Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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Invega Sustenna has totally changed my eyes, my eyes used to be so big and bright and now they’re small and both look so different from one another. My eyelids are puffy and they’re all messed up.
If you have a mentall illness and you feel fucked up how would giving someone a drug that makes them feel more fucked up help them at all...this doesn't make sense psychiatry is so flawed its not funny anymore
If you have a mentall illness and you feel fucked up how would giving someone a drug that makes them feel more fucked up help them at all...this doesn't make sense psychiatry is so flawed its not funny anymore
Let me first brief you by explaining this post is intended to be dualistic and not throw you off.

The idea is actually quite profound, not ethical. To put such a person through these circumstances can have profound impact on the psyche. That goes without say.

So that said, let's say these two things are superimposed, okay: you the human experience and you the experiencer. Both of these things are neither mutually exclusive or inclusive, nor are they denominators on sentences I'm typing out here. The idea is that you're using brain chemistry science in order to produce an effect on a patient that won't have immediate results. The next authentic thing that happens is you go through the experience. Obviously the impulse is to reject the drug outright (or let's just assume). Fixing brain/mind issues is not a product of this drug. If anything it is a rather fortunate side effect that has nothing to do with the drug. Training the mind under duress is clearly the subject most of us will encounter. There's no question that the side effects are intolerable. But like I said, the two experiences here are superimposed.

Some obvious suggestions, considering some of the information I've compiled, is things like improving memory, cognitive functions, emotional health and so and on and so forth, which can all be achieved while on the medication. Training the brain to have an excellent memory, for example requires a person to use certain visualization techniques. For this reason I highly recommend Win Wenger's Einstein Factor. There's a free pdf online.

In theory, a person can effectively break the mode presented by the hypothetical matrix experimentation (AKA forced injections) and the results are incalculable. Inconceivable, even.


Don't expect this to result without the passage of time. Time, being an illusion or not is not the ultimate factor here. Your willingness to commit to something and undermine the less desirable of your two experiences will become extraneous... much like a snake shedding extra skin.
Invega oh invega shot in my arm. Invega oh invega worse than my morning alarm. I love the way you take away my pleasures in life. The needle pierces my deeper than a butcher knife. Oh how I crave you invega I crave you night and day. Invega invega yes you come and you stay!
Skype or video chat because I have good news for everyone who had taken corrupt drugs because I found a way for all of this to go away.
I don’t think dopamine agonists really help much when there aren’t any receptors for the dopamine to plug into. Meth is the strongest dopamine agonist in the world and it takes a very large dose to help me out and even then about 50% of the time it doesn’t help.
Metrh isn't a dopamine agomnist at all. It's a dopamine releaser which is why APs like Invega ruin meth high to begin with. And now the dopamine released by meth has nowhere to go. That's how APs like invega render meth inactive.

Cabergoline (as well as pramipexole) are direct dopamine receptor (some subtypes) agonists with higher binding affinity to dopamine receptor than invega.
If you have a mentall illness and you feel fucked up how would giving someone a drug that makes them feel more fucked up help them at all...this doesn't make sense psychiatry is so flawed its not funny anymore
What would your solution be?
What would your solution be?
My solution would be lithium orotate, meditation(chakra meditation is more powerful if you know good method) and pranayama to resolve fears and stress also its making mind more still and in peace, add iodine to diet, always try to see if something is delusion, don't ever do anything harmful knowing that it could be cuz of delusion, go to talk therapy.
My solution would be lithium orotate, meditation(chakra meditation is more powerful if you know good method) and pranayama to resolve fears and stress also its making mind more still and in peace, add iodine to diet, always try to see if something is delusion, don't ever do anything harmful knowing that it could be cuz of delusion, go to talk therapy.
Good choices. Only iodine supplementation i'm not so sure about. Too much of it has been shown to destroy people's thyroids. APs should only be the absolute last resort.
I didn't wish anyone should use APs. But in a situation where a person can live a life of misery while being able to be outside of mental hospital it just might be the lesser of two evils. I guess sometimes it's actually the worse one. But generally i believe people will choose APs if those are the only options available.

Sorry I know how mundane I sound and i could and never will completely understand what it's like to be you. Only thing I'm sure about it's not a good place to be and no one deserves it. At some point we kind of need to start questioning what sort of life is still worth living. And if one's life is just full of sorrow and suffering would euthanasia be a viable option?
Only thing I'm sure about it's not a good place to be and no one deserves it. At some point we kind of need to start questioning what sort of life is still worth living. And if one's life is just full of sorrow and suffering would euthanasiabe a viable option?
I agree with everything you said, except I reckon we should leave the discussion of euthanasia out of it, for multiple reasons.
Metrh isn't a dopamine agomnist at all. It's a dopamine releaser which is why APs like Invega ruin meth high to begin with. And now the dopamine released by meth has nowhere to go. That's how APs like invega render meth inactive.

Cabergoline (as well as pramipexole) are direct dopamine receptor (some subtypes) agonists with higher binding affinity to dopamine receptor than invega.
Good luck getting cabergoline prescribed
Came back from psychiatrist office...she admitted it takes a long time to get out of the body...then proceeds to tell that most people respond well to xeplion..i almost spat out my drink..this shot nearly took my life i thought i was going to die. Every week stories appears on the internet on how invega took someones soul literally
Invega is used a lot partly due to the long-term depot shots and because it's technically the only med for schizoaffective disorder, which is hard to tell the difference from schizophrenia. It also treat schizophrenia. So there are lots of people on it. I can't imagine it's that fun for the first few months, but it's definitely not a take-it-and-better med. We just aren't there yet. Six months to a year is generally the period one is supposed to wait. It's long by most measures, but it may also just be worth it, as the psychiatric functions seem to suggest. Lots of people are quick to post negative reactions. We don't really see a randomized sample here on BL, otherwise...
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