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Current script for oxy and klonopin question


Oct 7, 2018
I'm a 66 year old guy. For years I have been on 5 mg oxycodone and .5 klonopin/aka clonazapam. Works well, same dose, no probs.

My primary doc scripted them, oxy for pain management (several sports injuries and the klonopin for anxiety. I have to visit her every 3 months for a "check-up/consult" to renew scripts for another 3 months. NO big deal.

On my last visit she told me she will only be scripting me for the oxycodone and not for the klonopin. When I asked why she said they are both respiratory depressants and its a high risk for overdose. Ok, maybe so but I've been taking them and never had a problem. I was puzzled.

She recommended I see a separate doctor to get my klonopin and she'd handle my pain management issues and script the oxycodone. I told her it makes no sense and now I'll have to see 2 different docs every 3 months??? She said it'd be better to have "two eyes" watching over my condition and scripts. That was her logic for stopping my script for klonopin. She gave me a referral to a psychiatric office, I called, they don't accept my insurance. Great.

I called my insurance company for any docs close to me that take Humana and they gave me a few places. I called, explained the situation. What I gathered from them is I'd have to make a new patient appt first. Its up to their doc if he'll script the two together or not. No guarentee. He/she WON'T script just one as I would have to have him/her become my primary doctor and drop my old one. I guess they want to keep all things "in the loop" I guess. ??

Long story short. Has anyone experienced this? I made an appt. to see a new doc but have no clue how that will go. I will have 2 months of both scripts then the klonopin will end.

My questions:
1. Has anyone been able to get a doc to script an opiod and benzodiazpine together ??
2. Or has anyone been able to get two docs, one to prescribe the oxy and another to script the benzo? This all sounds ridiculous and I have 2 months to find a solution. This is nuts and I'm already hyped up just thinking about it and jumping through these hoops.
3. Do I see out a shrink just to get the klonopin? Or a regular doc?

Why my primary is all of sudden cutting off the klonopin is odd. She must be spooked or something of scripting the two together. I'm baffled. It's been same dose for a few years now...with excellent results. And now she drops me this bomb.
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My questions:
1. Has anyone been able to get a doc to script an opiod and benzodiazpine together ??
The docs that will are few and far between. Since the opioid hysteria nothing's as it used to be. Many will give a choice of one or the other but almost never both.
2. Or has anyone been able to get two docs, one to prescribe the oxy and another to script the benzo? This all sounds ridiculous and I have 2 months to find a solution. This is nuts and I'm already hyped up just thinking about it and jumping through these hoops.
I haven't tried as I don't take both types of meds.
3. Do I see out a shrink just to get the klonopin? Or a regular doc?
You would probably have better luck with a psychiatrist, but nothing's a guarantee.
Get used to jumping through hoops, if you find a doc agreeable to help you, you're just starting hoop jumping 101. There's pain management contracts, pill counts, drug screens for starters. Then there's pain management who refuse to write rx for pain but only consider interventional approaches ( spinal injections, physical therapy, and spinal cord stimulators.)
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I currently had my primary doc script me for both, fir over 2 years now, the benzo and oxy....now she only wants to script the oxy (for pain management) and referred me to a shrink to handle my k pins script and anxiety issues. I currently made an appt to see a regular MD and a Shrink but pretty sure it's gonna be hard to get my klonopin(clonazapam) again. I'm pretty pissed and have 2 months as she'll still script me both but after thst, just my oxy. I don't know why all of a sudden she got spooked and doesnt want to write both scripts anymore. K pins only work for me..I tried other benzos, SSIs etc for my anxiety and none others work. She also gave me Narcan on my last visit. Something spooked her and she must becworried about losing her license in something. I also know pharmacy docs can question the doc on those two scripts and over ride it and not fill it. "Black boxed" is it called. Then the pharmacist will call the doc yo see what's up. Maybe that happened.