Cyclical Ketogenic Carbohydrate Manipulation


Bluelight Crew
May 20, 2015
First real post to start off my new membership! I am wondering how many others in the forum lean more towards carbohydrate manipulation with a focus on a 1-2 no carb days through the week (minus non-starchy vegetables and a little fruit to ward away hunger pains) I have personally tried flat out ketosis by just adjusting my fat intake and only consuming a trivial amount of carbs before specific workouts i.e leg day, but I felt way too sluggish and the resulting lipolysis was negligible at best.


Basically a rough sketch of my week's set macro count....

Sunday - 175P 350C 60F - roughly 2800 calories.
* Carb re-feed to help with leptin production.
I also alternate Sunday with a pure overfeed day just because my soul is secretly deep fried in ice cream.

Monday - 175P 150C 80F - roughly 2000 calories.
* Moderate carb day.
Slowly tapering into a no carb day.

Tuesday - 175P 75C 80F - roughly 1800 calories.
* Lower carb day.

Wednesday - 175P 0C (25C) 80F - roughly 1500 calories.
* Zero carb day.
I put the 25C in parenthesis because I do eat a small amount of fruit throughout the day for clean energy and I consume a small amount of non-starchy vegetables that are practically negligible in energy return and more so work for me as a placebo effect of eating a large amount of nothing. Such as baked pumpkin. 15C from baked pumpkin looks like a lot of food, but in actuality its a minute dent on the body's energy needs.

Thursday - 175P 100C 80F - roughly 1800 calories.
* Lower carb day.
This day to me also acts as a mild refuel for my body. Not a complete re-feed to jump start leptin production, but helps stave off the overwhelming desire to binge eat for me at times and helps with energy and mood through the day.

Friday - 175P 100C 80F - roughly 1800 calories.
* Lower carb day.
This day is the last carb intake before another no carb day. I generally prioritize majority of my carbs towards complex rather than consuming simple carbs besides my morning fruit.

Saturday - 175P 0C (25C) 80F - roughly 1500 calories.
* Zero carb day.
I survived the week and sunday begins the restart to my body with a generous refeed/overfeed to help with leptin levels, stave off ghrelin and cortisol production and help get my mood back in check.


I'm just trying to see how others go about with their own personal schedules, ideologies, and experience with carb manipulation. I find it far superior than attempting to achieve ketosis. Only thing I appreciated about ketosis was the wonders it did for my skin. It always felt extremely tight, and my body seemed to have little to no oil production.

EDIT: This diet I have been following lately is in conjunction with my laziness that has came over me the last few months. I personally haven't done much in 3 months, but I still get some form of aerobic/anerobic activities in via walking, my morning stretching, and calisthenics throughout the week. I'm about 6' 4'' 187 pounds hanging around 7%-8% body fat. That is a educated guess considering I still have veins on my stomach and legs.
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I'm guessing no one here really gets crucial with their diet game? Or is this subject put in the wrong subcategory in the forum?
im still not really sure what all the foods that contain carbs are.

i wouldn't mind seeing what its like being in ketosis, iv had periods where i cut gluten out of my diet and it did wonders for my skin/mental health as well i think

its the right forum, i don't get as technical when it comes to my diet. i think bodybuildingforum and stuff get really scientific and detailed about diets, but i just explore diet intuitively and gather information from peoples anecdotal experiences.
Ketosis in a simplified form is when your body has completely drained its own glucose storage to the point where insulin is no longer active in the blood stream and thus you can no longer metabolically activate your first source of energy. This is referred to as "carb depletion". You can go buy the keto sticks I guess from wal-mart, but I heard those aren't really accurate. I picked up on my own personal indicators for when I've achieved a ketonic state. Usually my odor will smell like ammonia and in the mornings I will always have a slight chemical after taste on my tongue due to ammonia excretion. Benefits to ketosis is your body now solely relies on converting your excess fat storage into free fatty acids that are then metabolized via lipolysis.

You definitely have an altered conscious from ketosis. I become easily agitated especially when doing the most simple of tasks. Reminds me of trenabolone hah.

Oh ya its called ketosis because the metabolic byproduct from converting free fatty acids into cellular energy are referred to as ketones.

Lol. Bodybuilding forum=Broscience
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Even though technically this is the right forum, I'll move this to Steroid Discussion.
Interesting post Grym.

I periodise/manipulate my carbs throughout the week as well, though at the moment (while I'm 'detraining') I take a very intuitive approach to when/how often to either cut back or completely eliminate non-veg carbs. I also do a little intermittent fasting as well.

Every other weekend I typically fast completely and raise my cardio game as well, keeps everything tight and energy levels/insulin sensitivity high.
I was originally trying to go to school for endocrinology and later specialize in hormone replacement therapy so I've always advocated and believed that anything successful related to dieting, training, and overall well being heavily relates to the hormone balance in your body. I would consider nutrition to be just as important because they go hand-in-hand. You can't have one without the other.

So to anyone reading this and trying to help themselves, but were clueless on my mentioning of ghrelin, leptin, etc.etc. I'm currently working on trying to create an in-depth guide to understanding this crucial aspect of dieting. Even if your trying to gain weight or even get extremely fat, you need to understand the whole entire physiological processes that undergo to create the desired result. This is where so many fail in achieving their desired dieting/nutrition goals. It is not as simple as mimicking a dieting protocol that someone else personally created. Everyone responds differently to everything in life and once you understand the whole entire equation you can then intelligently adjust the variables to maximize the hard work your putting in.
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I manipulate carbs more so For cutting weight. Gaining I'm more liberal. When I'm gaining I go mostly by feel. As an enhanced athlete, and a big fan of tren lol, my carb intake can vary a lot. Some days I'm fine low carb and other days I'm going hypo. When cutting I just suffer lol.
Sir we must have some discussions about tren and hopefully you can better help me in harnessing the power of it. I personally don't plan on using anything for another 2-3 years because I feel I have given steroids a sub-par reputation because of my inability to maintain the mass for extended periods of time. Also, I'm only 22. Which I know is technically a no no.
Your age is fine to me as long as you know your basic training and diet stuff. I started at 23 and haven't come off yet in about 16 months. Tren is amazing when you figure it out with your body. I've learned for me tren needs a fuck ton of carbs or I feel like shit. Yes I hold some water because of that but I can shed the water easily if needed by adjusting diet to be heavier in fats and lighter in carbs.
I'd be more than glad to give my feedback on it though as out if my 16 months on gear, I'd say 10 of them were on tren lol.
Well I feel i hit this threshold in terms of muscle maturity, metabolism, my current hormonal world due to my HPTA still making adjustments as I age that lead to me hitting this window where I was almost plateauing with my weight on cycle. Then despite being a complete OCD individual with dieting and may even be described as a sociopathic behavior :) I would slowly lose a small margin of LBM as the months went on. I understand the acceptance of a net loss due to PCT, the suppression of various key hormone productions, etc, but I just felt like I somehow hit my current limit with how much muscle I can feasibly hold and maintain. lmao, but trenabolone was absolutely insane. I literally felt like I was "on" something throughout the day. I don't know if you felt that, but it was definitely altering my mental mechanics.

EDIT: I also noticed that every girl I saw I immediately would create a mental scenario of something sexual with them and my dreams were almost scary at times.

EDIT:EDIT: Alright I need to stop screwing up my own threads. I'm guessin the Social thread is just a general chat lounge for this area?
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Tren is an animal of its own. I love it and hate it. But yes social thread is just a conversation thread/chat thread about whatever.