Cravings for heroin


Dec 7, 2009

i really want a shot of heroin right now. how can this be!? i havent had any urge like this in forever. FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK its bad too. i have lyrica, klonopin, and suboxone and i would trade it all right now....wait thats not true.

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, i want a fucking hit. man i want to fucking shoot a fat .2g in my arm right now. this is bad. i just started klonopin yesterday. maybe this is telling me im gonna end up doing something stupid if i continue like this. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. cmon man, why me? if the lyrica worked and didnt make me stupid and fat id still be taking it. so now that i take something that helps i want to shoot heroin all of a sudden!?

its not even that i want to do it right now its that i havent had AAAAAAAANNNY fucking thought about it in a long time. i mean NOTHING. ive been really cool. i just feel funky and not happy right now.

i dont want my dick sucked, maybe i want a cigarette. maybe its the cold weather. hmmmm that could be it. im scared though.

fuck me, if i had a couple bags id be slamming right now. this is fucked! i know urges last 10 mins or whatever but the fact im having one at all after this long is NOT COOOOOOLO. uujhsdfajk FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. er gah SHIT. fuck .

i need to break something or exercise. thats it. get outside.

fucking oxy, opana, heroin, ah man my balls are starting to hurt about it. its the holiday season thats it. christmas songs and snow and it all just brings back memories of heroin. i want to be warm. god help me. i also just stole a 3 thousand dollar laptop. maybe its karma fucking me. i need to give that thing back. i dont even want it. i dont need one this nice. me and my girl can get one for 300 bucks and split it. ok. so ill give it back. yeah fuck that.
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Homey, this too shall pass.

Also, the more you think about it, the more you'll want it. Go for a walk, take a drive to a store. Get yourself something nice, but cheap. Take a warm shower. Take a nap. Something that can substitute your desire to stick yourself.
i felt like this a few days after being clean for a week, I gave in, and gave in again. Been clean for 3 days now. I dunno what to do, went on vacation with my girl for a few days back now and i don't have any cash to spend.

ugh i feel ya!
I've been clean for over a year and a half but have been fighting some knarly cravings myself the last month or so. They come and go but the comings are more frequent than the goings lately....

Its always this time of year too. I completely agree about the cold weather...just makes you want that warmth...mehhh.

Honestly the only thing that has and continues to work for me is keeping distracted. The more I sit around and think about it the more it plays in my head until I find myself actually starting to scheme into ways of getting high. My biggest fear right now though is having one of those schemes stick and not let go....

I feel ya man.
Just mentally work past it. Realize that the way you feel now will change in due time.

Find something more important to you in life, and enjoy it instead.
<Please be respectful of others>
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Don't do it. Just remember how hard it was to get clean to begin with. It will all be a waste and you don't want to go through that again.

My kick was so gnarly that it left me never wanting to use again. Oh I craved it. I wanted it but I wanted life more. I actually caved a few months ago after being off heroin for 24 yaears........................and I just coult stand it.

I immediately bought 2 more gs and I stared at em long and hard and I DIDN'T do it............I called a junkie friend and said get thos away from me or its all over......again. I was that close to going down the goddamn rabbit hole..........

I've been craving every since but this time of year always does that to me so all ibcan say is I feel ya"

hold in there u have to we all the feeling but it does oass it does just do something to ocupy ur self
I have been fighting intense cravings. It sucks. I think if i don't have h then im so miserable that im going to kill myself. I wake up crying for hit, and have trouble sleeping bc im crying for a hit. I have to knock myself out with benzos, ambien, or whatever downers.

When i wake up, either from w/d or too much sleep, I stuff my mouth with a stupid amount of suboxone bc i can shoot over 8mgs pretty easily so i need to be at the 16-24mgs level all the time.

my doctor told me to combat cravings, take my suboxone dose more frequently instead of 2x a day.

if i can hold off, u can too.
I have been fighting intense cravings. It sucks. I think if i don't have h then im so miserable that im going to kill myself. I wake up crying for hit, and have trouble sleeping bc im crying for a hit. I have to knock myself out with benzos, ambien, or whatever downers.

When i wake up, either from w/d or too much sleep, I stuff my mouth with a stupid amount of suboxone bc i can shoot over 8mgs pretty easily so i need to be at the 16-24mgs level all the time.

my doctor told me to combat cravings, take my suboxone dose more frequently instead of 2x a day.

if i can hold off, u can too.

Eventually the cravings will subside. I am happy to hear you are doing well though!
fuck guys i feel you ive been off opiates 11 mo;s and fuck i want oxy so bad sometimes but the shit really aint worth it
... Just remember how hard it was to get clean to begin with. !!!!!!!!!!!

A close friend of mine just got off all opiates - his last dose was 20mg Methadone daily. He got so bad at times he robbed and sold all his kids toys to a dealer. He even crashed his car intentionally on his way to work one morning because he ran out and the ER was his only option to score. Serious, some of the shit I heard would make a hardened veteran afraid.

Don't do it. Just remember how hard it was to get clean to begin with. It will all be a waste and you don't want to go through that again.

My kick was so gnarly that it left me never wanting to use again. Oh I craved it. I wanted it but I wanted life more. I actually caved a few months ago after being off heroin for 24 yaears........................and I just coult stand it.

I immediately bought 2 more gs and I stared at em long and hard and I DIDN'T do it............I called a junkie friend and said get thos away from me or its all over......again. I was that close to going down the goddamn rabbit hole..........

I've been craving every since but this time of year always does that to me so all ibcan say is I feel ya"

I hope the op was able to get past the cravings. And to scoliosis. I hear ya on those stories and can sure relate to your friend wrecking his car to get to the er....probably not the best laid plan but a plan nonetheless. What won't a junkie with a huge habit do for a fix? That may be a good topic. Like whaere do u draw a line in the sand of what is and isn't alllowable as far a getting a fix when you are so sick you think you would die and almost wish you would. Like I siad hope the op made it through okay.
Excellent Question!! where will someone draw the line ....

well, I can tell you that a childhood friend of mine has fuct me out of 35 x 40mg Oxys and $$$ and wont call me any more after I started calling his dirty ass a juky.

Shame. I bent over backwards so many times I look like a pretzel.

I hope the op was able to get past the cravings. And to scoliosis. I hear ya on those stories and can sure relate to your friend wrecking his car to get to the er....probably not the best laid plan but a plan nonetheless. What won't a junkie with a huge habit do for a fix? That may be a good topic. Like whaere do u draw a line in the sand of what is and isn't alllowable as far a getting a fix when you are so sick you think you would die and almost wish you would. Like I siad hope the op made it through okay.
sweet laptop . keep it.

I feel ya, and I never even tried H. But I can tell you I got ill for a few hours really bad, ...... 2 times by running out of my monthly script of "280mg / day " Oxy and swore it will never ever happen again. Help friends is a no go today.

I would say good luck but I know words are useless until the shit is sitting in your veins.

Peace out.
Not sure if you were directing that to me . about not adding relevant posts.... but if it was , there may be a bug here or I inadvertently replied to the incorrect link as I tend to have several tabs open / apps, etc...

Either way, if its a bug i will communicae it to you guys . If not, will do. %)
I too have been craving something fierce. It's been 2 days since I had any and I'm ready to rip my skin off. I can't get any and I have absolutely nothing to help me get through this. I can't stop fidgeting and crying. I regret ever trying it in the first place. Plz, I just need a little support cuz I feel like I'm going to die. I'm pretty much on my own.