

Dec 20, 1999
i tried crystal meth ( 3 lines ) on nye for the first time and 9 pills over the w/end. On new years day after 6 pills i was on the train and felt very very paranoid, hearing voices etc. Sunday morning i thought i was in some type of virtual reality, kind of like ms paint. i could change what people looked like
it was trippy as. the pills were 3 tnts 5 1/2 yin yan and half red fila
Can anyone help me find out why i was tripping out so much?
I think i ate too many pills hehe
I've been going through something very similar. I took way too many rolls over the holidays. When I can back from New Years in Miami. I started having terrible nightmares. I would hear muffled voices in my head. I was getting attack of the Dizzies everytime I stood up. It took this whole week just to barely feel normal again. I will never do that to myself again. I was just soooo determined that I was going to roll in the New Year. Well I did, but at what cost? A shit load of money and possible brain damage. Fuck....What was I thinking!? Withdrawal sucks!!!!!
I'm not sure what was in your roll to make you trip. It may have been 2CB. The last time I took that shit I thought it was a roll, but I kept having flashes of paranoia (really weird). Its also a lot more visual.
Try to get some extra sleep. My doctor says the main reason for a lot of withdrawal symptoms is due to lack of sleep (brain fatigue). This I can understand considering I only slept for about 10hrs in the span of 2 weeks. No wonder I'm psycho!!!!

Sorry, I'm ranting.....Do you want bacon with your brains?
"Roll, roll, roll your brain swiftly down the drain.
Merrily, merrily, merrily you will go insane!"
[This message has been edited by X-RaverQueen (edited 07 January 2000).]
I have no medical experience whatsoever so don't take my guess here as fact, but I *do* have some drug experience and from that I would venture to say that the paranoia may have been caused by the meth but most of the effects were likely from the obscene amount of pills you ate. Waywayway too many. Not only was that prolly terribly bad for you physically, but also I feel sorry for you cozza the tolerance you will have after an indulgence like that. You may never be able to roll off one pill again.
~*~ Ashke ~*~
thanks for the feedback. I actually meant to write 5 Mgs and 1/2 yin yan and was wondering if anyone had similar wierd experiences with any of these pills. Everyone i know who had tnts was hit hard.
Also i didnt comedown any harder than usual, guess im just lucky
as far as i would think...far far far too many pills in such a short period of the meth...yipes. the meth may have made you kind of on the edge, and 9 pills, well, who knows what was chemically going on inside of your head after such a chemical excursion...i would highly reccomend a break from all drugs after that...and i don't mean a 5 day, take care...

I can't believe I ate the whole thing.
[This message has been edited by mr. E (edited 08 January 2000).] Man!!
All drugs gives you greaaattt high but try 2 space it out! Trust me, you will feel better with less bad trip or none even!
kick out the gloom!
kick out the blues!
tear out the pages with all the bad news
pull down the mirrors and pull down the walls
Tear up the stairs and tear up the floors
Its a perfect day to throw back your head and kiss it all goodbye!
Too many? Ya think?
Hey Mona - here's another future ambulance rider for what was it you wanted me to do? Pet him on the head and hook up an IV of Heroin for his intelligent and responsible behaviour?