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Daily Nitrous use with B-12 supplementation


Jun 19, 2008
I'm not really a heavy drug user, but I recently decided to get a 24 pack of nitrous canisters to experiment with nitrous. I rarely do more than one hit in a day, but sometimes I do a hit a day a few days in a row. Is this bad? I know nitrous depletes vitamin b-12, so after every hit I take a b-12 lozenge and let it dissolve in my mouth.

Will my brain be okay?

PS- Nitrous + DMT amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing%)
unless you do massive massive amounts you will be just fine. take a vitamin tab every day. you dont need a b12 lozenge after every hit that is overkill and pretty funny, no offense. there is probably a months worth of b12 in each of those. so you will be golden, stop worrying. just take one of those a day.

there are only a couple of documented cases of problems and these were people who did like an entire giant tank from a dentist in one or two days. anything less is absolutely harmless.
I don't think that B12 supplementing completely compensates for nitrous use, apparently it can seriously lower the seizure threshold and also it's easy to get mild hypoxia just by the way pure nitrous is mostly used (from charges / cartridges). You can get headaches, blue lips and a cold nauseating fucked up feeling inside that way.

Don't overdo it. It is not completely without risk.

I'm glad you have gotten good results from DMT & nitrous, I found it to be disappointing against all expectations. Nitrous makes every other psychedelic very extreme for me.
Disappointing that it makes every other psychedelic very extreme? Or disappointing on its own?
Like other's have said, you only need to worry about supplements if you are doing an insane amount, meaning over at least 24 pack a day for weeks on end. Keep in mind that an hour of dental surgery is like 50 nitrous canisters (at least according to some math I did a long time ago).
the only stories about damage from nitrous Ive heard involve a ridiculous amount of nitrous inhaled over a very short period of time. The story I heard was a guy who did 600 8 gram chargers a day for a week and he ended up with really bad tingling in his arms and legs but seriously thats fucking ridiculous. I've done more than a full box of 24 in one night and nothing bad ever happens I just make sure to eat vitamins for a few days before and after.
Solipsis dear you are incorrect. So long as you do not strap a mask on yourself or some other idiotic method, inhaling individual balloons poses almost ZERO risk of "hypoxia" you are fear mongering IMO with scary sounding words. The natural impulse to BREATH will FORCE a contraction of the diaphram when the brain determines it MUST have more oxygen. It is as difficult to cause brain damage from inhaling nitrous balloons as it is to cause it by deliberately holding your breath... in other words ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE.

And if you take B12 sublingual tabs before then after doing nitrous it will prevent completely any damage. The ONLY way to cause damage is to do truly staggering amounts, as in an entire large dentist's cylinder of it in the space of a few hours. And no one doing whippets is going to end up consuming that much... problems from nitrous are just about THE RAREST of all drug injuries, as in literally only a few documented cases in the entire literature, ever.
Yeah its hard to know how real the dangers are with moderate use and also how well supplements work - so much conflicting info on the net.

Vegetarians such as myself should be even more careful about it as B12 is one of the things we struggle to get enough of.

I personally take a 1000 microgram supplement for a week before (if I know in advance) and a week after I do nitrous which is probably about 60-80 bulbs once every month or two (whenever I trip).
Look for the sublingual in the form of METHYLCOBALAMIN.

It's the active form directly used in the body and brain. No coversion first needed as in the Cyanocobalamin forms, which alot of people are low on the liver enzyme needed to convert.

Methylcobalamin is super potent, goes to work immediately and directly, and has numerous awesome benefits. Google it.

And I am 100% certain it will totally protect you from any damage from nitrous.

Nitrous is considered pretty much THE #1 SAFEST PSYCHOACTIVE SUBSTANCE KNOWN TO MAN. All the fears about B-12 are just people freaking on an obscure fact just because they found it while googling. The risks of any problems being caused by that are utterly microscopic in the extreme, it is pretty much REALLY SILLY to worry about that in 99.999999% of the situations in which any of us will ever use it.
Yeah the one I have here says "Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)... 1000mcg" so I'll look out for the METHYLCOBALAMIN next time I buy them, thanks.
The cyano should be OK, most people can probably convert enough of that to work fine, but the methyl form from that I read about and now use just sounds SO much more beneficial. You will probably have to go to a vitamin store, or ordeer it online. Its quite inexpensive, 10 dollars for 60 tabs or so

Now I feel as if I have Adonis Blood and Tiger DNA, just like Charlie Sheen! ;)
Solipsis dear you are incorrect. So long as you do not strap a mask on yourself or some other idiotic method, inhaling individual balloons poses almost ZERO risk of "hypoxia" you are fear mongering IMO with scary sounding words. The natural impulse to BREATH will FORCE a contraction of the diaphram when the brain determines it MUST have more oxygen. It is as difficult to cause brain damage from inhaling nitrous balloons as it is to cause it by deliberately holding your breath... in other words ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE.

I always thought this myself, but as I've watched other people do it I've noticed that a lot of people's lips end up turning purple or blue and they go a little pale. And these people are using it out of a balloon, not some retarded method. Nothing bad has ever come of it but it sometimes concerns me. Eventually all people will breathe, but it isn't that hard to end up depriving yourself of oxygen more than you normally would. When you huff a balloon, it's like holding your breathe after you exhale, which is much harder than when you hold your breath after you inhale. If you hold your breath like this, it gets quite uncomfortable after 20-30 seconds but it's easy to keep going on the balloon for that amount of time without feeling the urge to breathe. I'm not saying this poses a real danger of death or serious brain damage, but there have been times that I've had to take the balloon away from people after a minute of huffing without breathing.
"a lot of people"? A LOT??? Oh come on now, clearly this is an exaggerated story of some kind. I call bullshit. I mean how many people are you around that are doing this practice to call it "A LOT"?

You mean when people keep just inhaling and exhaling the same lungfull into the same balloon over and over?

Yea, um, dont do that.

Another thing, 30 seconds is a fairly long time to hold your breath, with just AIR in your lungs for most people so I dont know how pertinent this is to nitrous oxide use. This is all pretty ridiculous fright mongering, reminiscent of some anti drug advertisement to elementary school children.

But it has nothing to do with nitrous. If you did that with a balloon and regular goddamned motherfucking AIR your lips might turn blue and eventually you would pass out, right?

All the B-12 in the world ain't gonna help you from harm due to BALLOON ABUSE, nosiree Bob!

I mean if people were to start making a habit out of inhaling hits of nitrous and then slamming themselves in the forehead with a ball-peen hammer in order to hallucinate cool swarms of swirling stars and tweety-birds, you wouldn't say it was the nitrous that was somehow causing the health issues would you?

So like, um, you know:

Yea children? Balloons are BAY-UD, M'Kay? So um, like, stay away from, you know, like, balloons, M'Kay? Cause you know, Balloons are um, you know, like BAY-UD, M'Kay???
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The proper way to hit a balloon of nitrous is to keep hitting the same balloon, as the majority of what you exhale is still nitrous oxide. If you just inhale it once, you are wasting a HUGE amount of the rush you could have gotten. And in my experience with nitrous, which is fairly extensive, this happens to a lot of people. Just pay attention the next time you see someone else using nitrous out of a balloon. I agree the nitrous isn't doing this directly, but when you are tripping on nitrous, it is very easy to forget to breathe if you don't have much experience with it. You're not going to die, but it is quite easy to hit the balloon for significantly longer than you could bear hitting a balloon in the same way without nitrous. Eventually the urge to breathe will surpass the pleasantness of the nitrous, but this takes longer than normal. I'm not fear mongering here. Nitrous is one of my favorite drugs. Yes, you can avoid this by not exhaling back into the balloon over and over, but that wastes tons of usable nitrous. You can also avoid it by being aware of what you are doing, but this is sometimes hard for people new to it.
What is also possible is exhaling in the balloon after going back and forth a small number of times, then hyperventilating some normal air and then back to the balloon. This adds to the effect in the same way but you're not depriving yourself of oxygen quite as much.
What is also possible is exhaling in the balloon after going back and forth a small number of times, then hyperventilating some normal air and then back to the balloon. This adds to the effect in the same way but you're not depriving yourself of oxygen quite as much.

If you do that, then it solves the problem, although remembering that three balloons in can sometimes be a challenge=D I don't want anyone to misunderstand; what I explained it totally avoidable by doing this or anything else that involves breathing. It's just that it is completely possible to go a long time without breathing before you feel anything if you don't know what you're doing.
I'm not really a heavy drug user, but I recently decided to get a 24 pack of nitrous canisters to experiment with nitrous. I rarely do more than one hit in a day, but sometimes I do a hit a day a few days in a row. Is this bad? I know nitrous depletes vitamin b-12, so after every hit I take a b-12 lozenge and let it dissolve in my mouth.

Will my brain be okay?

PS- Nitrous + DMT amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing%)

Quite irrelevant but how do you administer Nitrous and DMT at the same time?
^ set up both hits at the ready and then do them both quickly in succession.

Question: OTHER than oxygen deprivation-related injuries, are there known dangers of nitrous use? Problems from the Nitrous itself?