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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Crystal Methamphetamine 1g) - somewhat experienced - Forced Post All Experiences


Jan 28, 2012
Guys, took an uncomfortable dose of crystal, it would really make me feel better to write a report about my general meth experiences to distract me from the overstimulation. Hope it makes sense. Be warned, its long and awesome. Oh and unlike every other meth user, I know how to use paragraphs. Granted i had to rem to put them in after.

I have been taking quite a bit of good crystal meth recently, prob once a week over weekends for 2-3 day binge for about 3 months.
Used to do methcath instead knowing i could get meth cause of the shorter duration and cause meth scares me, but the fact that its almost the same price made me change over, prob not the best idea though. Its pretty good quality, ive gone 6 days with 1g never feeling like i need more during that time.
These days im doing that same g in 2 days. I found that if you take larger doses = more fun! Currently doing fat lines like i would do with really shitty coke. Am I wasting? Danger? Just a note, meth is odd with dosage, i can take tiny line and it will equal a fat line another time, or more often, big or small they seem to have the exact same effect, like you need exponentially greater dose to notice any different. Oral though, careful.

I would like to post some observations, questions, perhaps somebody come comment and advise what i might be doing wrong, the rest is hopefully entertaining experiences you may relate with.

1. A big annoyance, multiple times now including right now i have taken an oral dose double the size of a nasal dose and each time it kicks my ass where the nasal dose wont. My experience doesnt match with the 50-60% bioavailability info. It feels as if the double oral dose is at least as or more powerful then a half nasal dose.

2. Something that keeps catching me is the fact that the symptoms of taking a bit to much feel very similar to the beginnings of the comedown and ensuing panic attacks (for me at least). So i take to much oral dose start to feel comedown symptoms and think i need more, then get even more blasted.

3. Im guessing I should be fine, took prob 1/4 of the g in this oral dose. I am more fucked then i have ever been, confusion, very bright vision, confusing sounds, voices etc. Inability to keep any part of the body still, im forced to move or flex all muscles constantly, chest tightness, fast heartbeat, extreme hypervigilance/expectations of something to happen (im at family right now unfortunately) but not heavy anxiety. Worst my pupils are my complete iris, ive never seen them this bad before. Hope i can hide this shit. And i feel tired type confused which i should not after only 1 night, maybe this is coming down, ffs im never sure if i need more or took 2 much?

Can I ask what would be the symptom to watch out for that would indicate danger? It is my understanding that psychosis happens before any physical toxic OD. Fortunately im not there but definitely enough audio crap to not trust anything i hear.

4. Meth doesn't make me social, it makes me want to hide in my room and mess around on the net etc. I found this surprising. I saw somebody who smoked mention this happens and that smoking is not very social, so perhaps i am taking to much to equal strong smoking doses. In any cause, I am not using it socially and dont wish to.

5. It does not make me want to do any work or anything constructive contrary to what is said about it. Usually im obsessed with my work but cant even think about it on meth.

6. Energy on meth, digging holes and shit. Hell no. I thought moving house would work on meth. After almost passing out multiple times and numerous heart attacks i survived. Even walking about when decently high caused breathlessness. I am unfit though so, could be me but it makes me worse.

7. Not confident around people like with coke/cat. Im always concerned about saying something wrong and specifically with me about misinterpreting something said or something that happens and saying the wrong thing,eg, family member makes sound, i think its directed at me when in fact its not or there was no sound to begin with. The bad audio hallucinations are always there with me, from day 1 hour 1, enough for me to basically ignore any sounds because i cannot trust them unless i can see a person talking directly at me, is this perhaps a sign that i take to much? Earlier i was standing by my refrigerator and for 5 minutes it was literally moaning like a sick or dying cat, and it doesn't usually make any sounds that could of been warped. Due to previous experiences, by this point I have learnt NOT to ask nearby family member why said fridge is crying like a wounded animal. I could tell they couldnt hear shit.

What I do enjoy though, when you combine the audio stuff with the meth amped mind are the hectic assumptions or understandings of whats going on around you / concerns about family members or stuff you think is happening in your household, for example, that have in fact not happened at all.

For example in 1 afternoon. I saw my mom walking in the corner of the garden talking on the phone, which is weird (dont know if this happened or not) mind then decides that she needs privacy so the person on the phone with mom is giving bad news, somebody has died, wonder who died, later back in house mishear step dad asking where mom is, he didnt really, mind decides they must be having a fight, tell him mom is in garden, he is surprised since he didnt ask where she was (damn it forgot not to engage!), check garden again, mom not there, not in house, mind decides has been abducted by robbers (one of my ptsd issues) (with meth though you may believe it but you dont care, not a very compassionate drug to be honest), now see her in house, swear she wasnt there before, apparently she is sick in bedroom lying down (was she even outside at all, was she in the room i checked earlier all this time), mind decides she is making excuses to avoid step dad since they are fighting or she doesnt want to talk about the family member who died. I find its easy to go with one of these delusions, incorporate it into your day and then get really confused or confuse others later. I make sure to kill them dead as they spawn. You have to pretty much either get yourself to not care about what you truly think may be happening and choose to not believe it and forget it. Basically everything around me that "happens" and is sensed by my "ears" in some way leading to consideration, (vision is ok), is simply ignored and considered not to matter, i shall simply reconcile reality at a later date.

Fortunately you know not to trust anything and I have since learnt not to say a fucking word, basically stick to grunts to communicate lest you give away that you have gone mad. BTW is this the start of psychosis or just the usual meth mind? This doesnt feel near real psychosis at all as it can all be easily identified when it might be false, shit, but most of the time om not SURE if it is, meaning it could in fact be MILD psychosis? Awesome.

Went 6 days to see shadow people another time as i enjoyed the stories on here, never happened, its my understanding its a combo of lack of sleep and high doses, i was simply maintaining at that point.

8. Try to remember to eat, reasons are clear and obvious in mind, MR Meth says fuk it, who needs food, why does it matter, nothing matters, doesnt help that you want to loose weight and Mr Meth can justify himself! Ahh the core of meth, nothing matters for the duration, not a care in the world, no worries, no responsibilities!. This food thing results in one of my biggest hates for a trip, when you start salivating and swallowing hectically due to hunger. 1, eventually filling your empty stomach with so much saliva your gonna vomit at some point, 2, blisters on tongue due to swallowing action.

9. No motivation to change anything about a current situation. EG. Starting at wall in room, movie ended an hour back, wall seemed interesting. Must fight mind to get up and do something else. Sit outside to have smoke, smoke finished, starting at tree, must fight mind to return to room, forgot drink in kitchen, fuck, kick in 8 minute process of convincing mind to stand up again. Makes the trip very tiresome when required to do multiple things. Is this trancelike behavior normal? Clean House, perform complicated tasks? I do not understand how this can be a thing that happens on meth. Though im a lazy bastard, i have others clean for me ;-)

10. Smell of food/cooking food. Taste of food. OMG smells of cooking, not pleasent, all smells seem to be magnified a shit ton, but not only that, they also now include some other strong sickening sweet smell of death and decay, run, avoid! I would literally be standing in my home and have no capability of determining what may be cooking in the kitchen, nor do i wish to. If i had to guess what was cooking by the smell id have to say it was the stewed souls of small children with an extra dash of torment for added sorrow.
Nasty but relevant. After decent dosages I cant take a shit that smells like a tasty dinner. This freaked me the fuk out though.
Eating is ok, stuff tastes mostly normal. Be careful of the dry mouth,throat and getting shit stuck resulting in coughing it into your nose. Big issue i had with mdma, eating impossible, not simply unwanted.

11. PLEASE tell me why i cannot take a shit at all, i shit when arranging product before collecting, in anticipation (I understand this is anxiety correct), but cannot shit while high, even if in pain, 4 days of this, the next sober day my gut will punish my ass.

12. Bad obvious sweat, piss odor always makes me fear discovery, why the smell, its everywhere.

13. Avoid quiet areas, eg, garden at night, the silence always seems sinister, like there are natural sounds missing that where always there before, missing sounds indicative of some intelligent evil force working within the area slowly and diligently corrupting nature itself, just out of sight. Additionally you really dont want to leave your mind un-busy. Peacefulness = bad, noise, distractions = good, lest you realise how badly your brain is misfiring.

14.Curse (and Bless) You Guy on this forum who mentioned masturbating on stims. Cat was ok, managable, few hours, 1 night , fine, meth, days, are you kidding me? You can damage yourself.
BTW those with stim dick complaints, shit works a bit differently on stims, whereas normally you flex that muscle to move things along (you know which one), on stims complete relaxation is required. Its like reversed for some reason. You then have 2 options for fun, you can either extend the physical sensation pretty much indefinitely, the sensation just before orgasm, you do this by make sure you dont clench or flex that muscle boys! This can get more difficult after a few days as your tormented mind begins shutting down and making up weird symbols and associations for some of the tricks you need to remember. I remember one day deep in trance in the area near climax, my brain decided to name and associate one of the techniques i was using at the time to "Facebook", oh yeah, to the point where the Facebook logo would logically and completely naturally flash through my mind as a reminder to implement the technique at the time. This all seems perfectly normal at the time, other weird associations start to happen, lol. I think im going to select and associate a symbol to them before anymore weirdness happens. Oh, spent the day at your moms yesterday, ah well ok, time to implement your mother now, you know how good it makes you feel! Anyways at that point, put the dick away.

2 days later when you are tired of that or you are starting to bleed, you can multiorgasm as much as you want as per above except you will eventually clench right at the end to end it. Warning an orgasm on meth is pretty intense and sometimes slightly unpleasant even, think almost passing out, pain, gallons of sweat and exhaustion after, i can prob do 3 before i begin to worry that the physical tol on the body cant be good. Literally have to change clothes and bedding, sweat! I always stress about meth blood pressure combined with orgasm = death, so far though ive always woken up after passing out. Yes, they can get so damn good you pass the fuk out for a bit, though thats with prob 2 days of foreplay. Worth it!

A related annoyance. Im temp at my parents place meaning i need to monitor the door for knocks or unexpected openings, lest extreme embarrassment ensue. Man, this shit can get intense while already doing something rather intense.

Eventually im so focused on the fucking door CONVINCED its about to open and nothing else is happening, i realise i have been staring at the door for 1.5 hours doing nothing else just waiting for it to open and confirm certainty of the inevitable. This intense focus was scary, felt like a few minutes, this is when i realised i had dosed a bit to much. Ahh and of course what else does my brain do to piss me off. Constant fuking knocking coming from the door not real of course but still causes stress and the requirement to reposition oneself. BUT, i did figure out that for some reason the fake knocks where always 1 knock! While real knocks are always more. Me 1 : Brain 0. And no, i didnt get into intense contemplation as to why the fake knocks where always only 1 as if some force or being had actually decided that while controlling my mind and slowly chipping away at my sanity, the decision has been made to standardise on 1 knock for all so named "fake knocks", lest corporate starts to whine about processes and procedures again. Pfft

15. Question. Why do my ears always seem to be slightly blocked on meth?

16. Another annoyance, i used to enjoy drinking on coke, to take the edge off, would in fact not enjoy coke clean at all due to the anxiety type side effects. (Thank god for this though as now my addiction/cravings are only when drunk, surely saved my ass.
I find meth far more pleasant clean, but this could be due to shit cut in shit coke i was having. Anyways id still like to drink or smoke, but omg the intense focus on meth literally results in an untouched beer and full box of smokes to be sitting there like 12 hours later I have tried everything but still that beer, at most gets 1/4 drunk up to even a night/day later. You also really don't feel like alcohol at all either, where as a cold soft drink is heaven especially after point 14 above.

17. This is the first time i have felt any NEED to write on meth, having taken an uncomfortable amount. Usually it feels like something constructive so my meth brain says hell no! This time it was the only option for distraction! As mentioned right now, its either starting at the door or operating hand, cant do both, to intense.

18. Comedown. My first time a few months back, we where drunk and hit crystal like it was shitty coke, not good. Trip was fun, forgot it was meth, when to lie down at friends house 1 hour after the last line (what a waste) expecting to come off Coke, just lay there awake, which i hate, daylight arrives, i go home, thinking im past the comedown! Sweet Jesus, nothing I have read prepared me for this, i mean coke, you get mif, antisocial, cant sleep, fuking piss. You dont literally feel like you are going to die. Honestly, i have anxiety issues from past mdma misuse so I know what a bad panic attack feels like, otherwise i would think i had OD'ED or broken myself. Unable to breath (this shit was the worst, feeling like its my last breath and then somehow god grants you only 1 more, suffocating, racing heart, pulputations, pins and needles in extremities, not the fun ones, hectic sweating, is it hot or cold, im sweating and shivering wtf, and of course, the "Are you certain its a panic attack, what if you are really poisoned or something. That nagging doubt building more panic.

Interestingly my mate at his own home was experiencing psychosis related to people outside his house / windows wispering, talking and trying to break in. Ofcourse his poor GF and brother who doesnt know where freaking out at his hours of screaming and talking to windows and doors.
This is actually a big part of my ptsd due to an incident that occurred while in a weakened state due to mdma abuse. So im glad i didnt get this comedown, would have been to much.

I usually use seroquel, but had run out on that day, waited for friend to get home, admitted transgressions, pleaded for mercy, get lift to hospital and get serouqel.
Advice. Take seroquel before a comedown if possible, it will not mask the bad shit, it will make you pass out, but remember, feeling like you are falling unconscious while at the same time feeling like you are dying is not a good combination. You freak out and fight the sleep.
Take before comedown but still remember, the serouqel will shut down the meth which means at some point suddenly you revert back to a malnourished, weak person who hasnt slept in 3 days, no super juice to hide those facts.

Additionally seruoquel can drastically drop blood pressure, trying to get some food after it hits, you will likely collapse, i have many times, be in bed when it hits, no, you wont be able to function for the next 8 hours. This doesnt mean comedown though, for some reason the seruqoeul will cancel the meth without inducing a comedown, not sure how, its like they developed it specifically for stim users, stop drug, sleep, fukin magic. Anyways, you will fall unconscious, is what it feels like, not pleasant, there is a desire to fight it, but dont, go with it and hours later you will awake, good as new.
I honestly dont recommend you get any seroquel, i believe there needs to be a down side to using this stuff, keep you under some control.
Though I will say i consider it far better then benzos, id rather simply cancel a drug i no longer want and sleep naturally (antihistamine only make your drowsy) after then disguise a hard comedown thats probably torture on the body with more drugs and then attempt to sleep over that, naa, that's SO last year.

19. What else, hmm, I have found that meth, orally and nasally will provide a noticeable mood lift making it worth it, for day 1, day 2 and some day 3, after that its just avoiding the inevitable and a waste, stop and save it (easy to say with serouqel though)

20. What other things are fun on meth, or does this depend on the person?

21. My last 3 day binge a week back changed the taste of my cigarettes drastically for at least 4 sober days after. This was really wierd. The smell was not identifiable and carred over to new purchased boxes.

22. One more story, my last binge im at my parents place, high, been awake 2 nights already, in in the kitchen area and my mother tells me her police officer detective friend who just arrived to visit, (i dont know this guy) found an empty methcat packet in the driveway, is it mine. Fark! Firstly, omg is it my meth, no thats still there, ahh, it was packets that i tore up and discarded the day before, blasted bin robbers must have taken it out of deep in the bin and dropped in the driveway, no more donations for those assholes. Fuck now so this copper is here, has just found drug packaging and wants to meet me, eyes big as fuck, unclean, messy and sweating. I fukin vanished, took a "shit" for as long as it took for him to leave, stressful. Fortunately as mentioned previously, staring at the wall for however long it took, wasn't going to be a problem.

Ok this time i made sure not to do another read through (so sorry for any likely mistakes) cause the last one resulted in probably doubling the post and another hour or 2. Additionally like the household delusions mentioned earlier i really hope this post isn't randomly hit keys typed while shitting and drooling all over myself thinking im writing a masterpiece. Man thats gonna worry me now as im quite fooked. I am currently analyzing my speech to family to determine if it makes sense and was the word i intended, which is rather pointless since i cant trust my hearing. Im screwed.

Ok, im feeling a bit better, physical symptoms have alleviated somewhat, beer prob helped, though confusion has increase. Guess what i have to do now,fuking cook food for family, oh yes, currently the olfactory equivalent carefully roasting and preparing my own crap, while others watch apparently ignorant of whats cooking.

Awesome piece of tweak prose - thanks!

A bit more sex and psychosis and interesting capitalization/etc would definitely make it even better. But I hope you come down okay and consider leaving the speed alone for awhile....Good luck.;)
Glad you enjoyed, wow, thats really long i see now, not even sure how long it took to write but it was hell resisting adding just one final tweak here and there, haha. I can definitely see meth being great for creative writing but writing that should be anything but creative is problematic, like formal business emails. After the last time where i sent my boss a soppy retarded long email nominating him for some boss of the year crap, thats when i decided no more stims and work! I did that on coke though, based on meth experience, i prob wouldnt, i would think you would be far more cautious of such things with meth.

Well the night is young, still got a lot of product left, I think if i get some hookers and finish the rest of the product in 1 go, we can get sex and psychosis requirements filled, and maybe a bit of assault and robbery if we are lucky.

Honestly i dont know if i would put a poor girl through sex on meth. After your done she is basically lying in a pool of your smelly sweat, add 1 overweight hairy male, far to cruel. Additionally she better be on as well cause a normal girl gonna think you either god or not human.

Update: 1. Cooked food, hateful experience, eating food, omg, terrifying until it gets in your mouth, fries, burgers approved meth food yes.
2. Had another small line, was feeling alot of side effects from the other big dose, now this is my problem, another line on top of how i felt from the other big dose, should have made things worse., but instead i feel better, all i can think of is that i was coming down from the big dose, and most likley a ton of time has passed since i had it, time sucks right now.

3. Problems! The garden area that was to quiet before now suddenly has its normal sounds returned, plus extra even more natural sounding ones, plus even some cars and shit in the distance that weren't there before, probably to throw me of the trail. Obviously the aforementioned evil being is aware of this post and is trying to make me doubt myself, i will keep vigilant and report back asap. He be a sneaky one indeed.
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Jesus fuck... and I thought I was getting strung out lol.
Thanks fuk, day 3, decide on a sickness, that way i can act as fuked as i want within reason, hide in my cave, and maybe get some tea in bed. God im a bastard.

These fukin voices, ive noticed its actually some single sound or maybe noo sound at all, possibly just your brain randomly deciding somebodyomgmyspacebarjustbrokeandiambeingdeadfukinseriouswtfbrbtofix. Fixed! In true meth style, i demanded compliance and naturally received it. I will leave this hear as an eternal market of my victory.

No more talk of voices, im home alone now, im sure they will be sneaky today, bastards.
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Honestly i dont know if i would put a poor girl through sex on meth. After your done she is basically lying in a pool of your smelly sweat, add 1 overweight hairy male, far to cruel. Additionally she better be on as well cause a normal girl gonna think you either god or not human.

Not necessarily true, I find that when we do it from behind for the second, sweatier half, I hardly get sweated on at all. Only minor complaint is he seems to have a need for a speed that I am literally physically incapable of matching and so i end up being held in place while he gives himself a heart attack, but when I can wiggle loose and get him to match a slightly less hectic rhythm he almost always comes within seconds.

Go to sleep my friend, I have been where you are and it is not a good place (though not exactly the worst place either). You are going to feel quite silly in the morning. And for the love of god do not send any text messages, stay in your room and don't speak with anyone until you have completely returned to reality.

The voices are just noises that your house always makes but you don't notice until you are fucking spun and your hearing is enhanced, so your brain tries to make sense of these new sounds and makes shit up to fuck with you. Its why food smells awful as well, your sense of smell is increased quite a bit, but if you can get past the smell and just get the food into your mouth the increase in ability to taste makes almost anything taste fuckin delicious.
yeah thanks, i honestly love every second, always feel in control, fortunately dont deal with comedown though, the only problem is im using it due to boredom, lull in my business, waiting for more work, if fukin hate no work, bordem, nothing happening, id rather fuk out and have an experience and wake up just before the interview tomorrow. No days spent wondering if i should watch tv or read a mag. Let MR meth decide.This will be a good read tomorrow lol
Lolz bomb read blight12
Keep drinking water and eating, no matter what Mr Meth tells you <3
just a suggestion. Instead of masturbating like a frenzied gibbon try something creative.

One of my favorite amphetamine activities was collage, cut up magazines books and news papers. I've spent days getting them 'perfect'
Yeah, im not really a sexual person at all normaly nor do normaly masturbate, guess its something new, also as i said, cure that guy

Yeah this was one of my issues, i seem to feel rather destructive, dont want to do anything contructive

Well 13 hours after last dose thought id check what the come down was like, till feel ok, like a small shittly line with high dose confusion, no your dying like last time, hate sleeping in the day though, but its late now, time to ko, man i hate ending it, even if im feeling shitty and dont want more... Cheers.
And you really have to ask, several times in your post, "is this because I did too much meth" ?

Every single thing you described is because you did too much meth. Reading this makes me glad I never went beyond dabbling with the stuff for a few weeks.

Yes, all those weird/shitty effects are happening (surviving heart attacks??) because you are almost killing yourself. Take it easy!
weirdly the whole thing reminds me of my experience with mephedrone addiction, really really similar
weirdly the whole thing reminds me of my experience with mephedrone addiction, really really similar

agree 100%

really enjoyed reading this, made me smile, but take it steady fella, as the old saying goes, you can have to much of a good thing <3
And you really have to ask, several times in your post, "is this because I did too much meth" ?

Every single thing you described is because you did too much meth. Reading this makes me glad I never went beyond dabbling with the stuff for a few weeks.

Yes, all those weird/shitty effects are happening (surviving heart attacks??) because you are almost killing yourself. Take it easy!

Just, the heart attacks and alot of the other hectic stuff was exagerations, to be clear i meant my heart was beating fast, soz

But this! This is what confuses me. When i ask did i do to much, im asking cause im guessing based on a rather neatrual side effect that i might have head elsewhere is related to to much, not really because i feel negative in a way that may indicate i did to much (except for the overstimulation time, which was also fine when distracting yourself from the rather mild chest discomfort, which im guessing is adrenalin or something, nothing dangerous...

The point is, when I was supposedly having to much as you confirm, it was still enjoyable and 90% positive. This makes me worry that to much can still be fun with no experience related warnings (I did ask for "to much" symptoms which nobody posted ;-) )My understanding have always been tons of warnings about doing to much, to the point of psychosis before you are in danger physically, not so?

So I have been managing it by using the start of wierdness as a sign to slow down.

Anyways, meth is really wierd dosage, I cant get a stick in the sand on dose, it mostly seems all the same within a large dose difference, with subtle differences, it is difficult to even tell the difference between a tiny line and even 4 times the amount, then other times, you notice you may have taken to much, feel wierd, then take more and feel better, so, to much plus more = better, wtf, then you wonder maybe the last one was to little, but felt like to much related symptoms, but which is it, experience wise dosage is all over the place

Lastly, im using half a gram of crystal over 2.5 days, even with alot of assumptions on quality, would this really be to much even if it was the best shit ever. Read alot of stuff on here saying 3g of decent crystal over 3 days wasnt dangerous

Now im wondering if perhaps ive been taking to little and the quality is shit, so i start feeling comedown symptoms and think to much, when its to little, oh noes.
you make meth sound "fun"

Something i must note, if reading this type of reports before doing, i would say that experiencing that stuff, with wierd thoughts and stuff happening sounds like it wouldnt be pleasant, perhaps like a panic attack. I must say that it is. Instead of it feeling like a sick mind is taking over, losing control, its rather like your handed a new brain with additional speed and control abilites where you now have access to interesting processes, thought patterns and other tools which you can access, use, ignore etc as you wish. For example the insanity can be experienced fully but also with some control, as if sanity and control is insualted and seperate from the seperate state of mind, you can experience both. Yeah, just be careful of the obvious need to overanalyze everything as per above.
Dear Diary - Latest Update - A look into the mind of a normal chap, on good meth
Not edited to retain complete authenticity. I honestly did not read through this, the first round was draining enough and i dont rem much, i dont know if its worth reading, ill check, fix, delete etc asap.

Sorry for the delay friends, I know how much you anticipate the latest news! Took half a day to create this this... but i feel the cost to my very soul is far more then mere time.

We start with boring intro, helps with understanding around the email analysis and serves to highlight the steady decline of sanity as things progress, which i hope will clear some things up with regards to meth and its uses in business communication.

The good stuff, a visit from something else, dirty truths revealed about nature itself, a hard drug fact discovered (you have all been cheated) and the real truth about weed revealed. Good luck in your journey into the crazy mind of a, rather boring socially inept lazy overweight hairy middle aged guy, turned, mystic, prophet, healer and genius with Meth. Get yours now! Err that begins below, where the strange sense of uneasiness is eminating from. Here : Sidetracked by unexpected Rush Placemarker:

I apologise in advance, i will fix major spelling and annoying readability crap that doesnt lend itself to the effect, tomorrow, when i feel i will be mentally ready to read through the last bit. It feels like i left a bit of myself there, between the letters, somehow...

Email Analysis begins where this sentence is below: Anyways, jeez....

So as you can tell, its happened again, I bought more, this time cause i got news a sweet new job has come though, so i felt the need to celebrate. More on this later.

For me, feeling happy is dangerous, even a good song at that moment, would initiate a craving to have a smoke or do other bad things. Boredom is the next. I wonder when you chaps feel the most cravings? Depression is said to instigate drug use but i wonder how true that really is. I would prob feel to lazy, poor, unmotivated or simply guilty getting drugs when depressed, also stims and depression? Prob not a good mix, maybe other drugs though. Also anybody notice the less money you have the more likely you are to spend it on drugs. Some sort of, "Ahh im screwed anyway, may as well have some fun" process takes place. Makes alot of sense though.

Anyways, i should probably initiate addiction shutdown on this meth soon, a shame, its awesome. What has worked well for me in the past when wanting to stop doing is simply delete your contacts, boom! Also make sure friends with numbers know not to give it to you. Anybody do this successfully? Works here cause all availability is though a contact at the end of a number, you cant go to a part of town and pick up, well you can here, but you will die.

I do regret one instance of this as i deleted a contact with the best coke ever had, it ended up in us breaking it open on another car accidently in the parking lot and slowly eating it off while many patrons of a large nearby restaurant look on with surprise, probably even the car owner himself (Yeah i would not have approached us either where it my car). After that my mate rolled his car after leaving. It really is true what they say, when you get good coke, its nothing at all the same as the usual shit. Lol, i remember when i arrived at my mate, starting at his fuked car on the roof, the first thing i asked was if the coke was ok. Second was to scold him for throwing away good coke, we could have done it before the cops arrived.

Bit i digress. The problem I have with deleting my current contact, and why he is still there after 7 years, is that i have accidentally memorized his number. So basically im screwed, i cant delete it from my brain. If anybody has any suggestions on how i can delete it from my brain, you can cure me of this new addiction. Thanks

Anyways, the main event i wanted to report that happened today. Well, yesterday i got the mail from the ceo stating i had the job in the bag ok. I do online marketing and recently Google bombed my whole business, bastards. So im gonna take over lead gen for one of my clients. Its a pretty sweet deal, i get commission, so im basically going to use their big ass budget to make me lots of monies. Thats what any salesman does you say? The difference is online, when you are a baws like me, 2 days you can setup an insane amount of lead generation. Next week im using their money to pay somebody to optimize one of their ad campaigns (it was setup badly), this is going to triple leads and halve costs and make me lots of lovlies. Time taken? Prob 1 hour to send requirements to service provider and make a payment. Outsourcing ftw.

Anyways, jeez, the point is that im chilling here today, on meth, didnt sleep last night. I then get a mail from the dood for the new job again, just asking a few questions!
So i go and break my rule. Never send work related emails on stims! Not after the last time i got all wierd and told my boss i love him and he should be employee of the year. That was coke though, its more goofy shit. I rekon on meth you be like , you bitch, fuk all dat employee year shit, gimme raise, do it. I was mistaken.

Meth though, its more control, more creativity, more of everything good and positive and will assuredly allow me to craft an email of mystical proportions, so awesome some might say it was entirely hand written with a real pen, not even a spacebar in sight. I have always also heard that peeps use meth functionally for work right, its goto enhance your powers assuredly?

Anyways, i decide that i shall create this masterpeice to send to the guy to really assure my new job, even though its really in the bag, but the thing is, when is something really ever quite fully in the bag, you go to make 100% sure, and what better way then to send a 10 page email.

Now, i thought long and hard, i planned this thing, i had tons os subtle psychological strategies and tactics and a few rules as well. No wierd analogies, no overly descriptive descriptions, no overly long tangents unless ofcourse these are to interesting to let alone, paragraphs, no emotional shit, no excessive anything.

So the concept see was to correct some wrongs i had though lacking previously

There are:

1. Previous communications where rather unfriendly and arrogant from my side, due to me being so amazing at my shit, i must make sure to show little interest in the position while demanding stuff

a) Insert new section in new mail explaining that i dont have any money, need job, take pity, pay me less. Withholding information for negotiating is childish, they will love you for you, just the way you are.
b) Insert x random thanks and appreciations for the opportunity throught completed mail, this will ofset any nearby accidentally negative text that may be read. Also ensure to enclose any concerning negative but necessary sentences with thanks fix. On before and one after will transform the possibly negative sentence into a positive as 2 positives and 1 negative make a positive (im pretty sure of this)

2. Anxiety over costs, basic salary.

a) Offer to pay for the first ad campaign optimization project as a sign of trust and proof of results/risk free ($3k)
b) Offer to give up basic salary when performance kicks in since if i was him, id really rather put that money back in marketing expenses.
c) Make it clear that all non negotiable requests like the performance incentive are merely strongly worded suggestions and feel free to ignore and submit any offer that may be more appealing

3. Show humanity! Dont be a corporate machine at the end of a soulless email
a) Modify certain sentences of end result with popular abbreviations used in social contects. You will appear to be educated in social stuff. They dont want to employ somebody without friends
a) You heartless wretch. Your going to make money of that badly managed ad account, taking advantage of the failure of others, stepping on their backs on the path to success, bathing in tears, dancing to the tormenting cries of their homeless families and so forth. Show humility and make it clear the other dood isnt really to blame, sometimes stuff can be hard, all you can do is try your after all, life doesnt always work out the way you want it to.

4. Explain suggested performance incentive in more detail, so he can fully understand its genius, even the bit hes not supposed to "get"
a) This is a (now) strongly worded suggestion (that i really hope you will consider, pretty please) because due to the nature of online marketing, and the fact that your 1 campaign sucks and you have no others, its going to be really easy to get this shit going, im going to be working very little, time wize, so a set time based fee wont work for me since then id need to actually work full time like agreed. Instead lets go with a performance based free (unadvertised bonus: Increased credibility, if you suggested this must mean your gonna perform, yeah) so that i can make a ton of money for the least amount of work. This was all explained through a section on "the awesome ability to automate and outsource almost everything, and work as little as possible, its why i picked this career! Also, when i run out of the little i need to do, and pretty much stop doing any more work entirely, i still want to make money on the previous stuff each month, that took very little time to setup, so we need to ensure ongoing monthy commissions due to time required to maintain those campaigns (bull)
b) Get some complements going! Explain that why his business is idea for me. Due to shitty or no setup and the big budget as well as a stong profitable product that a avocado could market successfully, its going to be really easy for me to get this shit done and make alot of monies for me using your budget, but rem, while i grow my business, im also growing your business, everybody wins (except i get money for doing nothing and you goto deal with (oh noes) customers!

Sidetracked by unexpected Rush Placemarker: Customers, gawd, are like people, i fukin hate both of them, the worst, talking to somebody that you dont really know about something that you dont care about, kill me, but with customers,they have the added hateful delusion that just cause you ripped them offer with your shitty product to make a quick buck, you somehow own them something and should respond to mails, calls and support requests. Honestly when i left my last real job, where the sound of my ringtone made me want to dig out my ears with a fig leaf, as it announced i need to deal with somebody who i dont know or care about who wants me to do some shit. I no longer answer my phone unless i know the number, you can be the lottery with good tidings, dont matter, voicemail you go, seriously, thats the one major reason i work for myself now, no people you have to talk to, phonecalls from other more hateful people usually resulting in them wanting something from you. All a normal job is you selling your time, the only thing you cant replace, your most valuable asset for a few empty pennies which only ensure you survive til the next month so you can sell another piece of your very life! And for what? Money. You shallow bastard! Selling your precious life away, for money. Shame on you

Err, ok, i got losted. So thats what a rush looks like on paper. Never seen before euphoria, mild confusion and pointless but surprisingly sensical

Rush 1 Secondary Rant Placemaker(apparently nonsensical is a word but sensical isnt, makes no sense. I love how on meth your intellect is so far improved that major but sneaky flaws in something as critical as how humanity COMMUNICATIES, are clear as day. I would not have noticed this obvious and grievous ommission from something so critical where i not on a higher level of conciousness. What priceless written works, novels to entertain, letters to sooth the hurt, emails to coax a smile, poems to open an injured heart to new love, will the world never see cause some fucker didnt think about the consequences of forgetting a word that was extra hard to forget since its uglier, longer and far less potentially useful evil twin was standing right there. Come to think of it probably had something to do with it) - End Secondary Rant - and poetic outflow of wisdow left in its devastating wake. Fortunately when i eventual submit this chronicle, this snippet of wisdom sent by the universe will be theoretically preserved forever.
End Primary Event Rant 1

Ok, this is quite a cool and unexpected turn of events. A rare natural, documented and analyzed (with placemarkets) event where you can see a rush or "short period in which the pleasurable effects of a drug currently active, are notably increased for a few moments" for short, manifest itself on a person with notable and educational results, whats unique about this case is how the mental effects, which clearly show a flash inhuman, almost godly, wisdom and insight, are visable to the naked eye as the subject was imparting wisdom during the event. Additionally the subject had the presence of mind to take note of the event, where it started and ended in relation to existing ongoing thought processes, to gift us with a clear picture of something magical. This case is unique in the fact that for the first time we see a secondary event taking place within the original event, seemingly another rush, which the subject did not consciously notice, but is made aware by the impact on the written evidence..

Not good news im afraid. This seems to show that while an individual is experiencing a rush as per how we currently understand and experience them, there may in fact be another event taking place, with similar properties as a rush, but may in fact not be a rush at all. So, the issues. 1. If it is another rush, then thats fukin lame cause only a narc would be able to design such a cruel joke whereby we now know that each time we experience this previously joyus occasion, our joy is tainted by the knowlege that some asshole designed the process rather inefficiently whereby we have a perfectly good rush event fukin wasted, wasted! By being placed in anothers shadow, cursed never to be abe to deliver its package of joy to you and me. Imagine if this hadnt happened, every user in the world world woudl be getting their rightful 2 rushes instead of 1. World changing Stuff. Imagine if susan had been delayed by that second rush before pulling the trigger! Yes! She would have lived a few second longer. This means some intelligence or simply that assfuck nature, fate, etc has once again been proven to be stealing part of our very lives from us, all without us knowing, until now.

And secondly if its not in fact a rush, but some other event disgusted as a secondary rush, to turn suspicion on nature and make us all think nature, until now, the only pure perfect thing we know, is secretly stealing our highs as well as our lives? I am hoping this is not the case, the causualities to paranoid drug users who can no longer trust nature, all the rest of the previously considered safe stuff surrounding the scary delusions, is to horrible to consider (yet i secretly hope somebody does a trip report where weed (the drug), a natural thing of perceived goodness finally ends its mass reign of control and delusion over its enslaved users by revealing the truth that weed is in fact a shit crap drug that people enjoyed on the first attempt when they where young cause a) it fuked them up, good or bad, fuked up is a novel concept and b) the experience was artificially tainted in the positive direction by the natural pleasurable sensation caused by the brain the first time people do something bad and realized they are cool as fuk... and then for some reason continue to make use of as if for some misguided way of forever holding on to that one moment in time when they because cool as fuk, no matter the cost. Its like smoking a mild meth comedown (pre full blown panic attack) with some bad trip related elements of dissociatives (to cover that thing with weed where you suddenly return to your body and wonder where the fuk you where for the last 2 minutes and suddenly realise that recently fallen from grace bastard nature took your soul to some place worse then hell and raped it repeatedly with some previously considered innocent natural thing, like a butterfly, before returning it back to your body with the knowlege that your gonna zone out and get raped a couple more times before forgetting everything, omg i goto rem this and tel somebody.. gone bitch, and be glad it is. You want memories of a giant butterfly raping your soul? All your now remember is smoking something shit and an unexplained new fear of butterflies. And then tomorrow you do it again, hand over your soul to be raped in the part of the soul where that can happen, prob multiple places, by something else. Smoke weed, scared of heights?Im betting you have already been raped by the sky, rocks and the entire earth itself (nature can make that shit work), see a fear of hights is made up by a fear of those three things, which nobody has realised yet. Scared of spiders, yep, you know whats what. We think we are in control steppin on roaches and shit, weed is natures equalizer, always the last thing all those hunderds of small innocents creatures you mercilessly slayed during your lifetime of murdering, where thinking and knowing. On day that big destroyer of colonies is going to get raped by a big version of me and then hes gonna go back for more.
And why only weed smokers. Cause nature decided that anybody crazy enough to smoke something shit like weed and pretend it calms you down when in fact it makes you anxious, deserves to be raped by giant innocent things, Free yourself brothers.

FFS, im feeling slightly normal now, which i need to fix asap, i am mildly aware of where it all went wrong, but i feel as if some powerful force has delivered a message through me and I am told, or was told that one of the things or whatever above is in fact true, the rest a camoflage or disguise, ironic since we usually use nature for camo, if nature did the same... An analysis for another time. i am not going to read any of the above, all i know is it was on a scientific email analysis and now its somewhere that warrants a cause for concern. I think its value is in its unedited form, be it a warning against meth, or for people like me an advertisment for a new experience.

Fuk i had to add the length of this, especially the part after the rush in no way matches the lost time, the rush bit prob took 5 hours of today in witch i can sorta remember working on the writing all the time and with full focus, and writing fast. Dunno, either i zoned out or something, went off on some mental adventure i was supposed to write down and not accept and integrate (hate it when that happens), or maybe deleted something deeming it knowelege man is not yet ready for.

I will finish the email analysis tomorrow, i have some valuable conclusions i will be revealing, dont miss it, i will still be fooked and less another day sleep, i feel this will allow further deeper insights which may be of some value. Who was it that said "Only -beyond- the border of your sanity will you discover the key to mental peace and happiness". To fully appreciate normal and know true contentment, you must brave the tricky waters of "hectic stuff". The key to being happy is having something to compare it to. Hmm..
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I am currently on day 4 straight of being awake cus of this crystal..... I feel dumber than fuck, i'm moving like a snail.... The other night i had like 5 shadow people standing over my fish tank the first time that happened to me i freaked out, i even called the cops on my own stupidass! They didn't see anything and i'm surprised they didn't look at me more closely, but this time it didn't freak me out, idk if i was too high or just up too long ! IDK! lol I had every intention of having a very productive day, that went out the window,, me and my bf had sex all night !!! I must say that is THE BEST PART about smoking meth. THE SEX!!!!! And i ran out! :( My pupils and eyes look horrible!!! I just started doing this shit alot more recently. and idk i think its time for a little break ! :D
"So thats what a rush looks like on paper. Never seen before euphoria, mild confusion and pointless but surprisingly sensical"

I wouldn't go that far, mate. What you wrote was extremely long, rambling, and hardly made any sense. I'm sure you feel great, but trust me the meth is doing the opposite of giving you "super powers". This thread reads like the best anti meth abuse warning ever.