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Crack VS Meth


Sep 18, 2015
I have never smoked crack. I have only snorted powder once a long time ago. I use meth 2-4 times a month and
Was just wondering on the Euphoric side of the 2, what's the difference?
Also what's stronger in large doses?
Crack is trash compared to meth. In just about every single way.
freebase cocaine (crack) vs meth... why compare? different worlds. Methamphetamine is neurotoxic. Cocaine (crack is just "cocaine freebase") is non neurotoxic. Both substances are cardiotoxic.

The coke euphoria is cleaner and richer, subjectively, than an amphetamine/meth high or rush. With freebase coke one can reach a ceiling where you can smoke again and again and not get higher. With meth, you can keep smoking until you're depleted of dopamine and starting to exhibit symptoms of Parkinson's. Slow motor movements, etc. A meth binge takes me about 1-2 weeks before I feel normal. The next day after a binge, if I can sleep or eat at all, I feel extremely depressed and suicidal. With crack, the high, paranoia, any negative effects when you run out of rocks to smoke, wears off within 1-2 hours and then sleep comes easy with a benzo or benadryl even. Within 24 - 48 hours one goes back to baseline with no residual effects.

Can take clonidine to deal with the significant increase in heart rate when taking any stimulant. Probably a bad idea to take beta blockers with stimulants. It can be fatal.

purity, duration, financial cost etc all matter as well.
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meth has a bunch of different chemicals and junk in it
crack is mainly cocaine sure the coke gets cut but i highly doubt its as toxic as meth
but as far as the rush goes crack doesnt last long unlike meth you can easily tweak out for hours even days
What about the addcting/obsessive behavior? Isn't crack since the high last 5-20min
More addictive due to always having to re-dose ever 5-20min
Until ur sick of it or run out?
With meth I find if its good shit
You can use one time with a good amount and be good for a whole day and sometimes a day and a half or in some cases depending on dose 2 days! I find meth is as bad as you take it. Redosing on
Meth frequently just makes it not work and usless. Moderation makes it usable haha
I used cocaine when I was young, whenever I could afford it. I never felt addicted. I tried to stay away from crack, though. It was too good, and I felt compelled to redose constantly, so I wasn't doing much other than sitting around doing drugs. What's the point?

Decades later, I became fascinated by the Deep Dark Web and bought some pure cocaine. Snorted a little bit. Didn't feel much, strangely. Woke up the next day in the hospital. It had precipitated an episode of atrial fibrillation. My wife found me, looking like death, outside in the snow. I wasn't that far from death by hypothermia, actually. Yes, I'm old and stupid!

Helluva wake-up call, man.
Yeah - I like both but meth to me is much more euphoric. I feel super horny for hours and the comedown is not bad. Crack is a lot more intense and wild and the comedown is awful. Also the meth euphoria last much longer and you can stay higher longer for less money.
The difference is that you will eventually be shot at in the ghetto picking up your crack, which is more addictive but also MUCH shorter laster to its detriment than methamphetamine. For methamphetamine, you can probably re-up at one of your buddies' houses. They are both expensive, but a crack cocaine habit if large enough will break a millionaire! Now, does that sound like the kind of financial trouble you are looking for? I didn't think so. So yeah, cocaine gives a sweeter high, but methamphetamine lasts for DAYS instead of seconds/minutes and is safer to make runs for, as a rule. Also, cocaine is more likely to kill you.
Crack is trash compared to meth. In just about every single way.

I think it's very interesting to compare these two drugs as they seem similar although one is trashy and the other is still considered cleaner.

For instance, Crack is about wanting more and more and you'll do anything to feel that miserable. But the comments I get from meth are very different, starting with the rock bottom effect. It's far from being extremely quick like Crack.

Secondly, the effects of Crack lasts few seconds while meth lasts much longer. The risks involved are pretty different and the physical consequences as well.

And, like Dresden has mentioned. Coke is more likely to kill you IMO/E.
Many people assume meth is worse for their health based on their experience which is the only way you can have an opinion on anything but the issue is usually to do with purity as coke is notoriously impure due to being cut. So as per marauders' post above, you must clean up (remove cuts) both products before making any comparison - both drugs should deliver a "bell ringer", I'm an IV user (was), I have smoked both in their purest forms and coke in particular delivered a whopping rush, which I never properly achieved with smoking meth....much preferring the IV route, both meth & coke are amazing when it comes to the Rush, but you gotta clean up ur coke, meth is much more likely to be of a higher purity than coke but drugs are always best in their purest state!

But they can't really be fairly compared because they really have nothing to do with each other with respect to their action, but one can always express their preference between the two because they are quite different. I just get annoyed when meth heads (of which I used to be) say that coke doesn't have a rush - this tells me straight away that they have not done cocaine with a high purity. I used to IV meth and coke together on occasion, just thinking about that gives me chest pain.
I have IV'd Coke and it's not very different from Crack. All you want to do is do it again.
The rush lasts 20 seconds and it's gone. It's so intense that you might ignore signs that you are about to OD just because you can't stop.

I don't know how Coke is today, neither do I want to find out. But from what I hear/read it's too cut. Too dirty.

For me opiates always made more sense as it lasted longer and the feelings were not as destructive as I've had with other drugs. Maybe that's why it's way so damn difficult to quit.
Either way I'm happy with my choices. I'm totally sober for 10 months today.

Every one is different and I believe taste is very individual.