Mental Health Coming off Invega/Xeplion (paliperidone) injections v 8.0

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Hi everyone , my name is Tony I'm 25 years old and I just made this account on blue light. I'm from reddit antipsychiatry and it's actually my first time using a forum like this so just learning how to get around this site. I've taken Invega 100 mg from July last year to February 29th of this year ( 8 months ). I wasn't under a CTO but in the midst of a psychotic episode I broke a window which resulted in a mischief charge so as part of diversion , I had to take medication and do volunteering which resulted in the charges being withdrawn February 6th. I'm currently experiencing severe anhedonia which I gotten used to , blank brain, no thoughts , no concentration , no motivation , weight gain (20 pounds ) , no emotions , music doesn't sound good etc etc. I've browsed every page of this forum and I'm saddened to see few commit suicide , namely bojana which ive read her comments few times RIP to her. I'm also scared by the fact that few haven't recovered at all which I pray to god that doesn't happen to me. I've actually experienced some improvements in the last 2 months being off the injection. For example , I'm more talkative where as before id only give yes or no answers. I will be active to document my journey and I honestly can't wait for the 6th month mark which should be September. Nice meeting you all and we all will get through this.
It takes some people up to two years to recover. Most of the long haulers are done by then.

There's been two known suicides and at least one false alarm in the history of these threads, are there any more than that? Invegatorture was a false alarm, he posted and said he was doing better.
I had a benzo before admission because I really needed sleep and couldn't calm down. As soon as it wore off I got so anxious and I was shaking and delusional again. I think maybe if I had just taken one (I didn't know how much you were supposed to take and I never took one before) I would've have gone to that particular mental hospital, but a less secure and smaller facility where they don't give out invega at all. It's where people go for suicide attempts and bipolar episodes that are less of a risk to themselves. Sometimes people go there for observation in case if they get worse. I would've been able to have private contact with my friends too, and that would've helped me a lot.

Ya i got no meds at all for 3 months which to me was far worse then invega was. The psych ward really was fucking hell to fuck that place
I don't fucking know why the standard protocal for psychosis isnt zyprexa+a benzo. Clonazepam plus zyprexa knocked my psychosis right out last year when i was starting to go psychotic again because the latuda wasent working and was giving me akathisia. didnt give me any meds as per usual hence why i never go there voluntarily. The fucking nurse i was talking to snitched on me
Dude zyprexa makes a lot of people get fat
Zyprexia is the devil, I instantly got TD from it after taking the pill. Parts of my face and tongue would twitch and I actually got rebound psychosis after stopping zyprexa pills. I don't know if it's that much worse than Invega though.
I highly recommend everyone to run or some other exercise everyday if you can . Like start what you can do to and build over time. I’m now running 30 minutes everyday
It takes some people up to two years to recover. Most of the long haulers are done by then.

There's been two known suicides and at least one false alarm in the history of these threads, are there any more than that? Invegatorture was a false alarm, he posted and said he was doing better.
it’s really hard to know exactly who did for sure because a lot of people just stop coming to the forum and people think the worst. So unless we have hard evidence then we can’t really say for sure
Dude zyprexa makes a lot of people get fat

Not if you work out like me or my friend did or go on a low carb diet when we went on zyprexa. She hasent gained any weight eitrher and has also gained muscle. I went on a low carb diet at first to lose some belly fat but after awile i didnt need to. Zyprexa works fast to which is another pro and has a low incidence of causing movement disorders
Zyprexia is the devil, I instantly got TD from it after taking the pill. Parts of my face and tongue would twitch and I actually got rebound psychosis after stopping zyprexa pills. I don't know if it's that much worse than Invega though.

What dose where you on? I take 10mg's a night (sometimes 15 or 20 if im itchy from to much morphine) an have no problem with it. I got akathisia and possible TD from latuda and so did my mom that one really is the devil fucking avoid it like the plague.

I highly recommend everyone to run or some other exercise everyday if you can . Like start what you can do to and build over time. I’m now running 30 minutes everyday

I lift weights ive been lifting weights about 6 times a week now since the January before last and im in better shape now then when i was 20 and doing bricklaying. I started out just dong 25lbs dumbbell bicep curls and now i am doing 50lbs dumbbell bicep curls. Thats double the weight that i started out with

it’s really hard to know exactly who did for sure because a lot of people just stop coming to the forum and people think the worst. So unless we have hard evidence then we can’t really say for sure

I didt have much to ad so i largely stopped coming here as well/ I mean what am i going to tell people? You dont get better immediately either t takes time. Took me a full year off the abilify injections to get better from the efafects of the invega and abilify and also the latuda pills i took as they were awful as well. Getting in shape was one of the best things i ever did for myself. Like now i ctually have biceps now.
zyprexa always gave me restless leg syndrome. i'd take it an hour before bed, fall asleep for like an hour or two and then wake up with really bad restless legs and that would last a couple hours having a hard time falling back asleep... i really wanted to take it in the day and smoke weed on it cause it felt so weird to me, i thought maybe it might be enjoyable with the weed, but i was always forced to take it before bed... i really didn't enjoy it... quetiapine prescibed with something else i used to get forced to take before bed for a while too. that used to give me anxiety attacks before passing out. i also didn't really like it cause of the heavy sleep... if i had to take an anti-psychotic i'd probably go with risperdal in pill form, that was always relaxing and didn't cause me weird feelings... everyone is different though. if you need these types of drugs, there can be a lot to try.. usually people recover from them if they are having bad side effects. they give all different people different side effects from what i hear.
zyprexa always gave me restless leg syndrome. i'd take it an hour before bed, fall asleep for like an hour or two and then wake up with really bad restless legs and that would last a couple hours having a hard time falling back asleep... i really wanted to take it in the day and smoke weed on it cause it felt so weird to me, i thought maybe it might be enjoyable with the weed, but i was always forced to take it before bed... i really didn't enjoy it... quetiapine prescibed with something else i used to get forced to take before bed for a while too. that used to give me anxiety attacks before passing out. i also didn't really like it cause of the heavy sleep... if i had to take an anti-psychotic i'd probably go with risperdal in pill form, that was always relaxing and didn't cause me weird feelings... everyone is different though. if you need these types of drugs, there can be a lot to try.. usually people recover from them if they are having bad side effects. they give all different people different side effects from what i hear.

I sometimes get mild restless leg syndrome from it if i dont take a benzo or zopiclone or a opiate before go to bed. Either of those or lyrica seems to stop it. Im prescribed all those except the lyrica anyway and i don't get the rls often anywsy. Other then that i domt get any side effects from it.

Quetiapine was horrible for me it gave me such bad ight sweats that i thought i had pissed the bed at first lol. t was fucked i didnt think it was possible to sweat that much. It also made my heart feel weird and sped up.

Risperdal sucked bad for me but not as bad as invega for me. Made my heart feel weird and made me feel kind of off. Not as bad as invega but i didnt like it
What dose where you on? I take 10mg's a night (sometimes 15 or 20 if im itchy from to much morphine) an have no problem with it. I got akathisia and possible TD from latuda and so did my mom that one really is the devil fucking avoid it like the plague.

im pretty sure it was 20. TD is freaky . I also got severe akathisia from olanzapine I was going for walks 3 times a day and pacing most of the day. Thank god invega never gave me either of these but it did give me anhedonia which is just as bad
Should i risk buying weed, I heard it helps with anhedonia and helps flush the antipsychotics from the brain. high thc potency weed is what initially caused my psychosis and the psychatrist warned if i end up at the hospital again for weed induced psychosis , theyd lock me for 3 months and put me on CTO.
Should i risk buying weed, I heard it helps with anhedonia and helps flush the antipsychotics from the brain. high thc potency weed is what initially caused my psychosis and the psychatrist warned if i end up at the hospital again for weed induced psychosis , theyd lock me for 3 months and put me on CTO.

It doesent flush the antipsychotics from your brain that is impossible. However for me cannabis certainly helped my anhedonia and other shit i got from invega and abilify.

As for if it's worth risking psychosis again just to smoke weed i don't know. I was informally diagnosed in the psych ward as having weed psychosis but that was just a label they slapped on anyone in there who smoked weed. I smoked weed in the psych ward after i got invega injections,, when i got out and im still smoking it and not once in that time did i go psychotic. However everyone is different and i don't seem to be susceptible to drug induced psychosis in general so don't go by my experience.

Do you think you had weed induced psychosis or did the shrink come yup with that? If it was actually weed induced psychosis i don't know if i would risk more time in the psych ward because fuck those places. I guess you could always have some benzos and a fast acting antipsychotic on hand just in case you do go psychotic from smoking it.
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