Mental Health Coming Off Invega Sustenna (Paliperidone) v4

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After enlightenment I decided to become guru and make this western civilization more spiritual.
did you always want to make it more spiritual, or did you enlighten and figure that was what you were going to do? i ask because i always had a mission, i was just trying to complete it. i listened to hip hop and couldnt do it until i really started seeing things for what they were
did you always want to make it more spiritual, or did you enlighten and figure that was what you were going to do? i ask because i always had a mission, i was just trying to complete it. i listened to hip hop and couldnt do it until i really started seeing things for what they were
After enlightenment I got that idea cuz of my new realizations. Before I had another goals.
Same thing. I realized most people are in misery and are feeling bad. So I wanted to help
And most think pleasure is only good thing in life. No. Joy and peace are most important. Pleasure is limited and temporaly. If you try to make limited into limitless you will only suffer.
if you look up the news in vancouver before july 6 2020 and after you will notice a severe difference in tone from the two news anchors if you pick the right video
guys i was forced to take the shot after a trip to the hospital, my mom forced me to take another one, so ive had to so far. my last injection was about 13 days ago. im moving regions so i can get away from the mental health act under which they force me to take medications, so i won't have to take anymore, i really wish i didnt let my mom force me into getting the second one even when i knew i could move and escape the court order, i regret it as it will be harmful for my recovery progress.

anyways the symptoms im experiencing now are maximum 5-6 hours of sleep per night, if even, maybe less, i can only sleep during the daytime, i fall asleep at 4-8pm and wake up at 12pm and absolutely can not fall asleep again no matter how hard i try. i wake up every 2-3 hours of sleep, multiple times a night. i cannot take naps. i have twitches which i developed after the shot. ocd type. sexual dysfucntion, boners are not as strong and dont come as easily. erections dont get maximum blood flow, feel like penis size has shrunk. overall anhedonia, lack of pleasure, lack of euphoria. i cant feel a buzz from nicotine, i tried cigarettes and they did nothing, absolutely nothing. im guessing its gonna be the same for booze and whatever else.

i have more issues which i haven't listed but i'll get to it. my most distressing symptom is the sleep part, it affects my mood and my psyche greatly i just wanna be able to sleep properly and nap. i've heard this symptom doesn't go away for a long time. does anyone have experiences with this? have u recovered from the sleep symptoms? how long does it take? please let me know as it is very important to me.

how long will it take until i can feel cigarettes again? and booze? i dont smoke weed but im guessing thats a no go too. is the damage to the receptors permanent. does invega do any sort of permanent damage at all or is it all recoverable? i havent been able to rest easy for a month now since i got the shot, longer than a month now, i have anxiety and depression all day long and can't be happy. ive been in distress since i got the shot. my life is ruined, invega ruined my life, i think about it everyday, i cant sleep, i can be happy. all i think about is the shot. i was perfectly happy and normal before the shot, my symptoms were under control. i had no side effects from the oral mediaction. then i was hospitalized for an issue unrelated to schizophrenia and they took that opportunity to section me and keep me there for 2 weeks and told me i cant leave unless i take the injection, i told the doctor i didn't want it and he came back and said its a discharge condition now. i truly feel like they ruined my life

on another note, they are forcing me to take the shots under court order now but if i leave the province then the act that makes me have to take the injections no longer applies to me anymore so im leaving the province in a week. after i leave and escape the injection, im gonna find a lawyer and try to sue the doctors who made me take this drug even though my symptoms were under control with my previous medication and i had no relapse, and was hospitalized unrelated to schizophrenia. they had to just cause to give me this injection whatsoever. i truly feel like they ruined my life. would a lawyer be able to help me? can i sue?

im just now starting my recovery journey and am still under the effects from my last shot, so i will stick around this thread for a long long time, throughout my recovery journey, ill be active here, this is my first post and its a new thread how coincidental. anyways i would be very very happy if you guys could answer my questions, ive been under alot of stress this past month and am lost and feeling hopeless. is there a way out?
I had a similar experience with Invega & it caused Hyperthyroidism in me & I almost died from a "Thyroid Storm" that requires admission to ICU to treat, I received no treatment.

Withdrawal lasted about 18 months for 3 months of Invega injections. I couldn't sleep either & I would talk my thoughts to myself all night. This side effect lasted for about 3 years although I was able to sleep, I kept talking my thoughts for about 3 years after my last dose.

I also developed Akathisia which was horrendous & I'm still recovering 5 years later, I get days when I just can't sit still & time seems to go extremely slowly.

Invega is a horrible, horrible drug & I'm sorry you had to suffer on it - hope things are better for you now
I had a similar experience with Invega & it caused Hyperthyroidism in me & I almost died from a "Thyroid Storm" that requires admission to ICU to treat, I received no treatment.

Withdrawal lasted about 18 months for 3 months of Invega injections. I couldn't sleep either & I would talk my thoughts to myself all night. This side effect lasted for about 3 years although I was able to sleep, I kept talking my thoughts for about 3 years after my last dose.

I also developed Akathisia which was horrendous & I'm still recovering 5 years later, I get days when I just can't sit still & time seems to go extremely slowly.

Invega is a horrible, horrible drug & I'm sorry you had to suffer on it - hope things are better for you now
You took invega and then recovered from the withdrawal in 18 months and then you kept developing side effects?
You took invega and then recovered from the withdrawal in 18 months and then you kept developing side effects?
Yes. The akathisia side effect lasted the longest (6months) & I didn't stop breaking out in a sweat every 5 minutes for 18 months. It was like a Heroin Detox that never stopped.

This extreme heat & sweating was initially the withdrawal I believe, as it felt like any other drug withdrawal I've experienced. Then the sweating suddenly increased after 18 months & turned out to be the hyperthyroid symptoms. It wasnt until 5 years later I was diagnosed with Graves Disease/Hyperthyroidism and received the appropriate treatment.

All my anxiety has been reduced thanks to appropriate treatment for the Graves Disease/Hyperthyroidism.
Yes. The akathisia side effect lasted the longest (6months) & I didn't stop breaking out in a sweat every 5 minutes for 18 months. It was like a Heroin Detox that never stopped.

This extreme heat & sweating was initially the withdrawal I believe, as it felt like any other drug withdrawal I've experienced. Then the sweating suddenly increased after 18 months & turned out to be the hyperthyroid symptoms. It wasnt until 5 years later I was diagnosed with Graves Disease/Hyperthyroidism and received the appropriate treatment.

All my anxiety has been reduced thanks to appropriate treatment for the Graves Disease/Hyperthyroidism.
have you come across any recovery stories in your 5 years.
have you come across any recovery stories in your 5 years.
No. Recovery is not something my previous doctors believe in. I consider my recovery from psychiatric care more important than my recovery for PTSD as I've lived with it for 20 years & know how to manage it.

I've just started looking at Drug or MH forums recently & this is my first engagement with a MH Forum.

I used to work in Harm Reduction & know Bluelight as a Drug resource from that time.

I've done plenty of work around recovery with clients in my former role in the Drug & Alcohol field but I had a breakdown after becoming burned out & left the sector.

I was working with dysfunctional clients & coming home to dysfunctional neighbours with the same drug & MH issues as my clients - eventually I realised the work I did was meaningless because I was harming myself by trying to "manage" the violence at the Home situation, being insanely resilient & doing it for too long - everyone has a breaking point & violence should not be managed but bought to an end...

Something my society & professional field of expertise don't do well & refuse to improve on, so I got out of that area of work & got an eviction order on the neighbour
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he meant how many invega shots and how much mg
Holy fuck my memory is a mess. I received no Invega shots. I had to take 5 mg Invega pills. The only thing that I can remember is that they made me fat.
The only shot I got is from temesta/zyprexa.

For the rest I feel anhedonic as fuck
Never felt like this in my life man
Even after 15 months of the last dosage of zyprexa, I still feel like crap.

Also I have that warm feeling in my legs (from akhatisia maybe?) especially when laying in bed. And I have trouble breathing through my nose at night + suffer from headaches.

I got a CT test last year 2020, they only found a nasal polyps. There could be a connection between the breathing and polyps itself. I'm sure I didn't had that before taking my first ap (which was Invega)

My dopamine receptors have been robbed
Does anyone got experience with mirtazapine for akathisia or anti-psychotic induced depression ?
No. Recovery is not something my previous doctors believe in. I consider my recovery from psychiatric care more important than my recovery for PTSD as I've lived with it for 20 years & know how to manage it.

I've just started looking at Drug or MH forums recently & this is my first engagement with a MH Forum.

I used to work in Harm Reduction & know Bluelight as a Drug resource from that time.

I've done plenty of work around recovery with clients in my former role in the Drug & Alcohol field but I had a breakdown after becoming burned out & left the sector.

I was working with dysfunctional clients & coming home to dysfunctional neighbours with the same drug & MH issues as my clients - eventually I realised the work I did was meaningless because I was harming myself by trying to "manage" the violence at the Home situation, being insanely resilient & doing it for too long - everyone has a breaking point & violence should not be managed but bought to an end...

Something my society & professional field of expertise don't do well & refuse to improve on, so I got out of that area of work & got an eviction order on the neighbour
your doctors dont believe you could make a full recovery? are we talking about specifically recovering from paliperidone

cause everything in my life was perfectly fine until this came along. if you have something else holding you back like other medications, that would be something to consider if your saying all of the things going on
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