Crazy toxicology report


Sep 5, 2010
So one of my very good friends Died from what i thought was just 2 .1g bags of very good H....Well turns out he was hiding more from us than we thought...

He Tox report came back positive for Herion, Oxycodone, Methadone, MDMA, Amphetamines, THC, and alcohol. Apparently he was still feeling effects from the MDMA, Herion and amphetamines when he died.

Anyways I just want some opinions on this the M.E. told his family that he went out peacefully...But with a stim/downer overdose wouldn't he have like siezured out and known something was wrong? Did he feel pain?
I'm sorry about your losing your friend. Were I an ME I would probably imply that people went peacefully anytime I though the bereaved people could find it believable, weather true or not.

Do M.E.'s every really know what people felt? He could have been unconscious or pretty numb. He could have sensed death coming and felt relief or felt death coming and felt terror. Either way his suffering is over now. How are you coping? Was your first reaction a feeling of unreality about his death? Wear are you with your grieving process atm?
My condolances for the untimely loss of your friend.

Methodone is notorious for causing respiratory depression. Adding other opiates especially good H and oxycodone would have worsened the respiratory depression even in the presence of stims.

More than likely, your friend went peacefully...his last conscious moments were probably blissful then he fell asleep or nodded off and just didn't wake up.

Please try to remember the good times you shared in life instead of ruminating about what may have...but most likely didn't occur.
So one of my very good friends Died from what i thought was just 2 .1g bags of very good H....Well turns out he was hiding more from us than we thought...

He Tox report came back positive for Herion, Oxycodone, Methadone, MDMA, Amphetamines, THC, and alcohol. Apparently he was still feeling effects from the MDMA, Herion and amphetamines when he died.

Anyways I just want some opinions on this the M.E. told his family that he went out peacefully...But with a stim/downer overdose wouldn't he have like siezured out and known something was wrong? Did he feel pain?

I don't think he felt any really sorry for your loss.
So one of my very good friends Died from what i thought was just 2 .1g bags of very good H....Well turns out he was hiding more from us than we thought...

He Tox report came back positive for Herion, Oxycodone, Methadone, MDMA, Amphetamines, THC, and alcohol. Apparently he was still feeling effects from the MDMA, Herion and amphetamines when he died.

Anyways I just want some opinions on this the M.E. told his family that he went out peacefully...But with a stim/downer overdose wouldn't he have like siezured out and known something was wrong? Did he feel pain?
I'm pretty sure I had a close call on MDMC if thats possible. NOT a good feeling. Very unpleaseant drowning/passing out feeling like your head is about to blow...

but yes due to the opiates, it was probably peaceful I doubt the mdma or amphetamines were felt at was more than likely the methadone Mixed with heroin. That IS a NOD from hell
A lot of those drugs would show up days after they wore off, it's quite likely that he took at least some of them on a separate occasion, instead of all at once.
A lot of those drugs would show up days after they wore off, it's quite likely that he took at least some of them on a separate occasion, instead of all at once.

The actual levels of each would give a better idea of which drugs were most likely to be the proximate cause of death and whether the probable mechanism was respiratory depression or fatal arrhythmia.

With respiratory depression bystanders often notice nothing at all wrong until someone turns blue and the first symptom of fatal arrhythmias is often sudden death. The ME is most likely correct in this case.
I am sorry to read of your loss. Never gets any easier, does it. :(

I am not an ME but I agree with the ME that said your friend did not suffer. While I do not wish to speculate, the opiates likely negated or mitigated the effects of everything else, and your friend likely passed peacefully. I would not say that if I did not believe it, as I do not believe it is a healthy way to deal with bereavement to censor or alter the circumstances.

Please take care of yourself and your mutual friends.
Thanks for the replie everyone.

But in reply to the first reply, yes it did seem VERY unreal that he was actually gone and that feeling stuck around until i actually saw him in the casket at the funeral.

Another thing that has made this whole process MUCH MUCH harder on me is becuase I was the last one to see him alive, almost got me into legal trouble with his death. I'll explain...

So we were hanging out and he said let's go to the gas station down the road to get snacks

and gas so I said ok. NOTE: He owed me $70 at the time so he wasn't going to buy drugs in

front of me with money he should have payed me back with. Anyways apparently he set up

this herion buy ahead of time and bought it quick when I went inside to pay for gas and some

snacks. After that I drove him home to drop him off and I went to my girl's house. He went

inside shot up and died...

Well after his roomate found his body the police had his phone and was trying to figure out

who sold him the dope to get that person for reckless homicide. Well the motherfucker who

sold it to him tried telling the police he sold it TO ME and then I sold it to him for a profit!

Which is simply not at all what happened!!!!! Well the cops looked at his phone some more

and talked to other people and found out that he was lieing and I had nothing to do with

selling him herion. I'm on probation also so this just added to all the stress of all this shit that

has happened...

I forgot to also say that Buprenorphine and Naloxone was also in his system but the levels where too low to make a real difference in possibly saving his life...

Once again thank you everyone for your honest opinion, it really helps to know that he most

likely went out feeling good with no pain. I still call his phone sometimes just to hear his voice

on his voicemail recording...I also still catch myself for a couple seconds of thinking to call him

to hang out then I remind myself he's no longer with us... I feel I'm doing a pretty good job

as far as grieving process goes, but it's something that will be on my mind for a very long

time as my life will never be the same as it was before he passed away.
I'm not sure, but it's possible he was testing false positives for a variety of opiates, when he only consumed one opiate. Either that or the heroin was cut with other crap.

I'm not sure how accurate tox reports are at parsing analogues.
From my experience OD'ing on opiates is that it isn't painful. Besides maybe itching extremely badly and then a fleeting thought of "oh shit I did too much" that is immediately washed away with opiate euphoria. It fades to black before you feel much of anything besides a lot of heroin.

I don't think the MDMA would play much a role unless he was doing a lot.

Sorry for your loss. Hopefully you can take some comfort that hearing stories like these can help save some people from OD'ing. And help save their families and friends from suffering a similar loss. Its a shame.