• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

Tapering Day One Suboxone Rapid Taper from Heroin

Hey Sharito! Thanks for the reply! How did your sub induction go? I was a nervous wreck! I have been using heroin since I was 19, I'm 29, with 3 years clean twice in between. But this last 'run' started as a pill addiction Mothers Day 2015 when I fell down my deck and blew out 3 lumbar discs. It progressed to heroin this year when my asshole neighbor told me she could get me pills but actually came back with dope. (Obviously still a little resentful of that, but hey, I could've said no)! I don't really have access to a bunch of subs or I would def consider a longer taper, or even maintenance. But I think with the help of my fiance, I'll be able to keep clean after the sub and comfort meds are all gone. I wish you the best of luck! I'm gonna keep this updated as well throughout this process. Do you have a thread that you're updating as well? How are you feeling now that you're a couple days in?

My induction went great. More than great. Once it kicked in, the withdrawals went away, and I felt “normal” for the first time in longer than I can remember, I wanted to cry. A good cry. I’m still in the honeymoon phase, but right now I think subs are the best decision I’ve ever made. I have a thread in BDD, should be on the front page still, where I say something like subs have, at the very most, saved my life. And at the very least, they saved my family. Subs have ensured (for now, as long as I don’t fuck it up) that my 3 beautiful children will keep their daddy full time in their lives, and not have to go through watching their parents split up because daddy was a junkie.

I was a little comcerned about precipitated withdrawals. That’s the reason I started the BDD thread. I actually gave myself plenty of time after the heroin, but I’m a fucking dumbass, and needed to be functional for a Christmas thing, and took some kratom and a moderate dose of lope to get me through the day. Minutes after I took it I started freaking out thinking I ruined my induction and was gonna go straight into PWD. But... when the morning of the appointment came, I was fine. I’ve been through withdrawals enough to know where my body is at, and I knew I was far enough along to dose the subs, so I did so without reservation.

Anyway, glad to hear everything is coming along for you! Keep it up, you’ve got this!
Sharito, thanks for getting back to me! I'm glad the subs are working out so well for you. Me too, so far so good. Since I'm doing a short taper, I'm obviously nervous about the jump off on Monday, but we shall see. I will have plenty left in case I'm not quite ready to jump from .5mg to 0.

Wow! 3 kids! I have an 11 year old son, and that's quite enough, lol! Our kids deserve the best parents and that is what we shall be!

The subs have taken away all of my withdrawl symptoms completely too and I just feel like my normal self again. I too felt so good, like I could cry, like a big cloud of familiar relief rained down on my spirit.

Wishing you the best of luck! I will look into your thread on BDD soon.
My fiance and I went to Barnes and Noble and bought the Game of Thrones Risk game tonight! We searched all over Pittsburgh to find a store with it in stock! Finally found one about 25 minutes away and jumped in the car. It is badass! We are gonna play tomorrow when he gets off work. After the book store we stopped in Wal-Mart for some vitamins and comfy PJs for me. When we got back by the slippers I found an attractive pair, bent down to try em on and my gassy ass let one rip! (TMI I KNOW, BUT I DON'T CARE, IT'S MY THREAD AND MY RECOVERY)! I cannot remember the last time I laughed like I did! Tears were pouring from my eyes as the nice gentleman who was walking past did a 180 and my fiance apologized for me. It felt so good to have an honest belly laugh (the toot wasn't so bad either) lol! Oh how I missed the days of simple fun and laughter. It feels so good not to have any secrets anymore. Everything is on the table again, and I'm very lucky that he is loving, supportive, and willing to go through this with me. Oh! I also grabbed a book I've been dying to read: Christopher Hitchens' God is Not Great. I'm just a couple pages in, but I know I'm going to love it and probably finish it by tmrw evening.

Feeling pretty good still from my 2mg 8am dose of sub. Hoping to get some good sleep tonight, fingers crossed. Like I said earlier, I want to try and take my 1mg dose a little later in the afternoon tmrw. But we shall see. I'll report back when the time comes. Or if I'm stuck awake tonight, I'll probably post something again.
I'm watching GOT for the second time, just watched joffrey die, i waved bye bye to him. Has there ever been a more hated character in a tv series? Just remember, the sub is making you feel good, once that's over, you're not going to feel great, be prepared. You're not going to feel horrible, but flu like symptoms should be there. If you feel like complete crap, you can take anther small dose of sub, for a day or maybe two, but i wouldn't go any further than 6 days, and really no more than 5 (this is what detox facilities are doing, 5 days).
Alldonewithit, no, I don't believe there is a more hated character than Joffrey. And I totally think that is what I'm going to do, rewatch the whole show again. What a great idea.
I totally know that I am going to be miserable flu like when I jump off; but it sure did feel good to just laugh and enjoy myself for a little while last night. Yes, I will consider taking a .25mg dose on Monday if I am truly miserable, but I'd like to avoid it because it'll be my last day off of work. How are you doing today? 28 days! Congrats! You're so close to having 30 under your belt, what an accomplishment!
Day 3 has begun. I just woke up around 8:45 a.m. after falling asleep around 12:30a.m. and I slept through the entire night. I guess I shouldn't get used to it! I am really starting to get nervous about jumping off, but I'm going to try and cross that bridge when I get there. I had a really good day yesterday; productive at work, fun in the evening. It really brought my use of drugs into perspective. I don't need a chemical to make my life better. Yeah, sure, it feels great (at first), the pain, misery and consequences are nowhere near worth the short burst of high.

I'm going to try and eat something and take my vitamins. Might just protein shake it, I have like 30 pounds of Optimum Nutrition Whey back from when we were doing a 5 day split. --- can't wait to get back into that!
I guess I was craving something sweet because I just housed a tupperware container sized bowl of cinnamon toast crunch. I can't even remember the last time I ate breakfast. I know, not the best choice by far, but at least I took my vitamins. I'm going to continue reading my book and I got a charcoal peel off face mask to mix up and use at some point today - I hope it's not one of those peel your actual skin and hair from your face masks, lol.

My son got a ridiculous amount of Christmas gifts and he is totally preoccupied with those, but I'll have to pry him off the Xbox later to spend some quality time. We've been making pottery with his new pottery wheel and making slime with his new slime kit. He got a few new board games, maybe we'll dabble with those later.

Off to read and relax. I wish I was motivated to clean and do laundry, but my fiance said he'd help with that tomorrow when he's off.

I hope everyone is doing well today. I'm impressed with the amount of views this thread has gotten. If you're reading this, chime in please!!! Let's chat.
Pottery wheel!!! Nice. I took ceramics as a soph in HS, just for a good grade to assure sports status, and ended up taking it for 3yrs, loved it. Been telling myself for the past 25yrs that i want a wheel, this could be the hobby that I've been looking for. Don't worry about the jump, you're not going to feel awful, just not really good. You're young enough that you should rebuild rather quickly. One day at a time. Stay strong.
You are doing great op!!
I wish I had your resolve. So much goes wrong for me and I always fall back into the trap. My wife and family need me to be who I used to be.
Pottery is awesome! I've been watching YouTube videos of amazing, skillful artists for years! It is way harder than they make it look! My first pot was/is atrocious! You should totally buy a wheel! What an amazing hobby that would be.

Like sharito said about being in the 'honeymoon' phase of the sub, I think that's where I am right now. I'm not as scared about the physical symptoms when I jump off, more the mental aspect of not having any chemical to alter my mood and mind. It's been 2.5 years of having something every single day as a crutch. A veil between me and the real world. Rose colored glasses looking into the mirror. Reality is going to set in and I don't want to be bombarded with the guilt and shame of what I've done to get myself to this low point. I'm not a thief and nobody in my family knows I relapsed - that is pretty much all I've got going for me. I have racked up tons of credit card debt, cashed in IRAs, drained my savings, sold my prized silver coin collection, betrayed my fiance's trust, but most of all, I have lost my self respect. I barely trust myself. I need to get my self worth and self esteem back. Self esteem comes from doing esteemable things, so that's what I must focus on. Doing the next right thing over and over again to rebuild the confidence I once had in my decision making capabilities. I know it can be done, I've done it before. I've had 3 years clean twice. Why and how the hell did I get back here? I need to really look at why I feel the need to get out of myself every single day. Am I really that bad of a person? Probably not. But there has to be some deep underlying cause of this addiction. Yeah, drugs feel great. But it has to be more than that. Just some things I've been reflecting on today. I'm an overthinker. Oh, well.

Almost lunchtime on day 3. I'm going to dose my 1mg sub now. Probably read my new book. I've done my face mask and I have to say my face is very smooth and supple; much better than the gritty sweat sloughing off my face as the opiates release from my pores. Will check back in later.
You are doing great op!!
I wish I had your resolve. So much goes wrong for me and I always fall back into the trap. My wife and family need me to be who I used to be.

Beenbetter, thank you for your comment. Are you detoxing too? Screw the trap! The trap will always be there. If you always do what you always done, then you're always going to get the same result. Have faith that you can get through it. This sounds incredibly simple but I keep telling myself just because I want to do something (drugs) doesn't mean that I have to do them. Very simple mindset, but it's working! Fuck yeah I want to run out of this house and cop, but where the hell will that get me? Back to square one. I've already accomplished so much in just 3 short days. I'm not willing to regress. I'll look to see if you have a thread open and try to get some background on ya.
Wow e Wow! My stomach is absolutely killing me! It started hurting around 1:30 about an hour and a half after I dosed my 1mg sub. I laid down with my pup (pit lab mix) and somehow fell asleep. She totally knew I was hurting, she laid her head on my belly and didn't move. I woke up soaked in sweat belly still in shambles. As a reminder day one I took 3mg sub day two 2mg sub and day 3 just 1mg. Do you think I jumped down too soon? This is seriously agony in my belly and these sweats are no fun! Idk what to do? Should I maybe try another .5mg? I don't want to take more, but if this gets worse I don't want to think about where my head will go!
Perhaps I should've taken my dose at the same time as yesterday instead of waiting and extra 4 hours. I went 28 hours, but I figured the sub half life would take care of that. Idk. I will try to await someone's response, if this gets much worse, I am going to dose .5mg and see how I feel afterwards.
Imodium for the tummy, clonidine for the sweats. Try taking the sub on schedule. You're fine to take anther .5 today, don't worry about it. Then tomorrow dose on the morning another .5mg. Get Imodium.
I dosed the .5mg and feel much better already. My fiance is getting me an economy sized container of Imodium on his way home from work.
Good, that should hold you through the night. The Imodium helps with other things other than the stomach too. On rough days i'd take 10-12mg of it, it relieved anxiety, helped me sleep, settled my legs a bit. For symptoms other than the stomach, it may take a couple hours to help, but it does. Don't take doses that high for more than a day or two though, and make sure its the green pills, not the gel caps. If you do, make sure you drink plenty of water, something you should be doing anyway, and something i forgot to mention. Water, Gatorade, Pedialyte....
So, that neighbor I talked about in a post to sharito, the one that got me hooked back on the H in the first place, was begging me for money today. I had her blocked on my phone but she contacted me with a new number. She was super sick. I obviously didn't give her any money but I offered her kratom and she accepted. She arrived at my house and I prepared her a nice concoction of high quality extract. Idk if it helped, but seeing her like that was honestly pathetic. I offered her sub at first, but she's not ready to quit and just needed something until she could figure money out. I told her that I'm done with that garbage. She owes me so much money, but I don't even care. I'm cutting that as a loss. I sent her on her way with the rest of my kratom, and a firm leave me the f*** alone from now on. My fiance was nice and threw her a couple vikes. He obviously hates her. I couldn't believe he helped her.

Anyways, my belly is feeling much better. We are cleaning the house up and going to play our new Game of Thrones Risk game. I hope everyone had a good day. I didn't read as much of my book as I wanted, but I have plenty of time for that in the next 2 days. I am all set to drop to the .5mg tmrw a.m. I am prepped with Imodium, clonidine, and klonapin (only if necessary). I am so ready to take my awesome life back. Seeing her in such distress today made me want to be clean so much more. She's on the brink of losing her job, and I saw her selling her son's toys on Facebook along with the Christmas present I got her. Made me really sad for her. I realize how lucky I am to have such a supportive partner and I refuse to take that for granted or give up the love and support for the drugs. It will never be worth it.
Yes, you're lucky to have that support, your "friend" obviously doesn't. Forget about the $$ she owes you, and count it as a lesson learned. You're all set, you got this, you got everything you need to get through this, don't think about the jump, you'll drive yourself crazy thinking about it. Like i said, tell yourself you can feel the flu symptoms coming on. And everyone is different, you could pop right out of this shortly after stopping the sub.
Thanks alldonewithit, I sure hope I pop out of it. I am more concerned with the mental aspect than the physical though. But talking with all of you here on BL helps immensely! There is seriously no better help than from someone who has already gone through it! It is irreplaceable and gives me so much hope! Thank you so much for sticking by me through this, you have no idea how much you've already helped me.

I will continue to update as I have been and hopefully I'll be able to help somebody one day as you have done for me.

We ordered greasy pizza for dinner, not a great choice, but I usually cook everyday and I am just not up to it. We are reading for now, my son is playing his Nintendo Switch. After dinner we are gonna bust out GOT Risk! I hope everyone has a nice evening. I'll be back on tonight if I can't sleep.

Thanks again for everything, it means so much to me.
I’m surprised how long subs last with others.. I had a problem with split doses on methodone & find myself in the same predicament on Subutex.. withdrawals return after 4-6 hours.. I was started at 8mg 3 x a day in my first week & second week.. now I’m on 4mg 5x a day only bcuz I want to taper off at a pace where it doesn’t interfere with my job..
I should of done the 5 day taper but I was unaware at the time.. but again with my job, it was probably impossible to get thru the day.. it’s very labor intensive too..
Wish ya nothing but success!