cycle question


Jan 30, 2010
so ive been on my test/deca cycle for a couple months now and its almost near the end (500mg test cyp/400mg deca durbolin a week) i started winstrol and im 2 weeks in now at 50mg every other day.. my question is when i start my pct (nolva/clomid) can i continue to stay on winstrol?? im not sure how much nolva or clomid im gonna take yet but im pretty stocked up.. and when im done with the nolva and clomid i plan on starting sustanon and tren acatate during the summer and then back on a pct after that.. would this work? is it a good idea? any problems with this? to me it seems like it would be fine, but i could be wrong.. input please.. thanks
ok... so i guess you mean my stats??

• Age
• Weight/height
• AAS experience (have you used AAS before, what doses, results?)
• Goals (what are you trying to achieve with AAS?)
• BF%
• Diet
• Work out schedule

-ran test E/Deca/Tren for 3 months 2 years ago
-bulk up and lean down, nice and cut for the summer
-no idea what my body fat% is
-diet is excellent about 2500 calories a day (no junk food at all)
-6 days a week, hour and a half a day.. just starting my cardion (2 miles 3 days a week)

i dont know if this is gonna make any of a difference for my question.
you should drop all AAS before starting PCT..that's what pct is ---POST cycle...not during or before...

winstrol alone will suppress ure natural levels so id just wait to run the pct until ure done with the need to go over 100mgs on the clomid run no more than 50mgs

Make sure you give yourself enough time off between your cycles. If your just coming to the end of a 10 week cycle then its going to be 3-4 months (after PCT) before you should think about starting your next one.
so im not supposed to take nolva after a deca cycle?? just clomid?? winstrol will suppress my levels?? how long can i take winstrol alone before i start my pct??
You can use nolva...just be sure to taper off both the nolva (if you use it) and clomid as a cold turkey cut may lead to a rebound and post cycle gyno. And as stated above, start PCT on the last day of winny.
