Mental Health Coming off Invega Sustenna (paliperidone)

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I know I'm posting at the rate of a troll on this thread, but I've just been in kind of a funk lately. I felt I had to post this.

It's 8 months exactly since my last injection today. It's been hard. In fact it's almost as hard as it was during the whole year that I was completely fucking saturated with this shit to the point that it was practically leaking out of my eyeballs. I guess that's just because I got a small taste of what it's going to be like when there is so little left in my system that it won't affect me in the slightest. (It never really gets down to zero). Fortunately, my thoughts as of late haven't been nearly as negative as I've seen them (like, back when I first started Risperdal Consta and eventually moved to this). I have to say that that's a clear sign of improvement. But right now I suppose you could say the reason I feel so shitty is because I literally feel like I'm sick. And I'm not ill. It's probably just withdrawals taking over.

It won't last though - the withdrawals. I've been at this stage before when coming off Risperdal Consta and I know this feeling all too well. My body and mind are going through all sorts of panics because the "medication is running out". And by that I simply mean the injection sites (muscles) are squeezing out every last bit that they can to try and produce the effects that we all know (and at a consistent rate). Unfortunately for the medication, it's an uphill battle and I'm sitting at the top with a Thompson and unlimited ammo...
January is practically over guys, it was a fast month don't you think? I guess we need to keep waiting for the withdrawal of effects, I still have 11 months ahead taking invega 6mg pills
Do you guys also feel slowly while watching a movie? I can read the subtitles without problem, but on the background I thinking what they mean or relate to, thinking always on the background what has been said by the actors... I used to understand subtitles on the moment..
Have a nice day fellow friends :)
I wish I could watch a movie and be able to concentrate on it, I'd consider myself recovered when I'm able to want to just chill out and watch a tv show or movie. At the moment I'm only able to veg out at night Andrew watch the news or documentary type programs and follow them and its been nearly 20 weeks off the poison.
Your lucky your just on the tablets mister T, you should be able to recover from your ordeal a lot quicker when you stop taking them, just try and stay off the cannabis.
At the moment I've only tried cannabis once this year and am finally getting my head round the fact that its not good for me at this stage of my recovery. I am having a couple of beers last thing at night and do get a buzz from them and go to bed happy, at least it gives me something to look forward to each day besides cigarettes. Not the most healthy lifestyle and I haven't exercised in over two weeks, but at the moment its just about getting through each day with as little stress as possible and the days will turn into months eventually.
On a plus note I've had the munchies the last couple of nights and a craving for pizza which I'm taking as a good sign because usually I'm never really hungry and only eat two meals a day. Managed to sleep through last night only waking up once and not dribbling on the pillows for once which could be another good sign, still having to recover on the sofa for a couple of hours first thing, but I wasn't as depressed about things and am just looking forward till the day all the poison finally leaves my system.
According to the minimum half life most of it may have gone and I have had the chills for over two weeks, like a type of withdrawal feeling, I'm hoping I'm a fast metabolizer of the poison although I could still have over an eighth in me going on the max half life. At this stage I'll be happy to have recovered for the summer and don't plan on relapsing on the cannabis although its still hard not going to the pub and having a joint and just chatting shit. Perhaps when my brain has recovered it will be possible, but I'm not risking a relapse at the moment.
I wish I could watch a movie and be able to concentrate on it, I'd consider myself recovered when I'm able to want to just chill out and watch a tv show or movie. At the moment I'm only able to veg out at night Andrew watch the news or documentary type programs and follow them and its been nearly 20 weeks off the poison.
Your lucky your just on the tablets mister T, you should be able to recover from your ordeal a lot quicker when you stop taking them, just try and stay off the cannabis.
At the moment I've only tried cannabis once this year and am finally getting my head round the fact that its not good for me at this stage of my recovery. I am having a couple of beers last thing at night and do get a buzz from them and go to bed happy, at least it gives me something to look forward to each day besides cigarettes. Not the most healthy lifestyle and I haven't exercised in over two weeks, but at the moment its just about getting through each day with as little stress as possible and the days will turn into months eventually.
On a plus note I've had the munchies the last couple of nights and a craving for pizza which I'm taking as a good sign because usually I'm never really hungry and only eat two meals a day. Managed to sleep through last night only waking up once and not dribbling on the pillows for once which could be another good sign, still having to recover on the sofa for a couple of hours first thing, but I wasn't as depressed about things and am just looking forward till the day all the poison finally leaves my system.
According to the minimum half life most of it may have gone and I have had the chills for over two weeks, like a type of withdrawal feeling, I'm hoping I'm a fast metabolizer of the poison although I could still have over an eighth in me going on the max half life. At this stage I'll be happy to have recovered for the summer and don't plan on relapsing on the cannabis although its still hard not going to the pub and having a joint and just chatting shit. Perhaps when my brain has recovered it will be possible, but I'm not risking a relapse at the moment.

Are you planning on staying on any form of antipsychotic or are you done with them?
The only time I've took an antipsychotic is when its been forced on me in the hospital. For whatever reason doctors seem to think blocking your dopamine is the cure for cannabis psychosis when you recover naturally without the need for poisoning.
Its some kind of torture going from being high or extra high to being injected with an antipsychotic and probably does your brain more harm than good imo. A benzo would be a more humane way of treating someone with cannabis psychosis and would cause a lot less suffering.
The only time I've took an antipsychotic is when its been forced on me in the hospital. For whatever reason doctors seem to think blocking your dopamine is the cure for cannabis psychosis when you recover naturally without the need for poisoning.
Its some kind of torture going from being high or extra high to being injected with an antipsychotic and probably does your brain more harm than good imo. A benzo would be a more humane way of treating someone with cannabis psychosis and would cause a lot less suffering.

I had canabis induced psychosis the first time but had psychosis without it the 2nd and 3rd time. I hate these dopamine antagonists though, it doesnt seem natural to deprive someone of there dopamine.
Well I can certainly respect those opinions, having gone through the process myself and knowing a bit about it academically.

It's true that some people are medicated, whereas they would have recovered normally. My hunch is, though, that more than not they would only be able to recover if they abstain from drugs and develop positive coping habits, and those simply aren't traits of people who are mentally ill (short or long term). The antipsychotic is somewhat of a safety net that has the potential to be built upon.

I think it's hard to determine if one has a more permanent psychotic state. In such a case, I believe the thinking is along the lines of it being more ethical to medicate too much than too little, as utter disaster is unconditionally avoided.

From what I've read, antipsychotics (apart from a few particular ones) aren't very bad for the brain, but can help one grow healthfully.

It's easy to hate antipsychotics because of how they make people feel at first. But if looked at over the course of years, I'm pretty darn sure (when they're needed) the medicated people are more happy.

IMO benzos should only be prescribed in select cases. They work great at first, then tend to deteriorate one's higher thinking and have no effect save to put off withdrawal for a few hours. That's my take.

It it "natural" to dry plant matter designed to have a certain chemical composition, crumble it up in a contraption, and use a mechanistic device to burn it while you inhale the fumes? Just food for thought.
^^ I can agree with that.

I'll go ahead and throw my two cents in here.

My second psychotic break was in 2010. I was 20. And I don't know exactly what triggered it because it was "triggered over a long period of time". I specifically remember what was unique about this psychotic break was being under the impression that I was being "targeted" by other people, and I was also "targeting" other people. Let me explain what I mean by "targeting" though...

You see, from playing violent video games for multiple hours a day and not experiencing much else that life had to offer, I eventually became this thing, this entity that had maybe three levels of reality to him. 1: act like I'm part of a discussion. 2: Search and destroy 3: Identify who's targeting me.
If you've ever played the game Fable, you'd know exactly what I mean. The only difference was I did not have a safety feature as this is not a game. Simply looking at someone would trigger something in me that wanted to kill them. What got me out of it was my coping skill which I call, wiggling it out. I focus on what's bothering me and I get on a bed or a couch and I just wiggle my problems out.

The third psychotic episode I had was also triggered over the course of many weeks. I was taking fly agaric regularly and kind of ended up in a sort of berserker rage. This time, I wasn't exactly targeting people. But I was being somewhat stalkish almost like the retarded guy from my home town who goes around stalking people and thinks he's a superhero. I started gaining all these wild abilities, or so I thought. And I wanted a chance to utilize them so I went around the city looking for any sign of a threat. Some could say I was dangerous, but I never actually caused anyone harm. I'm not gonna say what exactly happened then to put me on medication. This time my coping skill couldn't help me. I would say the medication was a crutch.

I can now feel myself heading in the same direction I was around the time of my third psychotic episode and I am running out of time to develop another, more effective, coping skill. I fear what I could do if I did not have it and medications aren't going to do me much good without it.
This might be helpful.
Thanks for replying. I don't know how I'm going to last with this severe anhedonia and lack of motivation from the invega for over 10 months.

I can barely stand another day of it. I've been taking supplements, drinking wheat grass smoothies, exercising. Anything that might help. It does but barely.

I've been wanting to try Aderall to see if it gives me more energy. It has before. My psychiatrist tried a few anti depressants on me but they didn't work.

Something has to be able to counteract this invega poison so I can feel my emotions again.
20 weeks off the poison, 2 weeks on the testo gel
Felt a bit happier the last couple of days, but as people have said it seems to come in waves, just when you think your on the road to recovery something seems to happen to set you back. When I compare myself to a month ago though I'm definitley in a better place.
Still no energy, motivation, sex drive or much interest in anything, but I'm not constantly depressed or anxious and have a bit of optimism for the future.
My prolactin blood test came back normal so its just a waiting game for the testo gel to start working and it does seem to have lifted the depression although that could be a placebo effect and it can affect your normal production which is a bit worrying, but I'll give it another month before going back to the doctors I think.
I feel sorry for those of you at the 4 week stage because your in for a rough ride, no ones come up with an antedote or anything that seems to help with the suffering, its a lack of dopamine that makes you feel so bad and you could have some deficiencies caused by the poison, all I can suggest is a trip to your local doctor for blood tests, hilary lists some supplements a few pages back that should help including cbd oil of course although the main cause is your dopamine and serotonin receptors being blocked by the poison. All you can do is try and wait it out and know that you will recover eventually. Its still not that easy for me and I'm at the 20 week stage, I'm having a couple of beers at the end of the night to cope although I didn't drink or feel like drinking for the first 3 months and cigarettes which I need to start cutting down over the next few months.
On a positive note I'm out saturday night with a friend for a few beers although I will be pacing myself and won't be smoking weed, a month ago I didn't even want to go out and was just too depressed, either the testo gel is starting to work or the poison is finally leaving my system.
Yes. I was on Xeplion(sustenna) for three years. I couldnt play any video games. In Halo I just couldnt grasp the maps and was like a headless chicken. A year later Im playing games again and I seem to remember the layouts better now.
Yes. I was on Xeplion(sustenna) for three years. I couldnt play any video games. In Halo I just couldnt grasp the maps and was like a headless chicken. A year later Im playing games again and I seem to remember the layouts better now.
Have you recovered your emotions and motivation?
Ugh. It's like nothing matters anymore. Had to quit my job because I just feel nothing. Applying for disability now.
I actually know Hilary. She makes some good points. Although some are debatable. I guess I should check my prolactin levels.
Trying to stay on a routine now and stay in shape, as tough as it may be. I know I'm better than the first month,
where I was anxious, tensing up, sensitive to smells, etc. Time just goes by so slow now. Everything is boring in result. Bleh
thank you so much for your kindness. Its so sweet of you to check on me. Yes you are right i am not doing better at all. Today i took 6 mg bromazepam (dont know the english word for it) to calm me down. ITs a devil system the side effects from invega sustenna are panic attacks to make me feel numb i take something else. ITs not good I know that. I had crying attacks too today and i read stories from people that havent been better after years off that medication. They still suffer after 5 years stopped taking them. I told my doctor i am scared cause it is in the muscle . iam scared that it could have effects like a vaccination he said he wouldnt know that. so i am without hope. i am sure that i will always suffer until i die since i got this as a healthy person. how is your son doing ? god bless tina
...They still suffer after 5 years stopped taking them. I told my doctor i am scared cause it is in the muscle . iam scared that it could have effects like a vaccination he said he wouldnt know that. so i am without hope. i am sure that i will always suffer until i die since i got this as a healthy person...

Hi Tina.
I sent a private reply. But I wonder how many of the people who aren't getting better are taking other medications? Do you happen to know if they are taking other meds?

The Invega is in the muscle, but dissolves very slowly in water. Just a thought, but I wonder if there's a way to flush it out of the muscle, with injections and 'withdrawals', for lack of a better word.
Right now, I'm experiencing what I call a "peak" on this medication. 'Seems to be coming in multiple waves that are almost overlapping. Just 2 days ago I was exploring a beach house, in my mind, with beautiful decor and scenery outside. I've never experienced anything like it. It was so real. I could smell the flora on the bluff, the way the sun heated it and brought it through the balcony door. But now it was little more than a dream.

I suppose this might be the last major peak. I suppose if I tried hard enough I could envision and explore this "house" further, but right now I'm so drained of mental, physical, and spiritual energy. 'Didn't even go for a walk today. 'Was considering going to the store to get some whiskey, but I think that wouldn't really help much at this point. 'Should see significant improvements by month ten or sooner. By that time I'll hopefully be moving from invega 6mg to abilify.
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