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Confess Your Drug Sins Here, 1 at a time.

w0w0mg, I'm so sorry to hear that. I've always worried of this in the future if I didn't stop before I knew I was pregnant. Hang in there ❤️

Drug sins? Oh boy. I've taken half of my siblings 90day supply of stims, I have stolen an entire bottle of pain killers when my mom broke her shoulder very badly. I have gone to work and had a panic attack because I was still having a bad trip from a 10g dose of shrooms. I have taken massive stim doses to simply play with myself.
Not to mention the family embarrassments, birthday screwups. Lying to your parents, drag them to your world just to make sure they never trust you again. Such a waste of moments that you can never repair the damages regardless of how long you are sober.
Holy crap, selling soap as drugs? Hitting drug dealers with hammers? You guys are lucky you didn't get shot and/or stabbed for that shit, lol
I once picked up a script of Klonopin 60 x 1 mg tablets about a month or so after getting clean and working a program. I went to pharm sat in the parking lot and down ~20 pilss (20mg in total). Parent saw it in my eyes when I got home but I stashed the pills in a kleenex in my pocket before going to the hospital. While waiting to see the doc in the ER I asked to go to the bathroom. As the sitter was outside the door I took ~10 or so more mg.

Ended up trying to steal all medical supplies and equip. from the ER room before being released. my pockets were full of cotton balls, an otoscope, and various things.

I am healthy today but I regret my that day
I think some of our regrets will last forever. I believe that forgiving yourself is essential for us to move on although quite a difficult achievement. Some of the things we have done to our parents and friends are undeletable.
pocketed a bag of my friends bud not long before leaving his place. it looked to be a gram or a little under. He had more than one bag in his house and he was about to get more that day so he didn't notice. Still hard to feel sympathy for someone who just throws their bags of weed all over the house though.
I guess most of the sins are related to take things away and get distanced from the closest people we have. As from money, lies to love and good-byes.
That's why I usually leave some rat poison cut with baby powder lying around .. For the rats
I believe the best way to make up for your sins are living a good life and learn to accept what we are, resulted from what we have done. It may be hard be with time we can see it's all possible.
OK, my sin is a bit convoluted in that one since leads to another. Some months my script is short by a couple of days or even three to four days (Oxycodone). I WILL NOT tell my doctor nor will I go to ER. I don't think I take a lot. Am I wrong? I take 10 MG extended release 2x day and 10 mg 5x day--so total of 60 mg total Oxycodone daily. I am left still feeling pain. The generic suppliers have become increasingly worse. Has anyone heard of feeling a 10 mg ER start fading at 8-9 hours--without fail? (This is the one with the 10 on 1 side and the OP on the other-definite difference).

May I ask, When I stop that, I should not have a huge problem, right? If I am going to be short from treating a toothache, for example, I taper the last week as much as possible by cutting the dose in half, but still it is a quick decease. Another reason was when I had chest surgery and stitches in my chest--I am not supposed to take RXs from other docs so I had to use my meds for this situation--a difficult thing to do.

To cut to the chase, the real sin is that I can't admit the lack of mobility due to the act of involuntary defecation that ends up occurring along with the severe symptoms--I trust people know how sensitive a subject this is. Is going before you even feel it normal????

I don't take any more than what I am prescribed by my PCP because I have a written contract for usage so even if I have an abscessed tooth, I use the same RX from primary for my dental work, or use the primary care script for post-surgical pain, even when I am invited to take another script. I suppose a part of the sin is that I WON'T seek treatment, and last month my BP went to 240/150. I passed out and roomie brought me to ER. I was so weak.... I had not eaten all week. Part of why I commit this sin of not getting treatment is that I get such bad diarrhea I can't control when I am going to go. Last month it happened when I was speaking to the nurse and filled from my waste to the entire length of pants (sorry). I had cancer in that area so I don't know if that is why, but it is so gross......

So that is my gross, embarrassing sin. It only happens when I am off the Oxy. It happened when I was on 10 mg of the extended release and usually any amount would prevent that. So, I have now messed my body up enough to get serious. puree type diarrhea. Sinful, right? Even Immodium won't stop it. I have access to Lomotil but wouldn't that be a violation of the contract that says not to take any other RX? We ARE tested randomly. Anyway, I have never increased my dosage since the initial day of getting on Oxycontin, which was seven years ago. Crazy thing is that when I am taking the dose as ordered I can get constipated.

Well, there is my sin, I shit in silence, unable to control myself. All of this takes place against the backdrop of a very painful withdrawal. I feel completely disregarded by the medical community. I come up short by a few days despite counting out pills, putting them in every conceivable type container, locking them up, and when I come up short, like every one else it is pure hell. Thanks for the opportunity. I am told I could take the other RX as long as I notify my PCP within 72 hours but I was told they don't like this. Am I developing a tolerance without noticing or fooling myself? Straight up advice welcome! I will post in appropriate forum. So, that is my sin, people. 8)
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Stealing a few of my friend's little sister's Focalin. I almost never steal, especially from people. I'm not sure why I did it, and I certainly feel bad
Sobriety tends to resolve these situations. It takes a while but usually it's more difficult for us to forgive ourselves than your closest friends and relatives.
I have been pistol whipped twice and shot at 3 different times from these situations. No fun :(
We all know that addicts are the best liars and conmen on the planet and we would make shit hot coppers or secret agents but it always tore into me when I lied to my old dear. She would hear stories about me taking and selling gear, see me gouching out at home and even found different drugs going back to when I was a teenager. but I always had some bullsh1t to spin her. And tho I got busted several times it never made the paper nor the cops visit her house (where i was staying). This all changed when I got a big bust. The 1st she knew was when the cops kicked her door down at 3am. She was in her mid 50s by then and a very normal hard working lady. It was all over the front pages telling all my previous. She came to see me and tho I was clucking and felt like death it was seeing how I had made her feel that hurt more. On her death bed about 2 days before she died she told me she knew I was lieing etc but always thought I'd get round to telling her.
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Not being as present when my son was born. I try to compensate this every day but it seems I missed a lot and in an important moment for my family.
I introduced my baby brother to drugs when he was 13. He later developed into a horrible IV heroin & crack addict. I have held his damn-near lifeless body in my arms after he attempted suicide (massive combo OD).
Anyhow, he and I aren't even legally allowed to see/talk to/anything to do with each other until November 2017. But I don't know if we'll ever get past what went down between us.
^ These things happen but others tend to forgive us easier and faster than we can forgive ourselves.
There's nothing you can do about your past. Focus on the present and near future. You could always get a chance to talk to him.
At the end we are responsible for our actions regardless if someone else made it easier.
I was a drug dealer for 6 yrs on the darknet under a different user name and kind of feel bad about the whole situation. Sold oils, weed, cocaine, hash nothing to dangerous until I graduated to pills