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Sep 15, 2010
I just recently got 15 of these. 10mg. I know there muscle relaxers. What i wanna know is if there is any recreational vaule to them? Has anyone tried them? Whats it like? Thanks you. Edit: Whats a safe dose to take? How many mg is to much?
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recreational value? no, unless mixed with opiates or benzos

tried them? to many times to count, my buddy has a grandma who gets prescribed these, and ive gotten a few in my day

i just used them for comedowns etc.
Thanks bro. Now that i think of it i did take there once. Not on purpose. Thought i was taking some benzos lol. Wrong bottle.
I'm usually given it as an alternative to Soma when I have muscle pain. No doctors will give me Soma.
I took 20mg a half hour ago. Feel calmer but thats about it. I was thinking about railing one but i dont like snorting things if i dont have proof it works....fucking vyvance
I took 20mg a half hour ago. Feel calmer but thats about it. I was thinking about railing one but i dont like snorting things if i dont have proof it works....fucking vyvance

This will burn very very bad, and do nothing as far as euphoria wise. Anything over 20 mg is asking for RLS.
1 with some oxy's & benzos is nice. its adds muscle relaxation and boosts anti-anxiety and sedative effects. 1 is only needed when "boosting" as cyclones can get overly sedating and has anticholinergic effects at higher doses.

they also seem to boost and prolong opiate's pain killing effects, which is nice when needed.
I have taken these many times. If you take to much it will give you the kicks like you can't stretch enough I used about 20-30mgs a time. I felt like they made me more Aggrivated like little things just got on my nerves. Cigs were more enjoyable. I say little rec value... Stick to somas
I have taken these many times. If you take to much it will give you the kicks like you can't stretch enough I used about 20-30mgs a time. I felt like they made me more Aggrivated like little things just got on my nerves. Cigs were more enjoyable. I say little rec value... Stick to somas

Save them for when you have muscle pain. They really can work well for that.

If you are insistent on taking some, only take one 10mg tablet. And don't expect any great effects other than mild relaxation/sedation. If you take more than 10mg, expect to be out of it for hours.