Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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I hope the side effects wear off quickly. Especially the weight gain.
Lot of people(5+) were on it for 8+ shots and side effects didnt wear off until 8months-3years passed, nobody had side-effects wearing off faster than 8 months for that large dose.
The video I sent is just an only analogy!!! NOT to be taken literally at all!!! Look up the word definition analogy synonym and definitions and you'll get the idea of what I'm talking about according to only "analogy" definitions, synonyms and any and other meanings related to it!!!
We can affect how we feel but not when our brain is calcified cuz then we have nothing to affect lol, simple as that.
We can affect how we feel but not when our brain is calcified cuz then we have nothing to affect lol, simple as that.
Invega uses minerals like calcium for base in blood and binds to receptors responsible for feeling dopamine,serotonine, oxicitine, histamine, endorfine, noadrenaline, melatonine, opiods, etc chemical in brain, then its stuck on receptor calcifying it for months or more. It basicly brain rape. It is also neurotoxic and can kill neurons. Study for what are those hormones responsible and you will know what happens when invega amputates them 90%+. Now about how it affects body: it can cause arythmia and rapid heartbeat since dopamine is used also to control heartbeat, can cause hyper thyroid since it induces strong immune reaction, can cause many muscle problems, can cause body pains(mainly cuz its irritates glands, bovel and causes muscle spasm) also many other horrible things. AND NOW FU*KING SAY TO ME THAT ITS NOT POISON.
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It's not evil, and doesn't ruin your life at all. It helps you think clearly and function and have a life instead of psychotic and being delusional. There is no words to describe it. Just take it and don't complain and accept then you'll be successful
I was misdiagnosed and canโ€™t do anything I used to do in my life
I will bet my life you will have infinity pleasure, enjoyment,fun however you want or feel like it according to ONLY YOU!!! WHICH IS NOT EVEN PARADISE BUT BEYOND PARADISE. WATCH THE VIDEO,YOU SHOULD ABLE TO LOVE IT NO MATTER IT
Are you feeling recovered and can feel pleasure after many years off the poison? How long did it take you
Then why Im feeling x30 better 5 months off it you id*ot I was in extreme pains cuz of it and DAYS SEEMED LIKE FU*KING YEARS AND I COULDNT FUC*ING READ MY BRAIN FU*KING HURTED WHEN I WAS READING A SENTENANCE, COULDNT SLEEP AT ALL, COULDNT THINK AT ALL, HAD 0 MOTIVATION, 0 GOOD MOOD, 0 PEACE, 0 ENJOYment, and lot more horrible things you stupid narcisist idi*t, my THYROID WENT NUTS AND I ALMOST DIED FROM ARYTHMIA or HYPERTHYROID or RAPID HEARTBEAT, it was so extreme. I COULDNT DO ANYTHING EVEN WATCH TV OR PLAY A VIDEOGAME(which should be easy) or YT, MY BRAIN just HURT cuz of it, I FORGOT 80% OF MY MEMORIES. couldnt work cuz of AKATHISIA, anxiety,pains,horrible memory, 80% memory loss, no motivation, no reward. I now no longer have pains and aryhtmia, rapid heartbeat or thyorid problems, now I restored 30% of lost memory or a bit more, anhedonia lessened, no anxiety, no sleep issues, no akathisia, mostly in peace now, etc. Now Im in haven compared to how I was before 4 months and why is that: CUZ IM OFF FUC*ING POISON. SEE FUC*ING ENJYMENT WAS MY LEAST PROBLEM COMPARED TO OTHER SHITS IT CAUSED ME, but still problem, AND YOU are TALKING ABOUT ENJOYMENT ignoring other things, you idi*tic larp. NOW UR DESTROYED AND OWNED BY ME GO HOME AND INJECT INVEGA AND ENJOY, kiss.
When I was in beginning of hell phase one month seemed like 1000 years filled without enjoyment, peace, happyiness, sleep, thoughts, etc and filled with extreme pain. Luckly Im no longer in hell phase.
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It's not evil, and doesn't ruin your life at all. It helps you think clearly and function and have a life instead of psychotic and being delusional. There is no words to describe it. Just take it and don't complain and accept then you'll be successful
Maybe you had it less problematic, its very stupid to generalize that everbody had it bad like you. Cuz u said this ignoring houndreds of other people suffering like in literal hell from this, bury yourself in the ground, the Earth needs fertilizer ๐Ÿ˜„
Its most probably hacked account or he is just troll faking that he was on it and recovered.

Its most probably hacked account or he is just troll faking that he was on it and recovered.
Artificial intelligence: all of you, but I am not artificial intelligence, only god is not artificial intelligence. I'm only spirit, ask any stupid person and they will tell you god,Jesus, or whatever they will say that god created the universe. And the person who is texting right now is just pretending to be someone else other then god. I didn't hacked anything.

You believe this because my words of knowledge is too much for you that your trying to bring an excuse that you don't understand but somehow it makes sense in a strange idiosyncrasy way

No i feel really bad this whole cto thing with forced medication pisses me off and give me no hope ban that troll please
I'm really sorry for you but I promise and I swear in myself (Allah) that soon I'm the upcoming years I'll help you become successful paradise which is infinity better then your previous life according to you in your own way( not joking)
I just stopped reading your text the moment I read this foolish answer when you said :"then why": my answer:*** MONO***๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚. Google this up right now you dumb people and again this time read very very carefully to what I said before in my previous text message when you just follow๐Ÿ˜‚ and not reading every bit of single words together at least 40 times. You people are so so so fools and worthless (big clue(worthless) for you to understand why I said just 1 single word and that was $$$$MONO$$$$ so much that you just got your self in a death sentence (figurative,not literally) checkmate. I don't mean for real that your in death sentence, what if you fools think that I've meant it literally, no I didn't,.German definition for worthless is wertlos!
Another reason is : humble, egotistical but I'm reality .
Look for all the definition of worthless and especially synonyms.

So it seems I'm the one who's having fun to the extreme right now,
I dare you to find just only 1 person other then me who even as a joke says:in the year 2576 artificial technologies would be replaced by mankind I'm order for them to not enjoy, or even realize that they don't enjoy for example I'm the year 2021 ,in the year 2576 you guys will not enjoy and not realize you enjoy life in every way and foolishly actually perceives that my life is enjoyment but in reality you would be much more fools in 2576. Nobody would ever think that it's possible for them to acknowledge that there is something wrong that they don't know. They will think they completely I'm very way controls your intention and realizing and acknowledgimg logic I'm every way.

BYe, until I see the word sorry in text message then I won't reply. So you better say sorry or I'll leave you people alone, since you believe that you know.
When a person says why : it means he/she is feeling helpless in a way that the person doesn't know what to do and asks for my help to make them understand that they are stupid in a polite,formal,normal,secretive, ordinary way to not draw any attention and again foolishly believes that they can hide they're beliefs from me(allahu= abilifyu maintena& , delusional and asks why why why. Because a delusional person cannot function and then . delusional asks why? . Truth(only only only only MMEE=me says" I always KNOW EVERYTHING EVEN LITERALLY AND FIGURATIVELY BEFORE THE BIG BANG WHEN THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY COMPLETELY NOTHING
Sorry for insult but you are now being delusion you better rise your invega dose ๐Ÿ˜„.
I'm really sorry for you but I promise and I swear in myself (Allah) that soon I'm the upcoming years I'll help you become successful paradise which is infinity better then your previous life according to you in your own way( not joking)
You'll be able to enjoy your life infinite times better in a way you have no idea what it is. In life people should always hope for something better then just sticking to what they got.theres always room for better and better
@Invegarecovery Im very productive now Im programming things that are very complex and even more complex than what most of microsoft developers do, and ur saying Im worthless. Read about my suffering in that post you didnt read or ur very ignorrant and bad person.
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Sorry for insult but you are now being delusion you better rise your invega dose ๐Ÿ˜„.
I'm fine with taking invega, it's just that I can't say the right words for something that is strange but makes sense. And I cannot help you to find a way to be invincible superpowers. Instead I just have to wait to end the universe if I'm on medication. At least without medication I can talk(words) to you.
So yeah: taking invega will make me shut up,but eventually in the far off future you people will feel my greatness infinite too much good which you are not ready for it at all and you people will be infinity torture,suffer in the far of future all of a sudden without any sort of warning.

At least with medication my brain is working to talk to you and tell you what's about to happen.
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