau5 the quote seems to match his overall personality. he's a dick and he wears a costume on stage. his music isnt bad though.

interesting note: my friend isnt a dj, he plays live... so maybe deadmau5 is a cockmouth to everyone *shrugs*
there's like no variation in his songs, they're just the same sort of thing going on for 5 minutes, that's not music, that's just repetitive beats