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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Cocaine Crack Problem using BIC

I feel a blow torch lighter you waste more then just a open flame lighter. I find a torch lighter burns it to quick causing less vapor.

I personally burn it into my glass then cool down. And then warm up the guass till smoke starts then I quickly start smoking or inhaling softly and slowly keeping the flame a little bit away from the guass so they don't touch and this way I always get the best bang for my buck.
you said it. torch lighter is always covered with splatter because it's too hot and always ends up breaking the pipe if using glass.
Lol waiting for the thread for the best way for the comedown or hanging effect of crack. At least I got that down to a T. Never have a bad day anymore and one once in a while ( that I bang that mofo that is)
No... I'm never going to go near that stuff again. It caused too many problems in my life when I did that stuff.
Yep. Same here. It’s been about 4-5 years since I’ve touched that stuff. It took me to the depths of hell. You only really understand if you’ve recovered from it.
I find that using a bong with a small lighter torch gave me the biggest ringer. Usually so big that I would start drooling and had to sit down lol iykyk
Must be putting on a big chunk if 15 seconds isn't enough time to burn it .
Although, many many people have weird style to how they smoke. Are you sure you're not just burning ' ash' ?
You also get the ones who burn the ash 2 or 3 times even though there's nothing left.

( Worst one is when the crack belongs to 1 guy. Naturally he goes first, then he just holds on to the pipe , talking or silent.
And you/ others are sitting there thinking "come on man, pass the effing pipe ".

Hated doing it with others, whether the rock was yours or not. Too many act really weird, carpet surfing , paranoid looking out curtains especially.