Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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I hope you get better mate
May I ask if you have tried other medications and what are they ?
Sure you may. There were other antipsychotics before invega. Risperidone injections. Before that, zyprexa in pill form. Zyprexa was evil shit. I doubled my weight in 2 years and my dick did not work at all. Okay the peeing worked but that was all. I quit the zyprexa and the weight came back to my normal (slightly, a little bit underweight and dick does things again) SSRI all the time. Otherwise i will fall, i mean fucking fall. I do nothing. I am in my bed, i feel nothing, i think nothing, i do nothing. Therefore, SSRI.

I hope you are feeling better also mate. And if you are already feeling good, then i hope that you will feel even better! :D
I still need to wait one more month before starting any other medication, I want to hit mania and not stay in this dull zombified state
I was on Quetiapine and it worked wonders, but it didn't reach the level of satisfaction, its a solid drug though, thought you might have tried it
hey ragazzi come va con il sesso? a me ancora molto male dopo 7 mesi ho paura di non guarire più
Anyone is allowed to ask me anything at all times, but i might not always reply. This time i will. Look, the prescription says: Invega 75 mg every 4 weeks, schizophrenia. But uhh... when i had health contacts, therapists and stuff, they said i do not have schizophrenia. I do not think that i have schizo but i have been severely psychotic and hospitalized for long periods, years 2006 and 2009. Substance abuse. All substances. Never heroin, never research chemicals, but basically all others. I was not addicted to any drug in particular, i was addicted to being so far from this reality and from myself as possible, and i achieved just that. That is the reason why i was hospitalized twice.

So uh... Finnish mental healthcare collapsed, because all of healthcare resources focused on a seasonal flu, renamed to sound more scary somehow. Could not get there. Actually a great question, thank you... uh... sorry this is not very coherent. Beer going on. No delusions, no hallucinations, i am not psychotic. But... I need this med. Most of you, in this thread, i do not think that you need it. I need it. To be a little bit more... functional. Just basic stuff. I need to wash myself. I need clean clothes. I need to buy food and eat it. Basic? easy? for most, yeah. But for me, a real fucking struggle. And invega makes it easier.
Try abilify it’s way better.
hi all, so i spoke to the community treatment order coordinator and they were telling me that most people lose there case. so its looking kind of glim like i may have to take injections for the rest of my life, anyone else here on a community treatment order, forced to take injections? i know at least one of you are on it but im just curious if anyone else is.
hi all, so i spoke to the community treatment order coordinator and they were telling me that most people lose there case. so its looking kind of glim like i may have to take injections for the rest of my life, anyone else here on a community treatment order, forced to take injections? i know at least one of you are on it but im just curious if anyone else is.
Try and escape to another region then.if I were u I would rather die than live on this stupid injections
hi all, so i spoke to the community treatment order coordinator and they were telling me that most people lose there case. so its looking kind of glim like i may have to take injections for the rest of my life, anyone else here on a community treatment order, forced to take injections? i know at least one of you are on it but im just curious if anyone else is.
Most people lose their case because they do not know how to represent themselves. Tell them you are not a junkie nor homeless. Tell them you can support yourself like having a stable job.
Most people lose their case because they do not know how to represent themselves. Tell them you are not a junkie nor homeless. Tell them you can support yourself like having a stable job.
only thing that worries me is that its pretty hard to communicate while on these meds, so i dont know how well i will do on the trial. I am just hoping to have a good lawyer that can represent me well. nice hearing from you again robustcanuck. Are me and you the only ones on a community treatment order, ie, being forced to take meds.
Try abilify it’s way better.
Whilst Abilify might be the better medication for you, please remember that every person is different. Only psychiatrists can recommend these medications to patients.

hi all, so i spoke to the community treatment order coordinator and they were telling me that most people lose there case. so its looking kind of glim like i may have to take injections for the rest of my life, anyone else here on a community treatment order, forced to take injections? i know at least one of you are on it but im just curious if anyone else is.
There are quite a few people in this thread who are on court-ordered injections. It's unlikely you'll have to be on them for the rest of your life though, unless you don't show any signs of improvement, which is very rare.
only thing that worries me is that its pretty hard to communicate while on these meds, so i dont know how well i will do on the trial. I am just hoping to have a good lawyer that can represent me well. nice hearing from you again robustcanuck. Are me and you the only ones on a community treatment order, ie, being forced to take meds.
I was forced to take meds but like i told you, i did a review panel and i ended up being decertified. i am no longer forced to take meds. i do not have a psychiatrist any more. hopefully, your appeal leads to the same thing because it sounds like you don't need any meds.

i believe Invega sustenna and trinza is finally out of my system. i just have to deal with the sideffects but keep in mind i was on abilify for 9 months after invega. it seems like abilify is easier to get out of the system but the side effects are still there. i have back problems, i can't walk, i have body aches and headaches. i still can't sweat .

either way, i am just happy that i am off all APs and i can recover properly. i don't know why people would choose to be on these meds if they had a choice. it beats me.

do what you can to appeal. talk straight to them. don't be afraid to share your work history in real life and the reason why you have a court order. the truth helps.
Yes. All users of this drug have noticed this problem. I have read postive stories where people have said that it gained back to the normal size after a year or so.
Invega is a evil drug. It just makes you fat and lazy.. you are bed ridden when you are on this stuff. it is pure poison. i was on it due to a court order but i fought back. i am no longer on meds.
Ya...I didn't really notice a difference in size...I couldn't get it up though... couldn't ejaculate.
how long have you been taking the pills? I was given 2 injections in December and I am still not well, I am working, but I am always very tired and I have no concentration, I also have sexual problems I am afraid it is permanent, if I do not come back to my senses by December I think I will kill myself
how long have you been taking the pills? I was given 2 injections in December and I am still not well, I am working, but I am always very tired and I have no concentration, I also have sexual problems I am afraid it is permanent, if I do not come back to my senses by December I think I will kill myself
It takes time. I was messed up for around 9 months. I'm pretty good now. I had the same problems. Hold on.
Me. I can. I couldn't for like 8-9 months after 2 shots of invrga. Fully recovered. Got the shots the beginning of August last year
I don’t know why some people say they recovered and some say they couldn’t or didn’t after neuroleptics. Maybe some people think they have recovered but get used to the blunting?

I mean every brain is similar and I think a chemical lobotomy for everyone does the same damage.

I really want to believe a recovery story but after 3 months and zero progress it’s just hard to believe at this point. Not to say you didn’t recover but it’s just hard to believe for me.

Do you go outside and enjoy just being outside? Do you wake up at night still? Can you just enjoy reading a book? These things are totally lost for me and it’s hard to see why it would return.

Really think today it’s just better if I just passed away because it’s torture. Can’t see myself returning to happy, creative, sensitive me.

Sorry if this is insensitive. I’m just done with it.
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