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Crackwhores...For the drug, or fo the tool???


Nov 1, 2005

The ice - is it really worth it? thread really got me thinking about people who say their addicted to meth/ice and how eveil it is etc etc etc...

Not one person there though mentioned about how addictive the crackpipe they smoke their shit with is!!!

These people might all say they were/are addicted to meth/ice but I can guarantee a fair few are just downright addicted to the crackie, not what they're putting in there...

What I wanna ask though to all the people smoking crackies/have done in the past and woken up to themselves...

Is it for the drug or is it for the crackpipe?

Honestly think before answering...

I think, for myself...I am really loving my crackie right now and not so much what's actually going in there...I just like seeing the smoke come up and swirl around as you toast it and breathe it in, the way it goes down nice and smoothly etc etc...

When I used to smoke weed as well...I was caring more just ripping down the cone and watching all the smoke come in through the bong and then out of my mouth when I'd pulled it in then explosion of smoke, than I was about actually getting stoned and enjoying the weed...

I just think from talking to people I know and have met...A lot of people just get addicted to their tool more than they do to any actual drugs and if they keep going for long enough with that and let that sorta take over everything, then obviously their drug addiction would stem from that...
Well, after one night of smoking Ice.. I spent the next three days thinking there was residue left in my crackie, and getting slight placebo effects, or glass poisoning or something.

Same with 5-meo-DMT though..
I read somewhere that heroin junkies do get addicted to the actual process of shooting up. Said something along the lines of some junkies in rehab inject distilled water or something to satisfy the actualy addiction of injecting something into themselves.

I can see how it can become addictive as it is an action that they have associated with so much pleausre in the past, why would they want to stop.
I can tell you I've seen people really into speed. Pay a stupid amount for half a gram of speed that maybe has one point of real meth in it, the rest who the hell knows. And they didn't even stay up that night. But the next day they went and paid the same amount for the same batch of shitty speed, and shot it up again, not getting much at all. He even considered buying it again the next day.....
Immortal Teknique said:
I read somewhere that heroin junkies do get addicted to the actual process of shooting up. Said something along the lines of some junkies in rehab inject distilled water or something to satisfy the actualy addiction of injecting something into themselves.

I can see how it can become addictive as it is an action that they have associated with so much pleausre in the past, why would they want to stop.

Yeah I understand totally where you coming from, last year when I had little stint with hydromorphone, when I first used it, I was digging into it for the lovely opiate rushes and then send me to la-la floaty land of nothing. After a while of using it, I kind of had this little weird fetish, of watching this little squirt of blood flowing into the syringe before I inject the hydromorphone into my arm, and also that little harmless pain when you inject the needle into your viens, its all about the ritual of this. Somedays I just loved watching that little blood squirting into the syringe and the rush that came with it as a total package for me. 8)

But nowdays I don't know why, but I shudder and give me little goosebumps and shivers when I think about it, even I no longer inject any substances these days.

So I guess, even I never used glasspipes or smoked meth/ice, but I think I understand the mentally of this topic the tread poster mentioned.
Absolutly i've seen people who smoke ice every week turn it down because no one could get a crack pipe. For me it is kinda both, i smoke ice about once a month or two and i can just sit there for hours watching the smoke and not even realise how high i am. But then i realise what i'm doing and stop smoking it and enjoy the high and not do it for another month or so.

Don't get caught in the hypnotic swirl of the crackie.
While I agree the art of crack pipe use can be quite appealing to some. The ritual in itself does probably get a hold on some people. You can't argue with the fact that when smoking good quality clean methamphetamine the euphoric high you can acheive is something that isn't possible with other methods of administration. This is where the addiction will stem from. This high after some practice is what makes the swirl of the crackpipe so hypnotising.
Immortal Teknique said:
I read somewhere that heroin junkies do get addicted to the actual process of shooting up. Said something along the lines of some junkies in rehab inject distilled water or something to satisfy the actualy addiction of injecting something into themselves.

The term "needle fixation" comes to mind...

For some people this idea of becoming strongly attracted to a method of administration can be of some help when trying to abstain from a drug.

Simply substitute with a drug that isn't as damaging to your life or your finances as the original.
Urbie said:
After a while of using it, I kind of had this little weird fetish, of watching this little squirt of blood flowing into the syringe before I inject the hydromorphone into my arm, and also that little harmless pain when you inject the needle into your viens, its all about the ritual of this. Somedays I just loved watching that little blood squirting into the syringe and the rush that came with it as a total package for me. 8)

No really, I love seeing when you register and see the blood squrt back into the syringe.. then one little push (then a redraw or 2 while its in your vein, for the fuck of it and to clean it out) and you're feeling the drugs effects... its such an awesome little game.. The whole wasyhing out the needles and shit afterwards seems like part of the addiction.. The speed kicking in and talking getting faster.... The licking your blood from its wound then wiping it with an alco swab.. the smell of the alco swab even!!!! its all part of the addiction!
I've always been a firm believer that the art of smoking the pipe is far more addictive than the drug itself, I was a pretty heavy user of meth up to a year ago, and for me it was definitely the ritual not the drug, that said however, I agree with Fry-d that when you smoke some nice clean shit, the high you feel is fucken addictive to...
Yeah I wont take ice any other way than using a 'crackie'.. First terms in NZ we say a crackie pipe as-> vessel, boat, pipe. Yeah I like the whole idea of smoking it and watching that 'hypnotising' effect it does, when it swirls around, blah de blah.. Also what I find hypnotising is the sound, texture and smooth sexy smoke LOL.. Like putting a big rock in the pipe, hitting the bic lighter (that has the child protection metal bit, yanked off, so to reduce that awful thick skin part under your thumb). And hearing the rock go 'snap, crackle. pop!' then recrytallising, and putting the pipe up to the light so it shines through the nice geometric patterns, the ice makes when setting. Then taking another burn and slowly rock the pipe backwards and forwards to see the large clean puddle move like a nice surfy wave in slow motion.. OK im just pissed cos I was smoking in my friends bathroom and dropped the pipe into there sink, tsk! I am miles from a store, so am using my technical skills to smoke from just the stem part (bulb broke off).. I like the pipe and the meth, especially the nice smooth slightyy fruity tasting ice, the feeling I get etc etc, so its not just the pipe for me..
It's not a drug I've use often but have had a few times. I've always used it with friends and I've found the most fun way to have it is with a tilted wine glass and a straw each to suck up the smoke. It's heaps fun moving the straw and watching the smoke follow when you're sucking it up.

So it's not all about the crack pipe for me, although it was kind of cool the first time I used one.
I think it's a simple classical conditioning (Pavlovian) going on.

Stimulus A: watching the pipe light up
Stimulus B: getting high

= good feeling

if you keep putting the two together, again and again and again


stimulus A: Watching the pipe light up

= good feeling

without the high.

Simple psycholgocial principal! :)
When I used to smoke crack, I didn't like it much when other people set it up for me to smoke. I remember saying "I like the whole ritual, not only when I blow out the smoke..."
On a lesser scale....i hate smoking..hate the tatse of it, the stench of it and i can quite easily go days or even weeks without wanting one. The problem with me is i have this uncanny habit of wanting to have a smoke in my hand.
For some reason when ive had pills or rock i can have a smoke between my fingers for up to 7 hours before i smoke it lol. Im fully addicted to the process of smoking a ciggy , moreso than the substance. I have found this with bongs and crackpipes also.
I've never been addicted to needles or pipes, but I can understand the addiction to ritual because I'm a ciggarette smoker.

When I've tried to give up ciggarettes, patches or gum just don't cut it... it's the whole ritual of having a drink in one hand, the ciggy in another, lighting it, seeing the end burn, sucking it in, flicking the ash... even when you're past the nicotine withdrawal you still crave the actions of having a ciggarette in your hand, particularly at those moments you associate with having a ciggarette; when drinking, after breakfast with a coffee, in the afternoon after a hard meeting at work. The brain gets used to these signals; ritual is a very powerful thing and it's ages old... from the peace religious people get from saying a rosary, to placing flowers on a grave... in fact the whole burial thing... why do we have funerals? Because it's a symbolic letting go, going through the ritual helps, even though it is only arbitary what we're doing. Dressing up to go out. Putting makeup on. Putting up Christmas trees. Things transform through rituals. The ancient religions knew this and rituals were what kept them focused. Wiccans have full moon rituals, harvest rituals; spells are all just rituals in which to focus the mind on a goal or purpose.

It's more powerful than we think.

We are all creatures of habit, whether we like to think so or not; when the brain is programmed to think: "this thing leads to comfort/fun/happiness; this thing is good", we get used to it and it becomes encompassed in our 'safety zone'. We imbue the ritual with postive feelings. Even when the drug or outcome itself ceases to make us feel good.

I don't know what the answer is to breaking the cycle, I thank my lucky stars I never started any seriously destructive habits (okay, yes, the ciggies will kill me ;) ) that I have to break out of. But I think this thread is good because it highlights that what we think we need is not necessarily the truth; sometimes it's conditioning and the magic and romance, the aura surrounding the act of it - the tools and the doing of it, the atmosphere, that catch us. Not necessarily the drug. Maybe that awareness is the first step.
for the definitive answer as well as possible ways of removing the problem, using psychological princicples click here.
god even reading this post is making me drool for meth :p
its definitely more than the pipe 4 me - i dont really like the act of smoking that much, it burns my throat and makes me hack up rank shit :X
only reason i smoke P is cos snorting it doesnt do it for long enuff and i end up cramming more up there evry 15 mins or so and bleeding snot all over the place and im 2 pussy 2 shoot it
i still curse myself 4 thinking giving my pipe away wud make me give up tho - ill probly hav 2 drug my mate and tie him up in order 2 get it back 8)
*=Regulator=* said:
for the definitive answer as well as possible ways of removing the problem, using psychological princicples click here.

That's interesting; so you actually need to learn to immediately associate negative things with the addictive behaviour in order to break the habit. Like Pavlov's dogs eventually learned to salivate to the sound of a bell because the bell was rung every time food was delivered, we can trick our brains into associating either positive or negative feelings with a situation. I can't even comprehend how hard this must be in terms of drug addiction though. Is this just done with thoughts or are there other therapeutic methods involved?