• Bluelight

    A memorial
    to Bluelighters
    who have passed away

Curtis Ashworth aka EternalX passed away March 16, 2013


Bluelight Crew
Nov 2, 1999
It is with a broken heart that I have to deliver this news. EternalX has died.
We practically met through this website in 2000 meeting up at events all over the Midwest and in our hometown of Indy. We would have been together 9 years this July. Right now, his death is being ruled as an OD from heroin. We both loved this site and saw it grow a lot over the past decade. He was the most sweet, fun loving, person I've ever known. He would have done anything for anyone. He could not beat his addiction demon. It took his life in 3 years. There is always going to be what if.... I will never be the same person without him.
I will love you always....<3
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I remember him. :( I'm so sorry wondci2. My heart goes out to you and all the other people that loved Curtis. <3 <3 <3
I am so sorry for your loss - and for all the grief and mourning that you will have to endure. Curtis was lucky to have you in his life and you were lucky to have had him. I hope memories of the good times you shared will eventually be of some comfort, though I know that there is no solace now.

If it would help to talk to someone who also lost someone (Where Wolf?) to a heroin overdose recently, please PM me - I have found herbivore and Effie's writings here on Bluelight to be helpful. Take a look at Ektamine's thread on the Bluelight shrine.
I miss him everyday and it's not getting easier. :( The sadness is so great. I'm trying to move on. Things trigger me and I just start crying. I still can't believe this is real and that fucking drug took his life.
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Sorry for your loss wondci2, opiate addiction is unlike any other addiction out there...
Beautiful photo wondci2, he looks like a good person.

Try and remember the good times, it sounds like you have many and will never forget.

RIP Curtis - EternalX.
His first birthday just past since he passed away (Feb 20th.) Its was rough, but spent it with the friends that loved him and miss him everyday. Now the 1st year anniversary of his death is approaching in two weeks.
I'm struggling, but I get out of bed and just live life. Its just not the same. There is not a single day that goes by that I don't struggle with his death. I truly thought we would grow old together. Still disbelieving that a fucking drug took this sweet man from my life. I love you Curtis.